
Fate/The Hunter and His Doll

At the end of the last hunt, as the pale Moon set and the warmth of the Sun once again embraced the world, The Good Hunter could finally find repose. I witnessed his struggles, one by one, since he arrived at this workshop at the tender age of thirteen. I witnessed him grow, fight, perish, yet never yielding, and ultimately triumph, putting an end to the nightmare. Finally, when the night had concluded, The Good Hunter returned to the workshop and immersed himself in research, a quest to return to his world... So I waited, as I always would until his return. And return he did. "Doll... Would you accompany me?" The Good Hunter asked, extending his hand toward me. "Forever." No further words were needed. [...] [Cover created using artificial intelligence] If you want to support me, I have a (P)(A)(T)/CalleumArtori.

Calleum_Artori · Anime e quadrinhos
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25 Chs

Greece (6): The three sisters.

Here's the chapter, didn't take a month this time. I said I'd get things back to normal!... Let's hope it stays that way.

Well, as always, if anyone wants to read 3/7 chapters of my two stories, that's possible on my (P)(A)(T). If not, I still appreciate you reading my stories, thank you very much!

That said, good night everyone and happy reading!



POV: Medusa.

Waking up my sisters was as expected, a complicated task, but in a way, I was already used to it. After all, I had been doing it for years, long before we came to this island.

I just wished they were quieter.


At least, Stheno was calmer than Euryale.

"Did he kidnap us? Damn thing, where is he?" Stheno asked, concerned. "We need to get out of here now before he comes back, let's go." She grabbed both my hand and Euryale's and started pulling us.

Euryale didn't resist; the two of them shared a bond much stronger than I could ever dream of having, with either of them or any other living being.

Their thoughts were one, like two sides of the same coin; if Stheno had thought of a plan to escape, Euryale knew what it was and would follow without hesitation... I didn't.

I didn't move as Stheno pulled me; even weakened as I was, I was still physically stronger than my sisters.

"Calm down, the Hunter won't harm us." Those were my true thoughts.

In the short time I had interacted with the Hunter, he seemed like someone who would keep his promises and speak the truth. If he said he would help me, he would... I just need to warn my sisters not to antagonize him...

"What are you talking about, Meduseless?" Stheno began.

"...Have you gone completely mad? Did you see that thing?" Euryale finished.

Both stopped their attempts to escape and turned at the same time to look at me as if I had grown snakes in my hair. Huh?... Funny thought.

"Not only did I see, but I also talked to him." I explained calmly to both. I fought as well and lost quite miserably. "He doesn't want to harm us; in fact, it's the opposite." I pointed to the room we were in.

It wasn't as extravagant as the temples we used to stay in, but it was cozier and just as refined. It might not be made of pure marble, gold, and silver, but I could see that the materials were fine.

I could almost see their thoughts pulsating from one body to the other as they looked around.

"Meduseless, that thing... It didn't touch you in some strange place, did it?" Euryale asked hesitantly. Wait...

"Change of plans, let's kill him, or at least cut that thing in the middle of his legs before we run away." Stheno had a dark and sadistic look on her face.

"Wait, no!" I shouted, waving both hands. "Nothing happened; I just had a conversation with the Hunter and Miss Doll!" Damn, I could already feel my face heating up with embarrassment.

Ignoring that I was sure Miss Doll and the Hunter were a couple, I wasn't even that pretty for someone to desire me; I was the opposite of my sisters...

But I'm glad they care about me like this.

"Doll? There's another one!?" Stheno asked, looking at the window and door, as if expecting someone to enter at any moment.

Before they lost their heads again, I calmed them.

"Yes, Miss Doll, Hunter's companion." I affirmed. "Chiron, the hero trainer, is here too." I threw the centaur's name hoping they would calm down more easily.

Chiron was known as one of, if not the only honorable centaur that existed; someone of respect, that should help...


...This is going to take a while, isn't it?...

 ~ Fate/The Hunter and His Doll ~

It took less time than I expected, actually.

I needed about a few minutes to calm them down, another couple of minutes to clear up the misunderstanding they had about my conversation with the Hunter, and just over thirty seconds to convince them to eat.

"This is good..." Stheno spoke shortly after swallowing one of the snacks Miss Doll had given me.

"...This Doll is a good cook." Euryale added, putting her hand in front of her mouth.

After the short pause for food, I managed to convince them to leave the house; their surprise was equal, if not greater, than mine at seeing the changes on the island.

"Meduseless said we're still on the island. Has she completely lost it?" Euryale looked at Stheno confused.

"Maybe, or this Hunter has some kind of magic that can affect the plants..." Stheno turned to look at me. "Are you sure?..."

"I am." I cut her off, preventing her from continuing. Hunter and I hadn't done anything!

"I'll believe you then." She didn't seem to believe, but didn't insist.

We walked a bit around the island, ran through the grass for some time, enjoying the last rays of Apollo's sunlight before heading to where Hunter, Miss Doll, and Chiron were.

My sisters pouted, but didn't protest, both knowing that this meeting was inevitable after the things I had explained to them.

We didn't take long to get to the place where Miss Doll and the Hunter were; the island wasn't very big, after all, but to my surprise, they weren't there.

I was confused for a moment before glancing over at the pier and seeing that, like Chiron, Miss Doll and Hunter were sitting there, facing the sea.

Hunter, like Chiron, was fishing, both in silence. As for Miss Doll, she was humming a song softly next to Hunter, swinging her feet that touched the water lightly, almost as if the waves were greeting them.

I hesitated to approach with my sisters, observing the peaceful scene, but I lost that hesitation when Hunter raised his hand, without turning, and waved, as if greeting us.

At first, it was obvious that he would know we were here.

"Did you manage to catch any fish?" I heard Hunter ask as we approached him.

"Two, and you, Mr. Hunter?" Chiron asked in a resigned but amused tone. "More than me, I imagine?" It was a silly question; the basket next to Hunter was full, it was obvious that there were more than two fish there.

"What can I say? I have an affinity with the sea." Hunter's voice was calm; I could tell, almost playful.

Chiron shook his head with a smile on his face upon hearing Hunter's words, and Miss Doll, on the other hand, laughed, a gentle sound that seemed to echo subtly and softly in the wind.

I think I'm missing some information here...

"Come closer, Medusa, sit with me." Miss Doll said when my feet touched the wooden pier. "Are these your sisters? Could you introduce us?" She asked politely.

I'm almost certain that both Miss Doll and Hunter and Chiron already knew my sisters' names, so the only reason Miss Doll asked was out of courtesy.

"This one on my right is Stheno." I raised my right arm to introduce her, but before I could continue, Stheno slapped my hand, pushing my arm down.

"I can introduce myself, Meduseless." She spoke, making a slight bow, in the same way she did when introducing herself in front of someone important in the temple.

"This one speaking is called Stheno." She pulled the ends of her dress slightly to the side.

"And this one speaking is Euryale." Euryale introduced herself next, both in their "public" personas.

Miss Doll seemed momentarily displeased with something before waving calmly as she stood up to introduce herself.

"Pleasure to meet you, Stheno." She looked at Stheno and then at Euryale. "Euryale, this one speaking is Doll." She introduced herself politely and nobly, just like my sisters.

Hunter and Chiron introduced themselves in similar ways, with Chiron bowing the front part of his body while placing his hand in front of his chest.

"Pleasure to meet you, ladies, this one speaking is Chiron." He introduced himself politely.

Stheno smiled subtly, looking into Chiron's eyes; that smile froze when the centaur didn't fall for her charm... I had told them not to try anything!

Fortunately, or mercifully, or for some other reason, no one commented on Stheno's subtle attempt.

As for Hunter, he just nodded slightly and said his name. "Hunter." But somehow, with these simple acts, he managed to exude elegance and nobility.

With the introductions finished, I thought it would be the beginning of a conversation or, if the Fates allowed, a discussion from my sisters. Neither happened.

Moments after introducing themselves, both Hunter and Chiron went back to sitting and fishing, with Chiron tossing one of the two fish from his basket to Hunter's basket for some reason.

Miss Doll did the same but repeated her invitation, tapping twice with her hand on the empty space next to her.

"Come, sit." She smiled, waving.

I hesitated for a moment before going to her and sitting next to her.

Stheno and Euryale chose to stand, even though there was enough space for them to sit on the pier.

The sound of the sea waves reigned for about five, maybe ten seconds, before being broken.

"Is that it?" Stheno asked, confused. "After everything Meduseless told us, I thought something would happen." She commented almost reflexively.

"Why do you call her that?" Before any of my sisters could speak again, Miss Doll asked. "Isn't she your sister?"

"Yes, and what's it to you?" Euryale asked a bit confused, and Stheno seemed to have the same confusion.

"Meduseless is Meduseless, our dear sister." Stheno stated naturally.

Miss Doll looked at their faces for a moment, then it was her turn to look confused.

"It's their nature." Hunter's voice broke the confusing silence. "It's natural for them to act this way because they were born this way." He affirmed.

Both Stheno and Euryale were angered by that comment.

"You make it sound like our nature is a mistake..." Euryale spoke.

"...Something imperfect, why do you think that, Hunter?" Stheno affirmed, completing Euryale's statement.

The way she had said the name "Hunter" was subtle but seemed almost like an insult.

I tensed, waiting for Hunter's reaction, but to my relief, he didn't react with anger or any other negative emotion, actually with no emotion that I could detect.

"Because it's the truth." Hunter stated, as if it were simple. "Born from humanity's desires for ideal idols, perfect goddesses, it's natural for your nature to be flawed."

Chiron spoke next, his eyes slightly widened with the information.

"Something imperfect cannot create something perfect..." The centaur murmured.

"Not without a great price." Hunter nodded, agreeing with Chiron's words and adding some more information. "And if something imperfect cannot create something perfect, flaws arise."

Stheno frowned at Hunter's and Chiron's words.

"You say that, but it only confirms the fact that Meduseless is Meduseless." Euryale responded sharply, not liking the statement that had been made.

That was true... I was different from them, the only one who wasn't eternal, young, "perfect" like them.

"Perfection means it's impossible to go beyond, as it's already perfect." Hunter affirmed, taking his eyes off the sea and looking at Euryale, who took a step back almost unconsciously before realizing and taking two steps forward.

"Both of you were born this way, Medusa wasn't, as she represents humanity's desire to go beyond, evolve, be something more." He looked at me, Miss Doll's hand on my back preventing me from throwing myself into the sea out of embarrassment.

Damn... I wasn't good with compliments!

Both Stheno and Euryale growled at the same time, raw anger and dissatisfaction reflected in their eyes. Just when I thought they would have an angry outburst, both took a deep breath and calmed down.

Their smiles told me that the calmness on their faces was fake. Before I could stop them, they began to speak.

"Our younger sister said she would start training..." Stheno began.

"...Imagine our surprise when we heard the name 'Chiron,' we thought it would be the hero trainer who would train her..." Euryale spoke next.

"But it seems we were mistaken because she said some man named Hunter would train her... Well, it was to be expected, just one brute training another brute." Stheno concluded.

Both Miss Doll and Chiron frowned in dissatisfaction. This wasn't some kind of subtle insult or a barb but something direct.

Hunter, the target of the insult, seemed to pay no attention to it and turned to the centaur beside him.

"Want to help me with her training?" He asked, pointing at me. Wait, what?!

"I was going to ask tomorrow if I could help, but since you asked now, I'll have to accept." Chiron smiled, his scowl disappearing.

"Well, there you have it, Chiron, hero trainer, will train Medusa along with me." Hunter commented, turning to my sisters who had confused faces, as if they didn't understand Hunter's lack of reaction.

"I'm glad that you two are such helpful and caring sisters, wanting only the best for your dear younger sister." Hunter waved, as if thanking and congratulating them for this fact.

Miss Doll gave a little chuckle with the whole situation; I couldn't help but do the same after seeing my dear sisters' completely incredulous faces.

It seems that irritating Hunter was more complicated than Stheno and Euryale thought it would be.


A calm chapter, just some interactions between the "Perfect" sisters and the others.

Something curious: For some damn reason, Stheno and Euryale in all their "glory" were considered more beautiful than Medusa... Man, Greek stuff is complicated... People with questionable tastes...

Well, aside from that, good night everyone and happy reading!