
Fated to be Loved

When two people of opposite worlds collide with each other, there's bound to be some catastrophe between each other. Alexander Donovan, a ruthless business man and the Ceo of a well-known company met with Elizabeth Smith,an hot-tempered and a runaway princess who wants nothing but freedom and independence. They both hated themselves the first day they met until they realized that both of them are the solution to both their problems. Despite all their bantering and hatred,they both grew to fall in love until the day of the accident when the lost memories came back, the hidden mysteries and secrets became unraveled and that's when the real story starts. Follow their love and hate relationship. PS: You may not like the FL at first but i promise that as you read on, you'll love her. ******* Their Love. Elizabeth had her head on his lap as he strokes her long brunette hair with care and love, Elizabeth closed her eyes to make this moment last longer. "Darling"she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Hmm"he hummed still stroking her hair feeling the silky nature of her hair. "Promise me that you'll always tell me the truth always and stay by my side always even when am not thinking straight. Promise me that you won't betray me. Hubby, promise me"he finally looked at her and smiled lovingly. He bent down and kiss her forehead,then her cheeks and finally her lips"That's my promise and don't ever think like that again"she blushed beet red when he kissed her all over her face. ********* Their Hate He tried to hold her hand but she slapped him instead making everyone gasps,he wasn't angry at her but himself,he was to be blamed for everything. Tears were pouring down her face like a rainfall"you broke your promise, you told me that you'll always tell me the truth. If i didn't recover my memories, you would have left me in the dark. I hate you more than i hate myself right now"she said choking in-between her sobs. Every drop of tear from her eyes was prickling his heart so painfully,he dropped on his knees. Who would have thought that the world known ruthless billionaire will be so vulnerable because of his wife. She was pressing a button furiously as there nurses came inside. "I don't know him, take him away "she lied back on the bed as the nurses raised him up, he didn't resist them and stood up walking away. ******* Hey guys, it's the authoress here. This book is participating in WSA 2022,i need your full support. Please help me, also don't forget to review and comment about the book,tell me what you like or dislike about the book,or want to add any ideas. You're free to. Please vote for me.

Little_Lilac_5930 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Abducted (5)

Alexander and Elizabeth sat in silence through out the drive until Elizabeth decided to break the silence"Why did you pick me up?".

"Because am your boss"a short simple answer,why does he always makes her angry?.

"You don't need to pick me up,i can order a cab"she said,he didn't want to tell her that the real reason he wants to pick her up was because of the man that assaulted her,he doesn't want any situation of any kind to occur.

"I want to so i will"he said standing on his point with an unshakable voice,if it was anybody, they would have kept quiet but Elizabeth was not a nobody, she was Elizabeth Smith.

"Are you trying to limit my liberty cause if you're trying to,i won't hesitate to call the police"his eyes twinkle in amusement.

"Then go on,i think you've forgotten that am....."he was about to say his name when she interrupted him.

"You can't escape the law even if you're the world president"she said as a matter of fact.

"Why don't you give it a try?"he teased her,her face was already flushed in anger, she kept quiet, rested on the back rest with a huff. He smiled looking at her from the mirror in the front of his car. She had the same behavior, she hasn't changed a bit.

Soon,they had reached the office, she came down and went inside without waiting for him since she was really angry.

When he reached his office,his phone rang, he frowned seeing that it was his mom calling him. He hesitantly picked up without speaking.

"Even though you're mad at us,i just want you to know that your sister is missing since yesterday"his face didn't show any emotion but he still questioned.

"What happened?"

She started explaining"She said she wanted to take a stroll and never came back since. Please help us,i can't lose my only daughter,Alex, please help me"she was already on the verge of tears.

"What time?".

"Around Twelve noon to past twelve" she was already sobbing when her husband collected the phone from her.

"Alex, don't fail us"

"If that's all, i'll hang up first"

"Alright"Alexander immediately hung up and dailed another number.

"Mr robert, check the security cameras at district 88"he then ruthlessly hung up with a clenched teeth.

"If i find out that you're the one. I won't spare you"he said to no one exactly dropping his phone on the table. He was stressed,his phone rang again,he picked up.

"Boss, have checked the cameras"he said expecting his boss answer if he could continue.

"Go on"

"Boss, twenty minutes of the memory was erased"his brow creased.

"What time?"

"Pass twelve"he squinted his face like he was trying to think of something,he wanted to say something else when his boss said"Speak"he sigh.

"Boss, before that time. I saw a mysterious black car in the shadows hiding in the front of the villa"

"Send me the picture of the car"

"Okay boss"he hung up and sent the picture to his boss, Alexander saw the car and showed a small smile.

'You always use your hand to cause your own downfall '.

His phone rang again and it was Mr Robert"What do you want?"

"Boss,Mrs Karen wants to meet up with you"

"Reject" he was about to hang up but on the other hand, she would know where they're hiding Alicia.


"okay boss"he disconnected the call. As soon as he disconnected the call his door was knocked upon as Elizabeth entered in side.

"Mr boss,a lady is here to see you"she stood at his front, just as she finished talking a lady barged into the office.

"How dare you keep me waiting"Elizabeth and Alexander frowned at the sudden intrusion.

"Karen, what are you doing here?"he asked the lady whose face changed as soon as she saw Alexander.

"I was kept waiting by this rotten fruit"Elizabeth was fuming"Said the one who acts like one"Elizabeth refute in anger.

"Do you know who i am?. I could destroy you in a second"Karen said, she couldn't believe that a mere secretary dared to insult her. She'd pay.

"Whoever you are i don't care. And I'd like to see you try to destroy me"Karen was stupified.

"If you don't kneel and bow before me. I promise to send you to prison"she said with authority. Alexander who was quiet finally talked when he heard what Karen had said.

"Why would she kneel before you?" Alexander asked.

"Can't you see how she insulted me. If she don't kneel,i will..."

"Do you dare touch my girlfriend?"

Karen and Elizabeth: What!!!!