
21 invitation

Shiro was in his room after what happened in the morning and after seeing the news he decided not to go to school and after hearing that one of his teachers was a master he decided not to go.

Shiro: Hey Saber are you ok now

Alter Saber: yeah I am fine now

Alter Saber will be saying but she knows that the darkness inside of her was growing and growing she doesn't know if she can control it anymore. As she was thinking she can hear the doorbell will then rings.

Sakura: I got this

As Sakura then goes to the door and opens it she will then see that it was sold. Sella will then look at Sakura confused and so would Sakura looking at her

Sella: I thought this was the Emiya household. Sorry if I got the wrong disturbed you from what you were doing

Sakura: Oh no problem this is the Emiya household can you tell me what are doing here?


As Shiro yells wondering why Sakura is taking so long

Sakura: Oh it is nothing senpai it just come here to see you

Shiro: To see me

Alter Saber: Who do you think it is

Shiro: I don't know but it is not one of our enemies even if it is I wonder what will it be

Alter Sabre: Still, let me go with you

Shiro: Alright then

As Shiro then gets up as he and Saber then go to the door. Shiro then looks at Sella as he will the Stop looking at her

Shiro: Elly is that you

Sakura: you know her senpai

Sella: No I am not Emiya that maid you knew is no longer with us

Shiro: yeah both she and Lilya died during the 4th war saving me

Shiro remembers his past.

Sella: But let's get to the point I am here to give you this

As then Sella gives Shiro a letter to Shiro as then Sella lives. As both Sakura and Saber then will look at the letter

Sakura: what do you think what us written in it

Alter Saber: I don't know let's see it

As they then close the door and go to the living room as they then open the letter and see what is written as they start to read the letter. To all the people of the holy grail war, this is me, lig I am one of illya closest allies I want to invite all the invited all the master and servants to the party before we all start to kill murder each other I want everyone to introduce each other and what will your wish will be for each other many people say that best part of war Is when to people that respect each other fighting so you all can joint this also rules both mastery and servant must be here, no fighting is allowed during this party and last dress fancy for the party. As the letter then ended

Alter Saber: what do you think do you think it is a trap

Shiro: I don't know but it can be that situation but I don't think it is if Illya wants to fight me then I will go there.

Alter saber: But what is the time for the party

Sakura: oh the time is there it is 10:00 pm and the location is the Einzbern Family household

Saber: So it is in my old household alright since it still early let's take out time to get and relax for now or let's look for some dresses since it is 3 pm we should go shopping for our dresses and shoot

Alter saber: alright then

Meanwhile in Ryoto temple Caster and the rest will then be reading the same letter

Shinji: It looks the little girl is inviting us

Angelica: it seems like that you will be getting your revenge earlier then you thought

Shinji: yeah indeed

Caster: yes this is good and everything but the problem is the assassin what do we do about him it Says that master and servant much me there together

Angelica: well I think I can help that I can pretend to be Assassin master what do you guys think

Souichirou: good plan but what about the command shields

Caster: I can help with that I can put an illusion on her arm and put a few layers of magic on that hand and it will make it look like she is a master

Souichirou: alright then I hope that works

Caster: it will don't worry

Shinji: ok that solved that problem

Eruyla: So are you guys done

Shinji: Yes we are done and before you ask we are going

Eruyla: So can I wear a fancy dress

Shinji: sure I gess

Caster: So souichirou san what will you wear

Souichirou: I will wear what I want too if that is ok with you

Caster: yes then

As in another place in the church Kiri and Lancer will be reading the letter

Kiri: Will it look like I will be joining this

Lancer: will this the first time seeing you want to go anywhere why is that

Kiri: This party maybe the battlefield for the war to end

Lancer: I see that explains it then

Meanwhile in stella place everyone was looking at the letter

Bazett: so Avenger what do you think

Stella: I say you two go

Avenger: yeah I think so as well after all this will be the best time to get reid of saber so I gess we are going

Bazett: Fine with me but Did you guys fell something odd about that blond boy

Stella: Yesh I did he had the energy of a servant but was human so what could it be

Avenger: he chould be a sudo servant

Stella: that makes sense

Bazett: what is a sudo servant

Avenger: it is a servant that has fused with a human it has the capability of a servant but the from of a human it is as strong as a servant but is a human

Bazett: I see that for explain that so what do we do know

Avenger: we wait

Meanwhile in Illya place, Illya will resting her head on Gil's cheats as she seems to be in peace they both were on the bed they seem to be a sleep Gils arms seemed to be wrapped around Illya as there door opens with Gil and illya getting to see Sella

Gil: I am going to guess that all the innovation has been sent

Sella: yeah indeed I do say how did you find lancer master

Gil: I have my ways

Illya: if that is all then you can leave stella

Stella: yeah then miss illya

As then Sella leaves the room. Illya will then see Gil as then Kisses Gil and they both fall on the as she then starts to get close to him as then puts her head on his chest with a smile on her face as she then closes her eyes and start I go to sleep Gil then wrapped his arms around her and also falls a sleep they both decided that is better to rest until it is time for the party to start. As in emiya household basements, a light will glow as from it archer will come out.

Archer: tell me are you my master

Sakura: yes I am

Archer opens his eyes to see Shiro, Alter saber, and Sakura


Archer will then scream relishing that he was back to that universe with alter saber

To be continue

So yeah my exams are done and I am doing the daily ch uploaded again also I didn't get time to make the big ch I wanted but I made this hope you all like it