

Abba called us all to the garden to talk after Ya Mahmud was ready. I quickly changed to a green maxi dress with a brown veil and skipped to the garden where I saw everyone seated on the carpet grass including Hauwa. I guess her parents are out of town. I joined them and sat beside Hauwa crossing my legs my elbows on my knees.

Abba cleared his throat getting everyone's attention. "Earlier today Umma and I had a chit chat and decided to get your opinion on the matter." he paused and looked around "We would like to get your opinion on us going to Nigeria to visit your relatives after Zarah and Hauwa is on holiday."

He turned towards Hauwa. "As it is your parents will be in Saudi Arabia for two more years, they have allowed you to come along not wanting to leave you alone and you can use this opportunity to also see your hometown,"

I turned to look at Hauwa, she nodded. "Abba does that mean we are going to Nigeria in two weeks?" I asked feeling giddy already as I was visiting Nigeria for the first time. He nodded " On Sunday two days after your vacation," I squealed.

"I'm going to Nigeria, I'm going to see my grandparents, Hauwa we're going to Nigeria woohoo!" I pulled her up and we danced around the garden. "Zarah, Hauwa guards are around!" Umma scolded us.

Oops, we sat back down. Umma stood up and made her way to the kitchen. Abba stood up and went back inside the house. I saw Ya Mahmud follow Abba. About thirty minutes later my adhan called signalling time for Asr prayer.

I stood up and pulled Hauwa with me and together we made our way to my room. We entered the bathroom as it was a double sink and performed ablution. We went out and prayed. I made dua for our upcoming trip and everybody and the entire Muslim Ummah.

Mahmud's P.O.V

I stood up as soon as I saw Abba standing up and followed him close behind. Once he was about to enter his room I called his name. He turned and looked at me waiting for me to speak "Can I talk to you?" I asked him. "sure," he said and led me into his room.

We sat on the couch. I didn't know where to start. "Abba is it safe?" I randomly said. "What do you mean?" He asked looking confused."I mean I heard your conversation with Umma yesterday about Uncle Kassim'" I paused to see his reaction.

"He might be in Nigeria," I continued seeing as he looked indifferent. "Mahmud," he said. "Na'am Abba" I replied. "I understand where you're coming from but is it not high time we visit our home town, we can only depend on Allah's protection and also being vigilant and Insha Allah nothing will happen," I nodded. Even with that I still have to do something to protect them.

"Thank you, Abba but please we have to be extra careful just in case." He nodded and was about to speak when we heard the adhan being called. We stood up and made our way to the mosque just outside our house to pray asr prayer.

As soon as we came back we were welcomed with the sweet scent of rice with chicken. We met Umma calling everyone for a late lunch. I sat opposite Abba, Umma beside him, Zarah beside me and Hauwa beside Zarah. I saw the remaining food. Rice, chicken, salad and hibiscus drink. Alhamdullilah. We said our bismillah and ate in silence everyone engrossed in their various thoughts.

"Abba school is closing early," Zarah said out of the blue. "Why," Abba asked looking perplexed. "Some problems with the government. We received the message when Hauwa and I went to pray asr prayer, so we are writing our exams next week Wednesday." Zarah replied.

That's good the earlier we go, the earlier we come back and the less risk of an encounter with Uncle Kassim. "Hm,m so I guess we are going to Nigeria by Saturday. Is that okay with everyone?" I nodded while Zarah and Hauwa squealed.

I shook my head, those girls will never change. Masha Allah, I'm happy to be going back to Nigeria but precautions will have to be taken against Uncle Kassim. I finished eating and excused myself going up to my room I called up one of the best investigators/bodyguards Oga Mike.

I gave him the necessary instructions and ended the call being at ease knowing we will be safe as we go to Nigeria. I laid back on the bed and fell into a deep slumber.

Zarah's P.O.V

"Hauwa wallah I'm not ready for our archaeology exam, I've been in the hospital for most of the term!" I whined. I can't afford to fail this exam. "Don't worry darling the teachers gave me study cards specifically for you as they know you have been absent," Hauwa said bringing out the study cards from her backpack.

I jumped on her back, "Hauwa thank you, thank you, thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me without you being in that class I would probably have failed this year's exam!" I gushed. "I know I'm the best no need to tell me!" She said sassily I got off her back and punched her lightly.

Her being her overdramatic self screamed. I rolled my eyes. "You know we need to get packing right. I don't even know what to pack, the weather, what they wear I know nothing. I don't even know if they speak English." I sighed. "First of all, of course, they speak English Duffus secondly just pack for both cold and hot weather thirdly they have this native wears but we can get those when we get there. My mom has them and has worn them before." Hauwa replied matter of factly.

"Ok hmm I know you have half of your clothes here and about two of your boxes but won't we need like three each and we didn't even ask how long we would be there," I said already stressed out " ZARAH!" Hauwa shouted my name "Yesss..." I replied slowly looking at her.

"You have to study and we can discuss packing later ok. We still have a few days and besides, once we write our exams on Wednesday we have the remaining days to pack and we can ask Umma if we need any help so chill and read" "ok ok I will."