
10 Saber and Archer vs Caster and Assassin

As Assassin arrived at the battlefield he will see the people in that where in it Assassin will see archer he will fell something similar

To him both he could poot his figure on it

Assassin: Caster what is going on I leaves for 5 minutes and people are here attacking us

Caster: don't talk let's handle this

Assassin: Alrigth then

As Asssassin will then jump in the air pulling out his weapon to attack saber Both Archer will jump in bloakcing the attack as both Archer and Assassin start to figth sparks of metal can be seen when their blades class as they both jump back after a while

Archer and Assassin: You should stay back I will take care of this

Saber and caster: alright then

As again Archer and Assassin will start to battle again they will be doing each other blow as every time there blades attack the class could be heard by everyone Assassin will jump back as Archer then through his two blades As Assassin will hit those blades and send them two different place as Archer will jumb to Saber as she did both then she was send back by caster caster will then look at sabre as she then. Start to attack her over and over again

Caster: I don't think I will allow you to enter this battle when I am here you and your master will be dead

Alter Saber: I don't think so

Shiro: yes we will stop you

As Shiro pooled his bow and shot his arrow as Caster Caster will then block the attack Shiro before being blocked by Alter saber as shiro then fells something Shiro fells some kind of string as Shiro then from as dager will then cut the string As Alter Saber and the caster were fighting Assassin and Archer figth will continue Assassin will dogging the attack Archer will then get up as Bow and Arrow as he starts to use his bow to hit Assassin both Assassin will shoot his blades Archer will move but then his right eye will be cut Assassin will smile

Assassin: it looks like I blinded you will a little bit

Archer: will let's see who you are

As Archer says that Assassin's hood will fall off as his white hair will come out the hair will look spicy both his mask will not be removed

Assassin: can you tell who I am from my hair now can you

Archer: no both I will take off that mask so I will see who you are

Assassin: alright then

As they both then speed up to each other Archer hit will be missing more as Assassin hits will hit more both blows will start to hit her more and more Archer will back off thinking to him self that he batter to use him bow and arrow then using his blades this Assassin is much more different then the one from his own original timeline he knew how to stop someone or that is what he thought archer will know be using bow as he can fill his eyes being healed he knows that run was near bye both how and why is she hear this war is so different as he saw Assassin comes close to him both he will dauge it as he jumps away

Assassin: don't think.in fiddle of figth got it Archer

Archer: oh don't worry I will take this battle more seriously both I think you should look at your self

As archer will say Assassin mask will be cracking and start to break as his mask fell off Archer couldn't believe what he saw it was his own father it was Kiritsugu Eimya his adopted Father both bow was he summoned and how did he become a counter garden

Kiritsugu Assassin: Shinch you take off my mask I will tell you who I am my name is heroic spirited emiya and what if your name I can already tell you that your an counter garden

Archer: you already know who I am you just have to poot the puzzle together

Kiritsugu Assassin: Alright then

As they both start to figth over and over again there bladges will be class it was almost like they where dancing as there fighting was getting more they heard some thing it was Alter saber

Alter saber: Excalibur Morgen

Few minutes ago

As the fight was going on Shiro will start to use fire magic to attack caster and his bow to send arrow caster will be sending her magic to kill saber and shiro saber will be blocking the attack that caster will send caster will be using her strings and more and more it hurts Shiros school uniform will be getting destroyed both saber will be cutting the attack as career went down a bit Saber rushed at caster staying her Saber will then jump back

Alter Saber: is she dead

Shiro: that seem a little bit too easy

As shiro said that he can fell something multiple magic blast will be sent at him both then saber will block the damages as then Caster will come back

Caster: damm it why don't you die

Shiro: well why don't you look at that we found the real y

Caster: wait what

As she said that saber jumps caster start using strings to blocks both does strings will always get cut and Caster will also be blocking that attack of Shiro this battle was not going well as she thought both she didn't give up as more and more of her blast will be sent to hit shiro and saber if only caster had Assassin the start to she more of her power out of know where something comes out it was skeleton Shiro will be using his power to blast them as saber will then start using her sword her sword will be glowing a dark energy as she start talking out more and more of her enemies as caster keeps getting madder and madder

Caster: how are you like this I am mage from the age of the gods you people should be dead

Alter saber: if you mage from the age if the god then I am knight who took all the power of the dark side of grail

Caster: what

Shiro: wait what do you mean

Saber will then look at shiro before pointing a sword next to his neck

Alter saber: I will explain late shiro

Shiro: o-o-o ok

As something tried to hit shiro sabre will then cut it shiro and saber still start to fight harder even more as saber will then take deep bright as her sword was then raise it up in the air then she spoke

Alter Saber: Excalibur Morgan

As shiro heard he knew she start use her np caster will try to escape both then a black light will involve by black light before a big explosion

Shiro: Alrigth I think she he dead

As she said that both Archer and Assassin will driven shiro will turn his head to see Kiritsugu shiro could believe what he saw it was own father

Shiro: dad

Kiritsugu: it has been long time hasn't it shiro I missed you son

Shiro: I missed you too

As shiro said that some will appears it whole be avenger and his master and know arcehr really want to kill him self he saw someone that should have been dead and not just that should haven been there it was Bazett

Bazett: Avenger lets go this battle was over a long before we came here

Avenger: both look Assassin is here and two other servant

Bazett: don't get closer with hem we only came here to help

Avenger: Alrigth then I gess I will leave it looks like we will figth one day Saber both not today

As he says that both will desipers then Kiritsugu will fell something it felled like a battle of Assassin and beserker had finished as Assassin will also desiperd

Archer: I will leave now.i.need to check on run

As archer then leave as Saber and shiro finally made it home as they did they saw some it was Sakura they saw next to her was Rider Sakura will go huging shiro Rider will also stop looking at them knowing that they just fought

Rider: I have something to explain

Alter saber: yes you do

Shiro: first let's go inside and we can discuss what happend

Meanwhile in ruyuda temple Assassin will arive again as caster then walks to him she will look at shinji and start healing him

Kiritsugu assassin: Magic is really something else isn't it caster

Caster: yes indeed

Kiritsugu: also I have this

As then gives caster two class card caster will laph at this thinking to her self that this was was going to be more interesting is she can control this master and servants she may must have something she would love to use

Assassin: anyway what do we say to our masters

Caster: I will think about

Meanwhile in different place


Rin: archer come down this is lord El-Melloi the 2nd he is a lord of clock tower and next to him is gray his esseistion

Archer: then what is he doing here

El-Melloi: I am here to give Rin a class card clack tower and zelrick told me too and the clock tower thought the church can do it anymore after what I learn about kiri kotomine

Rin : what card is it

El-Melloi: it is the lancer card why don't you try it Rin

Archer will think things are just getting out of hand in this war and he think nothing can get even more weird right I mean what is left the user of the 2nd magic kaleidoscope users will be in the war or something else

To be continued