
Fated by the Goddess

When Miseria, the Goddess of Sadness, interferes with Luneva, the Goddess of Love, while she was finding a mate for a pup that had just been born. Selene, the Moon Goddess, rebirthed them into wolves to live among the Werewolves and learn lessons they had never understood before. Neither of them knows they are Goddesses, but it will take three to undo what they set in motion by messing with fate.

AJ_Lewis · Urbano
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11 Chs

What happens now

Selene sits on the edge of the fountain looking at us with disappointment written all over her face.

"Oh, my loves, I pay attention, and I have failed you all for not showing you what they have to go through. I know you all have done your jobs well over the years. I couldn't have chosen better Goddesses to watch over my children. But I should have given you all the experience of what they go through.

You needed to understand better what it means to find a mate and what all that entails, and Miseria, you should see happiness to learn what it means and how it feels; even though you have to give out sadness to others, you should know what it is like for them to receive it.

I see two globes in her hand. I look back at my desk, and mine is gone, but I knew one was mine, and Miseria flinched beside me when she realized her fate was in the Goddesses hand.

"You will go help this child in her life. You will not know that you are a Goddess until it is time for you to know, and in the meantime, I am going to bless this poor pup with special powers also, but she will not know of her power or what they consist of until I say."

Miseria spoke up, walking towards Selene. "You can't send us there. I know the sadness these children go through. I don't want to take any part in that." Selene only smiles at her and holds her orb up. "My child, that is why I am sending you there. You have never known love; you have only ever known sadness, and for that, I have failed you in your growth."

She looks at Clotho. "I am putting you in charge of giving her a birth that is fit for her, and Lachesis give her a life that she will learn the lessons she has dreamt of during her life. Atropos, give her a full life; don't take it too soon.

"But Goddess, I don't want to go. I didn't mean to interfere. I am happy here."

"Are you happy? You have been so overrun with all the world's sadness; how could you possibly be happy in this realm? Don't you want to experience some happiness?" Miseria looks down at her bare feet and kneels before Selene. "If the Goddess wishes this for me, I will obey and try my best in this new life. When this journey is over, will I still be the Goddess of Sadness?"

"My child, you will never give up your title of Goddess, but you may find in this new life that you don't want to be the Goddess of Sadness any longer; you will not remember this realm. You will not remember Luneva or me when you cross over, but you and she will be connected and drawn to each other and with the pup."

"We will make sure that you are all together because what you all created by touching the pool is going to take all three of you to fix the things that are coming in the future, and trust me, it will not be an easy task."

She looks over at Lachesis. "Do you see the things I am seeing in their future?"

"Yes, I see them. It will not be easy for them, and we must hope that they all choose the right paths to lead them to the conclusion. Because if they don't, it is going to be a lot harder for the next generation even to be able to live any sense of a normal life." I stayed silent the whole time they spoke, watching as Miseria was still kneeling on the floor.

This was something that I had wanted for such a long time. I had wanted to be with my children to find love as they had. I had desired this for many decades. I had always found others their happiness, but I was never allowed to find my own. I didn't want it to happen like this though

As I kneel before Selene, I reach up and stroke my orb she processes in her hand; I could tell fate had already altered by the change of colors. "I would like to go be with my children to learn how to love as they do. To find a mate and know what it feels like to have that magic. Like I have given to them all these years." I bow my head to her.

"Please, Selene, This has been something I have wanted for a very long time. I have become numb to finding mates for my children because I do not truly understand the heartaches they feel from rejections, death, or the acceptance they go through. I have never faltered putting them with the right person I felt was right for them. But sometimes, I wonder if someone better could spark more life into them than just a mated bond with someone Fate and I chose. Could others in the pool be a better fit, and I never found them or searched hard enough. Maybe I didn't understand what that person needed? I am not asking you to give me a hard life; I am asking you to give me lessons on life, help me to understand what I have done wrong."

To my shock, Selene stood up and knelt in front of me, and she laid the orbs is her lap and reached up and touched my face.

"I have waited a long time for you to tell me this. I knew your heart was searching for answers; I just needed you to be the one that told me. Freewill is hard to understand sometimes, and I couldn't force you into this." The fates were standing closer to us now.

"You knew?" They all said in unison.

She smiled up at them. "Of course, I knew you three aren't the only ones that can see things; remember, I am a lot older than you and wiser in many ways. I know each one of your fates. Even though you three are the beginning, present, and end, I know what your future holds also."

Selene turns her attention back to Miseria and me. "I want you to give them a normal life, but I don't want it to be perfect. You will give them a full life, but their freewill will choose the paths you just lay out the roads for them to take." She glanced up at the trio, and they all nodded in agreement. "We have set their destiny. We just need them to place their orbs in the pool."

Selene places our orbs in each of our hands and grabs our other one, and has us stand. "Will we get mates?" I ask with a little bit of hope in my voice. "You will get the mates they have always been chosen for you."

"We've always had mates?" I was confused now. We weren't werewolves or lycans. We couldn't have mates.

"To answer the statement in your head, yes, you are both Lycans; you were born ages ago and are my children. But you will all have your wolves when you turn of age and the chance to find your mates when you turn eighteen. You don't remember the beginning, you only remember what I have let you remember, and that is where I made the biggest mistake."

"Will we be Lycans while we are there?" Miseria had a hopeful look on her face that we would be the strongest of them all.

"You will be something between a Lycan and a Wolf; all three of you will come into your powers when you become of age, and the wolves that you have will all match. They will be the most mystical of them all and the most magical. You will be a force to be reckoned with; you just have to stick together because apart, you are weaker than if you are together. Your mates will help you through all the things that you will have to endure."

"The pup's mother has named her," Clotho spoke. "And if this is going to be a trio also, then I think she chose well. "She named her Elea." Selene nodded and smiled. "So we will have the Goddess of Love, Goddess of Sadness, and the Goddess of Kindness all together on earth."

I was confused about what she called me. "I have never been the Goddess of Love. I always thought I was the Goddess of Mates."

"My child, I continue to see how I have failed you in many things. You have always been the Goddess of Love; that is why you can mate them. But you have so many more powers that you never tapped into. Miseria, you also have more abilities that you never used. So I have failed you both, but I hope that this experience will help you learn the potential you all possess."

"If you are both ready, place your orbs in the fountain so your journey will begin. You need to be born close to Elea."

Before we drop our orbs, I turn and hug Selene. "I don't want to forget you."

"You won't forget me. The werewolves still pray to me so I can hear you when you need me, and do not fear I will always be watching over you. You must go."

I step back up to the fountain and look at Miseria. She reaches down and grabs my hand, and we both place our orbs in at the same time. I can feel us drifting through time and space, and as we go, memories that I had once had slowly slip away. I was being reborn, and I was ecstatic with the idea of being able to live.

Comments are always welcome, and liking my work means a lot! Thank you for following me on this journey.

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