
Fate: Transmigrated as Matou Shinji

Alternative Titles: Fate: I am Matou Shinji Trash Protagonist, I can doo it too Becoming a villain in Fate ________________ "Makoto Itou, not tactful enough." "Sakura Manji, Shu Ouma too middle-class "Shinji Matou, too ordinary." "Zeke, good for nothing." "From my brief time as an audience member, I've realized one thing: the more works I watch, the more I notice the incompetence of the protagonist!" "What on Earth do you want to say?!" "Trash protagonist, I can do it too!" "Alright, if you're so confident, take their place." "???" From that moment on, the world had one less keyboard warrior and one more traveler traveling through different worlds. "Fuck, let a seven-year-old kid participate in the Holy Grail War, you are such a fucking genius!" He was only six years old, with a harmless kelp head and black lines on his face. Before he finished complaining, his father led a timid little girl over and introduced: "Shinji, from today on, she is your sister. Her name is Sakura, Matou Sakura." ___________________ This is a translation, I repeat this is a translation. _______ Short Summary: A guys dies, and becomes a world traveller (The one who travels to different worlds). Before transmigrating to the Fate universe where the main plot starts. All in all, after travelling to many worlds he comes to Fate for his next mission, and transmigrates into the body of Matou Shinji, a five-year-old child, just before the fourth holy grail war. _________ To read Advanced chapters, join my Patreon. Patreon.com/nexfic ________ Original Author: Victoria Link: https://qbtr.cc/tongren/7503.html#google_vignette ______

Nexfic · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Trasmigrating and Becoming a Villain

In the quiet old house, the dim light from the lampposts was not enough to illuminate every corner, and the darkness became even deeper and darker, as if something was squirming and making a subtle noise.

This was a classical mansion with a blend of Western architectural styles.

The exterior walls were all covered by the lush green vines and this scenery that was supposed to look chic and elegant looked inexplicably weird and filled with the air of death.

In the silent corridor, the bright moonlight spread through the floor-to-ceiling windows onto the dark red carpet.

Compared with the dim lights in the room, the moonlight was particularly clear.

At this moment, a thin figure walkes past the corridor, the moonlight casting on his profile.

It was little boy with a cute appearance.

His blue hair that fell to his forehead was slightly rolled up, and his eyes were deep and calm.

The little boy was holding a thick hardcover book in his right hand, and despite his youthful appearance, the boy gave off a mature and composed aura.

The little boy was Shinji Matou, the eldest son of the famous Matou family in Fuyuki City.

"It's been almost a year," Shinji Matou muttered to himself as he gazed at the half-moon outside the window.

He pondered for a moment and then set his sights at the end of the corridor.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly as a long and narrow shadow changed erratically with the faint sound of footsteps.

A stooped old man walked with a cane and come out in front of him.

The old man was wearing a kimono and holding a cane in one hand.

His body was emaciated and skinny, and his wrinkled skin occasionally twitched strangely, as if there were insects crawling under the skin.

The old man's face was even more terrifying, not much better than a skeleton.

His eyes were pitch black and his pupils were an abnormal gray-white color.

Matou Shinji knew that those black eyes and white eyeballs were a special kind of insect.

The body of the old man in front of him was no longer human, but made up of millions of insects.

Matou Shinji lowered his eyes, concealing his calm gaze, walked over pretending to be cautious, and said timidly: "Good evening, grandpa."

'Damned old immortal!'

Contrary to this fearful greeting, the little boy cursed in his heart as a chill came over his hands and feet, and his young body instinctively feared the creature that seemed to be sizing up his life.

The old bug in front of him was a monster that has lived for hundreds of years.

His body and spirit have long since decayed and festered, and he has lost his humanity.

It's just the more it is so, the sharper its senses become to the changes in its surroundings.

Matou Shinji has no doubt that this old bug has discovered the abnormalities in him.

But before they completely break up with each other, Shinji Matou's identity must be maintained.

The old man, Matou Zouken, looked at his grandson Matou Shinji up and down, and asked casually: "Oh, it's Shinji, why are you still up so late?"

Matou Shinji replied cautiously: "I was reading in the study and lost track of time. I want to become a qualified magician as soon as possible and bear the name of the Matou."


The old man leaned on his crutches with both hands, smiling and appreciating: "Haha, yes, this is the consciousness you should have as the heir of the Matou family.

The Matou family is a famous magic family that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

In terms of magic accumulation, it is not inferior.

As a Western noble, study hard and one day you will become an outstanding magician, but you cannot imitate your cowardly and incompetent uncle and evade your responsibilities as a member of the Matou family."

Speaking of Matou Shinji's uncle, Matou Zoukan's face trembled slightly, his tone mixed with anger and disappointment.

"Yes, Grandpa." Matou Shinji replied hesitantly.

"Shinji, if you have anything you don't understand about magic, you can ask me."

"I understand, then I'll go back to the room and rest first."

The boy responded weakly, and passed by the old man as he walked his nose could faintly smell a fishy smell unique to insects.

Matou Zouken stared at the corridor where he left, his strange insect eyes flashed with strange light, and he said to himself in a hoarse and unpleasant voice: "What on earth is going on, and why is there such a big change in Shinji's body."

"It's a pity that although his character is better than Kariya's, his qualifications as a magician are still too low."

Matou Zōyan stretched out his right hand, and an insect the size of a fist broke open the skin of his arm.

After emerging from the flesh, it flapped its wings and flew in the direction where Matou Shinji left.

Matou Shinji returned to his spacious room.

There was only a bed, a bookshelf and a desk.

The small amount of furniture made the room look too empty.

Shinji, who was less than six years old, sat at the desk and continued to study the books on magic collected by the Matou family.

The contents above were all recorded in English, and were mixed with some undecipherable code languages ​​and old English.

After studying for a long time, he closed the book and sighed in his heart:

"Damn magicians, was it necessary to go to this extent?

If you didn't want future generations to inherit your magical knowledge, then why leave this book behind?

Some of the coded languages are impossible to decipher, and who would even waste their time deciphering it; God knows whether the magic content recorded in this book is true or false."

Even though he felt really angry and irritable, the current Matou Shinji had experienced the baptism of several worlds after all.

Not to mention he had to start over from every world he traveled to, so obviously his state of mind was far from being comparable to an average person.

He suppressed his irritability and judged and deduced the correctness of the contents in the books through his own understanding of magic.

Matou Shinji glanced out the window.

The glass window faced a tree.

It was a corner that could not be covered by light, and most people could not see anything unusual at all.

It's just wih his keen eyesight, he saw a fist-sized insect lying on the trunk of the tree, motionless, as if it were a dead thing.

"Sure enough, that old insect hasn't given up monitoring me." Matou Shinji remained calm.

A year has passed since he transmigrated to this world, and occupied the body of Matou Shinji.

To be honest at this point he wasn't even sure whether he occupies a body everytime he travels to a new world or just reincarnate into a new body..well whatever he didn't care anyway.

He didn't have any specific identity, so taking different identities was not a problem for him.

So during this one year period, he changed his previous naughty behavior and asked to learn magic.

He spent almost every day reading and studying.

Matou Shinji's drastic change in temperament naturally attracted the attention of Zouken Matou, the head of the Matou family, after all he was an insect controller and controlled insects to monitor everything in the mansion during his spare time.

It's just even though he discovered his changes or so but he said nothing except for sparing most of his free time monitoring him.

Well..during this time he also reached the conclusion that this old bug Matou Zouken was a very complex character.

From the perspective of a magician, he was undoubtedly a very outstanding being.

In terms of his attitude towards his family, Matou Zouken was also tolerant.

"No, to be precise, it should be indifference." Matou Shinji mentally revised his evaluation of the old guy.

Matou Zouken would not care about Matou Kariya escaping from his responsibility as a magician, or he would even happily watch him die after being tortured.

In his decayed consciousness, whether towards others or family members, the only standard of evaluation was probably "value."

For five hundred years, he hated his decaying soul and body, but was also afraid of dying without accomplishing anything.

Over time, he formed a twisted obsession, using this obsession to judge his own value in the world, or maybe to judge the value of this world by himself..who knows.

But even though he knew that his abnormal changes would arouse suspicion, but he couldn't care less.

After all he was six years old this year, and the Fourth Holy Grail War was only less than a year away.

He had to do everything within this period to become a master.

Magic is the key, and even if it's only half-assed, it doesn't matter.

Anyway the level of masters in the Fourth Holy Grail War was originally uneven..

If even a guy like Ryuunosuke Uryuu with no knowledge of magic could be selected..

Then he, Shinji Matou, a member of the family, also had a great chance.