
Chapter. 07 A heartless man

That night, the expected visitor arrived from Fuyuki Church on a mountain south of the Shinto district. A figure was only Vaguely recognizable between shadows thrown from surrounding trees.

Kirei hoped that enough Masters were monitoring the presence of one of the founding families. Because it should look like he was the first man to be eliminated from this tournament. It was feint for the other participants in Heaven's Feel. They should forget Kirei so he could help his former teacher to victory without any problems. 'The danger of the uncertain would break through even the bravest heart.' The empty voices sounded again in his head. He had endured much during the training and heard them often. But he could not deny the results they brought.

Kirei, Risei, and Tokiomi Tohsaka had utilized Assassin's ability to fake an attack on Tohsaka to shatter their alliance. It was clear from the start that Assassin would never get past Archer undetected. All three men had been present at the summoning. The King's power was beyond question. The presence alone showed his divine attunement.

In the distance stood the church. In the darkness of the night, the white walls were illuminated by lighted windows. Pillars supported the building like bars giving only a limited view of the gloaming, already open gate. Dressed in black robes and a golden cross hanging from his neck, the church's father was already waiting to welcome those seeking refuge.

But despite the shining church and the father's open arms, Kirei felt no warmth. Since he was small, he was trained and raised by Risie. But the man could never interpret his feelings to find happiness. What he longed for, Kirei could not say. Even when he had a beloved wife, he never felt happy. Unfortunately, the answer the first Master sought for years was missing. But happiness welcomed Kirei with open arms when one day, he was chosen by the Holy Grail to be one of the Seven Masters.

'But why?' He had often asked this question. Tohsaka believed he was chosen solely to lead the only worthy candidate to victory. 'Let the Grail finally serve its purpose. The purpose that the Einzberns and Matous have long forgotten. You only want this one for your amusement,' he would say. Of course, Kirei had no way of knowing whether his teacher was right. After all, it was not easy to get information from the other two founding families.

It was unusual for the Grail to choose Masters without them desiring something. However, this phenomenon could not be ruled out. After all, it was Heaven's Feel that no one understood.

In the whole ritual, there was only one Master who aroused Kirei's interest. Kiritsugu Emiya, the Master of the Einzbern. A man who found his purpose and killed ruthlessly to achieve his goal. Kirei believed they were both the same. Both are emotionless puppets. It was the first time Kirei's curiosity was aroused.

The documents from Tohsaka's cellar described Kiritsugu as a man who would do anything for money. Only Kirie looked deeper and realized that this behavior did not fit. He was sure this man had found something that gave life meaning. And for which it was worth fighting.

By now, Kirei could see the wrinkles on the old man's face. And as soon as he stepped out of the eyes of the participants, Kirei could finally observe the man who was to reveal his meaning in life.

However, it would be anything but easy. Emiya was not a usual Magus but a trained killer who would stop at no method to achieve his goal. This one not only used Magiccraft but also made use of modern technology. It was one of the aces this Magus had in his deck. The number in the Mage's Association who were familiar with modern means was so small that one did not even need to count them. They all underestimated the danger this man carried.

Each Magus had his ways and means of fighting. Most relied on their magic or the Mystic Code, which the Magus inherited or developed over the years. A Mystic Code was a tool that assisted the Magus in Magecraft and took pretty much any form.

Kirei had read the reports in the basement and was aware of the procedure. However, this man held many weapons unknown to Magus.

The footsteps came to a halt. Only the rustling of bushes broke the silence. Both people looked entirely emotionless as if they had never seen each other. As overseer of the Fuyuki Grail War, Risei was not allowed to show any preferences.

"My servant fell in the war, so I am no longer a Master. I, Kirei Kotomine, therefore, seek refuge with the church." His voice did not waver as he waited for the answer.

"And you shall have it; as overseer, it is my duty to grant you absolute safety. Now enter.

Both men wandered into the church. The formality was ridiculous, but to avoid any suspicion, the façade was kept and constructed with the utmost care. But as they both walked past the rows of benches, Kirei felt nothing. No god whose hand was on his shoulder. Keeping their eyes on the ground, they walked slowly to the altar, in front of which a red splendid carpet was laid out.

"Father, is this church under surveillance?"

"No, this place has been declared a neutral refuge; any Master who would dare to transgress this rule will be punished."

"Then, is it safe here?" Kirei was sure Kiritsugu would do something to guard the church unnoticed. But for now, he remained silent. For he, who was looking for a depraved man in the eyes of society, it would be a blessing if he decided to come to the church.

The father nodded.

"We should still exercise caution," Kirei spoke, turning to the pews. "I want one of you to monitor the refuge constantly."

"I understand," replied a feminine voice as thin as the smoke from which the woman emerged. Her purple hair was tied back into a tail, and a white bone mask obscured her face.

"How many were watching the fight?"

"I could only sense the presence of four different familiars, but even if our enemy is excellent at stealth, no one can escape my eyes."

"Mhhh... So, one is missing.

Narrowing his eyes as if thinking, Kirei peered at his father at his side.

"Two days ago, I confirmed that the Last Servant had been summoned. But since only four presences were felt, a Master continues to linger in the dark.

"I had hoped that all the Masters saw with their own eyes my Servant leave the war."

A far Shadow rose from the ground and formed the shape of a man. His voice croaked like lingering sins. "The wisest action of the Masters now would be to observe the homes of the three founding families. Their whereabouts are known, and they pose the greatest danger." A Third and a Fourth Shadow manifested themselves in the Relay Hall. "All but one Master should be in delusion. They are groping like mice in the dark, unable to see the big picture. They will be easy prey.

"Is it unfortunate that the man died?" asked Kirei.

The woman shook her head indifferently.

"The Man was one of us, Hassan, who had no significant strengths. It will not affect us, but still --"


"Well, I would have to lie that it doesn't affect us. It's tragic, like losing a finger for you.

Kirei listened calmly to her remorse, which did not come without reason. However, this approach was indispensable for the plan.

"It was not without reason. Now every Master will believe that you no longer take part in the war. Now that everyone has put you out of their minds. Don't you think the battle is won if you control events out of ignorance?"


Satisfied with the answer, the black-robed woman bowed.

More and more shadows manifested before Risei decided to speak. "The battle has just begun. The era of the Fourth Holy Grail War will now begin. It has been so long since I last witnessed such..."

Kirei looked at the ground, engrossed in the following steps that would take him to his destination. It took him a moment before he noticed that his father had fallen silent in mid-sentence. Cautiously, he raised his head.

"father? "Is something troubling you?"

"I'm not sure, but my old bones tell me that something is different." His voice was full of concern. The sudden feeling of not knowing flooded his mind and threatened to break a dam.

"I can't quite figure out what you mean."

The father's hair stood on end, and he rushed to his 'spirit board.' A list that stated all the summoned servants without revealing the Master's name. It was this list that Risei used to confirm the summoning of Caster. But contrary to his expectation, six more words stood among the already summoned seven.


"Mhhh, indeed," spoke a deep voice. They both looked at Assassin, or at least one of his myriad forms.

"Something is fooling its way into this war, but the aura is very weak. It is impossible to trace the exact direction."

"Another Master?" asked Risei. "However, it should not be possible for six more Masters to be chosen."

"Could you locate where the summoning took place?" asked Kirei with mild glee under his father's frustration.

Assassin shook his head.

"We should continue to follow our plan. If the war gets out of hand, I guess we'll have to turn to the Magic Association. It would be best if you informed Tokiomi of this anomaly."


The Grail did something unexpected again. Kirei wondered if the Grail was planning something big, something he was part of. Just like the six new Masters, he had been appointed unexpectedly.