
23 Party part 2

As everyone was stunned at what was happening no one could believe what the boy said this whole place was anti-world level noble phantasma everyone swallowed their saliva wondering who should go next as Eruyla raised her hand as she spoke.

Eruyla: Is this thing only an anti-world level

Gil: No I can lower it down to anti-Army and can go all the way up to anti-world

Sakura: I have a question what are you more like who are you

Gil will look at her with tooth green as spoke

Gil: For what I am. I am some that is using a class card for who I am I already told everyone in the letter

Sakura will be glaring daggers at him. He knew that what he answered was not what sakura was asking but she decided to not talk anymore

Gil: let see only Angelina and saber are left do you have any question

Alter saber: I don't have any questions to ask

Angelica: I do from what I know every class card is Eunice sure class card can have variation like for exam shiro Lancelot card it is berserker but I know that Lancelot can also be summoned as saber so that saber card exist

El-Melloi: yeah your right clock tower has that card

Angelica: so my question is how do we both have the same archer card

Gil: will my theory is that the card of Gilgamesh was too powerful so it had to split that is why I think you and I have the same class card so do you fine this answer satisfying

Angelica: Yes. So with me I think that makes all the girls answer their question now let's move to the boys

Gil: Alrigth the. Who wants to go first

Avenger: I will go first

Gil: Alright then what is your question

Avenger: if we fought who will win

Everyone was shocked at this

Archer: that is your question really

Avenger: Yesh

Lancer: Know that is one hell of a question to be honest I wanna know as well

Gil: the answer is simple Me and for I am so sure will I have this place which can nuke you and I have the gate of Babylon which has everything I need

Avenger: I see

Gil: Anyone else wants to go next

Kiri: How did you get the class card

Gil: know I can't answer that

Kiri: why is that

Gil: that counts as two questions so I will not tell you

Kiri looked charm but was angry inside this child reminded him of that golden king was it how he got the card because he matched with the king this was the only thing going through his head.

Lancer: if you are going to ask I have no question for you

Gil: Alright then what about caster master, Assassin which one of you two would like to go next

Souichirou: I have no questions to ask

Kiritsugu Assassin: neither do I

Gil: So only Archer and Shiro emiya are left to answer

Shinji: they do not exist

Gil: sorry I forgot you exist for some reason I don't know why but I don't like you that much

Shinji: what the hell have I done to you

Everyone was lapping at this interaction

Shinji: anyway I think most of my questions have already been answered by other people so I have no question left so I have no question

Gil: Alright then who wants to go next

Archer: I will go next

Gil: alright the go-ahead

Archer: what is your relationship with illya you two seem to be very close and during when we all were eating she seemed to feed you some of her food and so were you so tell what is you two relationship?

Gil: know that is an interesting question how do I answer that I know

As he then kisses illya in her lips which shocked everyone. Illya seems to be blushing a bit but she gets back to her self and kisses him back.

Gil: Does that answer your question and if it does not we are lovers

Archer: I think the kiss made it clear for everyone

Shiro: wait how old are illya you are 18 this boy looks like he 10

Gil: you see I am the same age as Illya here

Shiro: still illya you can't date anyone

Illya: why big brother aren't you and saber a couple as well

Both shiro and Altar saber will blush at this not knowing what to say this moment both being stunned

Shiro: will you see it is will

Alter saber: you see will I can say is that

Shiro: yes your right illya

Alter saber will look at with face that says burh did you just really tell everyone about us like that. As this was announced Sakura got up and looked at shiro

Sakura: How long has this been going on senpai

Shiro: well you see sakura about 1 week

Sakura was shock both she spoke again

Sakura: why-why-why-why

Shiro: I am sorry sakura tha-

Sakura: why didn't you tell me earlier senpai

Shiro: wait what

Archer: that Descalator quickly

Kiritsugu Assassin: yes your right

Gil: So know what is your wish if you win the grail

Shiro: wait I have a question where is my grandfather

Gil: oh you mean him

As a portal will open as from a head fall out shiro recognises who this is.

Shiro: you killed him

Gil: yes I did it was the first thing I did didn't want him to manipulate illya plush it was not don't just look at me your dear sister did something more to him

Shiro: what did you do

Illya: let just say I had payback for all the experiments he had done to after all the head you see is what is left of him

Illya says this with a smile on her face it is like she is very happy that her grandfather is gone as everyone look at shiro and he would be smiling as well.

Shiro: Good residence if you didn't do it I would have done it

Gil: I like your brother illya I guess he will make a good brother-in-law for me. Anyway now what is everyone's wish

Avenger: my wish is to have a second chance in life and to escape the hell hole I was trust into

Bazett: my wish is to fix my servants life in the past

Gil: does there are some noble whish

Eruyla: my wish is to bring my sister back

Shinji: my wish is to have my sister protected for the rest of her life

Sakura: thank you, big brother

Shinji: your my sister and I will protect you no matter what

Gil: that was way too sweet ok who is next

Lancer: I don't have a wish anymore

Gil: anymore meaning you had one

Lancer: yes had past tensed what I want is to figth strong people

Kiri: I will not tell mine

Gil: now why is that

Kiri:. I have my reason

Gil: alright who is next

Illya: my wish is to leave a happy life with my love

Gil: That you sweetheart

Caster: a second chance in life with mr souichirou

Souichirou: I have no wish

Gil: alright then

Kiritsugu Assassin: let's see I want my family back

Angelica: I wanna reach the root

Gil: alright then reaching the root is all mages dream and seeing that your two children are still alive you just want you wife back don't you assassin

Kiritsugu Assassin: yes

Archer: my wish is to bring back Rin

Gil: oh why her

Archer: because I want the girl I loved to be back to me

Gil: alright then

Sakura: if I do say my wish is to bring back eruyla family do to me also being the master id rider before Archer.

Gil: nice wish so shiro and saber what is your wishes

Shiro: I want a perfect world let me explain I want a world with out war, food problems, money problems or anything bad and I believe that the grail can do it for me

Gil: what a nice wish you have there

Alter saber: my wish is to bring some back and fix the mistake I made with them

Gil: I see alright with this I gess the party is over and everyone can leave

Shinji: I have a question so if the party is over does that mean the rules don't apply anymore either

Gil: Yes

Shinji: Good

As then shinji turn into his Hassan from going to where Angelina was sitting kicking her. Angelica gets sent flying to the wall as Kiritsigu assassin gets up and go to shinji read to kill but he is block by Archer

Archer: yeah I think I will not allow you to interfere

As everyone gets up and the servants Summond there weapon as the master start to.use there class card.

Gil: Will anyway

Gil grabs illya and as then him, illy, El-Melloi, grey and sakura will disappear as the servant and master start to fight

To be continue