
Fateless Demon

The gods are worse than devils, and the sages are corrupt. The chains of fate are broken and a forgotten tapestry begins anew. As a mere mortal, he slayed the gods and shattered the fetters of fate. And now as a divine being, he will act as his heart desires, pleasing only himself.

Chainwriter · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Skeletons in the cupboard

Ren choked on his own saliva as soon as Twilight Silver said this. What the hell did she mean by fighting the gods head on, without fighting them head on?

When he himself went on to slay the gods, despite countless perception blocking enchantments, he was discovered by the deities in mere seconds. How then would she and the few hundred man strong army of the heralds infiltrate the heavens and fight the deities without the ancient beings knowing. There were a hundred great sages constantly keeping watch at all times, and a few lesser deities serving as guards. But still, it was Twilight Silver he was talking about, the bastard daughter of an estranged deity who simply refused to stay dead. When they had been younger, the gods had put up the D.E.D - Demigod Extermination Decree, issuing the execution of all half bloods. As a ten year old, she had managed to survive constant attacks by experienced mages, simply incinerating them with Helios' power, she had been the only one to survive Zeus' concentration camp, and she had once survived being stabbed through the heart. With Twi, the expression 'Where there is a will, there's a way' couldn't be truer.

Twilight Silver shifted her hair slightly and stood up from her seat.

"Let's finish this discussion back at the base."

Chel swiftly tossed him a spirit stone from her pouch, and in a few seconds, they were gone. Ren frowned slightly as he watched their retreating backs.

"Twi's gonna do something stupid..."

But that was not his concern, right now at least, he made sure to personally serve Twi and the rest every morning, for old times sake, and now that they were gone, he could go about his other business.

"It's about time."

The disdainful apparition glared at him with a contemptuous sneer.


The darkness Ren controlled was not natural darkness, but instead was a strange manifestation of his very soul. Thus, sending a tiny bit into the empty armor standing around in the lobby gave them a semblance of life.

Darkness filled the inside of the armor and the knights sprung to life. Each knight had a different task depending on the will he imputed into the darkness. Some were meant to clean the place, some were meant to serve customers, and some were meant to cook.

"Take good care of the place, guys."

Ren called back as he walked into the basement.

However, his light smile and gentlemanly air were dropped at the door way, as his demeanor instantly turned ice cold and the darkness surrounding him became suffocating.

Here and there various creatures were hung, skeletons of different creatures lay in large cupboards, and a few unconscious women with swollen stomachs stood chained to the wall. This was a complete 360° turn from the friendly motel manager. Even the wraith had changed too, its appearance changing from the cold sneering personality with a wild look in its eye, to a more mild and friendly one. As a given, Ren was now the one with the cold sneering personality and a crazed look in his onyx black eyes.

Ren was not a saint. He was an Alchemist, and an alchemist had to do some pretty dark stuff. For a guy who lost everything he had gained to avenge that which he had lost, it was one of the few things that gave him a semblance of sanity. A hobby, if you will.

"The potion isn't right."

Ren's attention was instantly turned to a cauldron bubbling on the flames from a dragon's heart. He was honestly very disappointed as he had had to refine the mana cores of at least three hundred different people to serve as a base.

"I'll need to embark on another massacre."

For this side of Ren, having gone through the intricacies of fate and looking through the perspective of the deities, he had learned how flimsy lives were. In the grand scale of things, only the gods mattered as they were practically immortal. Human lives were meant to serve as entertainment for the deities, thus their pathetic little lives were worthless. So, he had been working on a life lengthening elixir for the past two years. He had been naive, thinking that immortality was a curse when it was actually a blessing that would help man rival the gods.

"I'll need the blood of an immortal."

Once again, he regretted the fact that Twi wasn't here with him. If she were, then a few drops would have been enough.

He diverted his attention to to unconscious women chained to the wall with cold indifference.

"A few months more..."

In their wombs, he was brewing up biological weapons that would help him to in his quest to conquer a world of his own. Why would he be content with running a citadel on the seven hundredth world when he could just conquer it entirely? However the Labyrinth spawns there were particularly powerful and thus he would need spawns of his own. The Creator had designed the perfect cauldron for the hardest alchemy practice in all the worlds, baby making. And Ren could reuse the special cauldron called a woman's womb to create biological abominations that would be under his control.

Anyways, the most recent project he had embarked upon was also the hardest. Scooping some of the thick semi liquid concoction, Ren's poker face was shaken for the first time.

"It tastes like crap..."

He was trying to replicate natural honey, one of the ten most scarce resources in the entire labyrinth. Sighing, Ren crashed into a majestic onyx throne that seemingly rose from the darkness.

"I guess I'll have to go on a shopping trip."

The potion could be corrected by slaying another god, there wasn't much he could do about the monstrous abominations he was brewing up, but he could find some more cauldrons. And last, but certainly not least, he would need a sample of actual real natural honey to serve as a reference guide.