
Fated to the wolves

Kaiah was as normal and boring as it gets until she loses everything and finds herself drawn to making changes she never saw coming. She unknowingly enters a completely different she must learn to live in and love, all while trying to uncover all her family secrets because they’re coming for her and she doesn’t know who, when or why. Come along for the journey of love and self discovery and she if Kaiah makes it out alive.

DaoistetSCd1 · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Coming to her rescue

Calian POV

When she turned and looked at me with the darkest brown eyes I've ever seen I thought the world stopped for that moment so I would just stare at her forever. When I first caught a look at her from across the bar my wolf Onyx was in a frenzy in my mind, its poorly lit in there and I didn't recognize her from what I could see but Onyx wouldn't calm down. She seemed annoyed and walked outside and something I cant explain was pulling me out behind her before I could realize what I was doing.

"can I help you with something?" her voice was like honey and suddenly I was surrounded by the smell of vanilla and sea salt, I would've never imagined I'd love that combination so much. I must be losing my mind following her out here like a murdered.

"No I'm sorry you looked... familiar. I didn't mean to bother you" I mumbled feeling like a complete idiot. When suddenly she turned and looked at me and Onyx yelled "MATE" and my world seemed to realign itself to be completely dependent on the beauty in front of me.

She slightly tilted her head like she was waiting for me to say something else then went back to drinking her beer and staring out at the night. "I've never seen you around here before, my name is Calian. What's yours?" I asked needing to hear her speak more, needing my heart to slow down, needing to keep smelling her scent, just needing her in the oddest sense.

She took a quick sideway glance at me "Kaiah, do you frequent this bar or something?"

"I'm not a drunk if that's what you're getting at, locals like to hang out here a lot and we don't really get tourist here." I replied with a chuckle, she's feisty. "are you sure she's our mate?" I question Onyx. "Of course I am, you can't mistake a mate bond. She is ours!" he snaps back. "she doesn't seem to be affected whatsoever, is she even a wolf?" I reply back studying her. "its unheard of to have a human mate" I think to myself. "she is not a human!" Onyx yells back almost as if I insulted him.

I can see her now staring at my as I internally argue with my arrogant wolf. Shoving him to the back of my mind I slowly walk towards her table. "may I sit with you?"

"sure" she replies so quietly I almost didn't hear her. I take a seat as she looks busy playing with the label on the beer bottle. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes before I ask "so what brings you here?"

She takes a shaky breath as if she's holding back the desire to cry "my mom passed away about a month ago and I was looking for a fresh start."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." I trail off feeling this pain in my heart for her. "I lost my parents when I was 12 in a fire." I whisper back.

"I'm sorry for your loss"

"it was a long time ago but thank you" we sit and stare at the stars when I catch a scent of another werewolf coming our way. "would you like to join me inside, I'll buy you another drink" I offer her my hand and electricity shoots up my arm when she takes it. "told you she was our mate" Onyx says smugly.

We make our way inside and I guide her to the table in the back corner just as Jackson makes his way in the bar. "he's such an asshat" Onyx growls. Jackson was the neighboring packs Alphas son and he like to screw anything that walked. The thought of him coming near her had Onyx growling in the back of my mind. I sat in front of her when I got back with the drinks blocking her from view and I saw a small smile grace her lips as the jukebox started playing One Last Breath by Creed.

"I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking maybe six feet ain't so far down" she sings softly, only I can hear her. Her voice is amazing and I just sit back and listen as she continues singing with her eyes closed. "I still believe there's something left for me so please come stay with me" when the song finally ends I softly clap not trying to gain any attention.

"thank you" she laughs

"where did you learn to sing like that?" I smile back at her.

"nowhere, I just really love to sing to myself" she's blushing and it's the sexiest thing I've ever seen. We spend the next two hours talking about music and where she grew up and I feel like I could listen to her forever. Suddenly she gets up to go to the restroom and I point her in the right direction. "she's amazing and by the power of the moon goddess she ended up all the way over here in the middle of nowhere" I say solemnly to Onyx. "why are you so down when we've met our mate?!" I don't respond for awhile trying to figure out why I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"I don't know, I just feel like there's something were missing here." I finally reply still unsure why I suddenly have this feeling. "hey she's been gone for a long time now, check on her" onyx is getting anxious at her absence. I get up and head to the bathrooms and as I get closer I see Jackson with some chick in the corner. Her scent hits me before I see her and then Onyx takes over as he rips Jackson off of her and growls loudly. All eyes are now on us as he chuckles "man I saw her first get your own peace of ass" he tries to push past me and my eyes are pitch black as another growl rips through my chest, Onyx bares his teeth at Jackson wanting to rip his throat out.

"HEY! Take it outside, not in here" the bartender yells over, as his hand hovers under the bar where he keeps his shotgun loaded with silver bullets. This a werewolf bar, neutral territory but as I told Kaiah earlier we usually don't get tourist. "that asshole wouldn't take no for an answer" Kaiah huffs her face red with anger and she grabs my arm. Her touch gives a shock to my system and I'm able to get control back from Onyx, I count down from 10 in my head to calm myself and then grab her hand and push past Jackson. "Let Alexander know Troy sends his best." I say over my shoulder and the smirk he had on his face falls as I mention his fathers name. as we get outside she pulls on my hand stopping me "thank you for helping me back there, usually I'm better at avoiding guys like that but he caught me off guard" she's clearly still upset.

"I'm sorry Jackson is an asshole on his best day, feels entitled to everything and doesn't quite understand rejection" I say angry at the situation myself but wanting to comfort her.

"well its pretty late I'm going to call a car, I should be heading home" she says as she pulls out her phone.

"sorry to be the bearer of bad news but cars don't come to this area past 10pm, do you live in the city?" I ask as I can see the frustration on her face.

"no I bought what I guess locals call the maple cabin, I wish the cab driver that brought me would've told me about that" annoyance clear in her voice

"you live in the maple cabin?!" I ask shocked. The maple cabin is on neutral territory with four packs bordering each side, it has been used for the last 100 years as neutral ground for alpha meetings. Old man maple used to play referee if you will, he was human but he knew everything and was well respected amongst us werewolves. He didn't have any family and when he died it was rented out here and there but mainly stayed empty due to the stories of the monsters in the woods. No one every thought it would actually be sold and now my mate was living in the devils den completely unaware of what surrounded her.

"Yes I do now although I might have to spend my first night in a hotel by the looks of it. I guess I should have more information about this town before I make anymore last minute outings." She goes back to her phone and starts typing away.

"what are you doing?" I ask

"searching for the closest hotel"

"we don't have hotels here, the only thing to rent within an hour of here was the maple cabin for a short period. Like I said we don't get tourists but I can give you a ride if that's ok?" I ask, the thought of being close to her in my car for half an hour has Onyx excitedly whipping his tail in my head. She looks around then shoves her phone back in her bag as a few guys make their way out of the bar.

"yes please" she says stepping closer as Jackson walks by and smirks at her. I low growl escapes me and she looks up at me slightly squinting. "lets go" I say and pull her to my jeep opening the door for her as she climbs in. I get in and start my car and turn out the driveway towards her cabin. I turn the radio on low and switch on Drift Away by Dobie Gray.