
Ch 8 Assassin vs Berserker

Worning for people that can't handle gore or destroying things and if you can't don't read this

12 days before the grain war

Shinji will be walking up to see some one his eyes were blurry but he can make it was adopted little sister as he wakes up look at her

Shinji: Good morning Sakura

Shinji was more tired then normal his training from his grandfather training for him was worse then Sakura when sakura was adopted he felt pity for her noting both that not only that her family gave her up just because then had another one both to all the people who they could give her to they gave her to Zouken which was worst from the day she was adopted by this damm family she was trained not normally this would not be problem and Shinji didn't need to worry about both this was Mato family and it was his grandfather who he just knew that she was not going to be trained in the normal way the mato family use worms called creass worm they will through there children into a pit of creass worm that worms voileds them in every way there body get full of these thing it allows them to control the worms and insects this mage craft us very efficient both what was the worst about this that these worms where more live then the prison these worms works like magic worms these worms attack you from inside out and this was not even more worst us the lust worm variation they attack you they take all you magic and the more magic you use the more these worm you use these lust worm can give you bust both these types of worm feed off a person blood, seemen and even the bone marrow these worm even invade the skin with there mucus and destroy the person nerves this happens when a person fells pleasure Zouken forced sinji to do horrible thing to sakura every time he did it to sakura he want to the toilet the wanted to bometed out his guts every time he he did it more and more worms came out his mouth these worms even had different foncution defending on the gender males they get there bones crushed and their brain sucked while for the women they attack the nerves and for some reason they have these natural dispocion to the women womb and then they proceed to give the women organs and then fries her brain they go all over the body they find the womb and find the placenta and they consume that as well for know that is all shinji knew Shinji hated Zouken more then anyone in this world from the day he was born he could remember he was raised by his mother unthle the age of 3 where one day he saw his grandfather and mother talking he followed them where they where going he saw her being thought to the pit of worm he could hear her scream for two whole days he swears that he could find her body in this when he was 6 he went to the pit after his training he found her body her body was still there before he could go his body was covered by the worms and for 6 days this process happend and this is what he hated both this the future now a days his training was over so he went to the dining table with Sakura as he did he saw the man that is supposed to died a long time ago both why was he having dinner he would just go and left him over and over again the days that he was not there was the nice day of his life both why was he here

Shinji: why are you here

Zouken: I am here to told you that the 5th grail will be starting and I am hear to tell you that you and Sakura

Shinji will spit out what he was eating what do you mean

Zouken: I think you already know This normally does not happen both the last time this happened was in the 3rd

Sakura: don't tell me we are twin master

Twin masters are a rare thing the last time that happened was 3rd the twin master were from tosaka Family Sakura ancestor the servants where two saber servents both the reason for that was because that family was because they searcher the same magic cerkets and they where twins both Sinji realised both him and sakura had one training they shares crested worm this means that zouken was planning this

Zouken: know let's get ready

Sakura: yes grandfather

Shinji: yes basterd

Zouken: hahaha let's go I gess

As they went to the summoning room in the floor was a summoning circle they both took a deep breath as they started to summon there servents as light glows two people with pink hair one was taler then the order while the order was sorter both were still one was wearing a black dress and the other was wearing a white dress they both will start to speak

The servants: I am your rider servents Madusa and Euryla

The servants then look at each other tears will then looks at each other

Madusa: Sister

Euryla: nice to meet you again little sister

They both will hug each other as they where smiling and crying Sakura and Shinji will be happy seeing this

Zouken: enough

They all will stop and look as Zouken

Shinji: what do you old man

Zouken: you two will start to train with your servants

Sakura and shinji: yes

After that happend they looked at there servants they learn that sakura has summoned Medusa and Shinji summons Euryla they got to know then they had decided to wish to bring back here third sister they started to train as the day went by shinji saw something he was happy with what he saw he saw Shiro his classmates burning him zouken was asking to help me both no one did after a few days had passed a servant came that was Saber and shiro both know he wants to figth him as Shinji and Sakura went to there house

Shinji: So how was class today

Sakura: nothing much other then being invited to the student council

Shinji: that is good to know I am happy for you should join them

Sakura: oh ok then

As they arrived home they heard insects which had their blood go cold they knew how this was

Shinji: sakura run he is back

Sakura: big brother I can't leave you alone with him

Shinji: leave then go to shiro house please

Sakura: ok

As sakura then leaves and runs as Shiro goes into the house as he saw his grandfather Shinji will not take a second change and pulls out class card it was the assassin card he trans from he looks at him

Zouken: so you are ready to kill me rigth

Shinji: yes and you will phase the pain of Hassan of the 100 faces

Zouken will then pull out something which shocked him it would be class card it was the berserker if remembers they only had one of these thing how in the hell did he get one

Shinji: how did you card

Zouken: I had my ways both you die

As Zouken body then transforms Shinji recognized it it was Hercules the one with the god hand he knew that he need to kill him 12 times to do that job so Shinji goes jumping in high speed cutting off Zouken head Zouken head then grows back as then looks at shinji

Zouken: you do realised that you need to kill me 12 times and you can't kill me in the same way more then ones

Shinji: rigth both this is why I choose Hassan if the 100 faces for this originally I wanted to kill you 100 times both I gess it works for me anyway

As 100 more shinji them come out of nowhere as they all charged at Zouken uses his weapon to send a shock wave which killed 10 Shinji both one will get up stabbing zoken in the head as a few more came kicking him to the ground zouken gits up as he thought one of the shinji to another shinji think to him self that he only need to kill him 10 more time he rescued at zouken at zouken then grabs him and through him to the Fuyuki forest shinji gets up as sees Zouken in the sky landing next to him Zouken uese him weapon to kill shinji to kill him both Shinji dough it as he gets up trying stab Zouken in the hearth both zouken grabs him the throws him away from him as then zouken then jumps before Shinji get crushed another Shinji arvies and saver him as 80 more comes back

Zouken: give up shinji I already have killed 20% of your team so why don't you give up

Shinji: I will not stop until you are dead

As another shinji comes and 360 zouken head as Shinji hears a voice in his head

Euryla: just summon me master I can help with this

Shinji: No you must protect sakura she must be saved

Euryla: you edit Medusa is with her just summon me and I can help you

Shinji: no I will not I am not putting you into danger

Euryla: you edit just let me use my Noble phantasm

Shinji: No just help Sakura ok gust do that I will use you when I need the final blow on this dead man

As they where talking shinji was doughing all of Zouken attack during this time 5 more of him died trying to kill zouken he counted he killed zouken 3 times he need to kill him 9 more times Zouken will rage his sword both shinji will block it with his blade Zouken seeing this will bunch shinji face breaking his face as he does 5 more shinji will come zouken will kill 4 of them one will escapee and horizontal cut his us hitting his brains as will killing him one more time before that Shinji was hold in the air before being crushed

Clone Shinji: what do we do 30 of us are dead

Clone shinji 2: yes what do you do

Shinji: just keep killing him

Clone shinji 3: we already killed him 4 times and he still has 8 lives left I don't think we can win this

Shinji: keep fighting get creative this not the real Hercules this is only a fake

All the clones hear that as they start to attack zouken one them stabs from the chin up to. the brain another one uses one of the trees in the part and steps him in the heart with means that they killed him 6 times in total they need to kill him 6 more times Shinji thinks that this is going good as he does the saw 20 more get destroy as Zouken rushed at him Shinji tries to run both his right ark get cut arm

Shiji: Ahahahhaahhahahahhahahahahahahahahaha

Shinji will then scream as he will scream as Zouken start to walk to him another one comes cuts up the top part of his brain before zouken killed that one as well as zouken then hits shinji with his sword shinji chould fill his stomach getting cut and a portion of his stomach getting cut as he gets up holding the wone Shinji get up shaping Zouken strigthing through the heart

Zouken: that hurts like hell both let me tell you this ones I am done with you I will go for the emiya house and kilo everyone in there then will sumon my own servant and join the grial

Shinji hearing this will be mad

Shinji: don't you date hurt my sister and friend I will.kill you before that Eruyla

As Eruyla will appears with pissed face shaping her self him in the neck as a Gripen will from sitting her self and zouken into he sky this Gripen will be cover in magic this will also be heurhing eruyla as Zouken body will getting destroyed the claws if the beats will kill him one make time before he turns to stone thanks to being summons with her sister she got some of the power this killed zoken again before they both land into the ground as they do eruyla will go to where shinji is

Eruyla: are you ok master

Shinji: yes kinda just take me to Sakura she will heal me no take me to the church

Eruyla: yes master

As she says that he head will be cut off seeing this shinji will be shocked by this and angry

Shinji: how are you alive

Zouken will then turn back to normal as he goes to shinji as from shinji body a crested worm will then come out from his heart

Zouken: from this you see I put one inside you just in case I die soon anyway I think I will be using your body know so good bye shinji

As zouken says this both him and the breast worm will be cut As some will then be coming the man had white hair and dark skin wearing a red sharp with gray and black armour as he walks to shinji shinji will see this man and thinks it him self that this the passion if this war

Assassin: you have no idea how long I wanted to kill both still it looked your going to die can't have that my master has thing plan for you and your. Servant plush he does want to see one the students form his school to die so you will be coming with me

As the man know as assassin will then take shinji and eruyla and also taking both of the class cards as they will then deciphered

To be continue