

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

MidnightSpeedster · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Wrath of Emiya

(Sorry for not updating in a while had a writers blocking going on but I am back) 

William POV

Getting off the cycle I quickly use my grapple hook to fly up all the way to the roof top of the abandoned building once I made it, I swung my sniper rife and started to assemble it starting with the stand. 

Once the stand was all set up, I began attaching the front barrel and scope together then came the clip which slotted into the gun with a satisfied click I took an experimental aim before nodding in satisfaction. 

Getting into position I aim the gun toward the sound of battle waiting with bated breath trying to catch Shinji without his servant being there to defend him. The entire school building suddenly rumbled and was then engulfed in a crimson like field. 

Saber, Rin, Archer, and Shirou were barely able to keep up with the pink haired servant sudden increase in speed causing me to frown. I was feeling heavily tempted to just stop and assist in person but kept my instinctive urge down if I took Shinji out then I won't have to worry about the servant.

The servant was currently distracted by both Saber and Archer leaving Shirou and Rin to defend themselves from a distance which left Shinji widely exposed. His servant wasn't doing very well against the other two either, so she won't even have time to defend her master not to mention the idiot is practically waving around the very thing that's controlling his servant.

If I placed a good shot at his lower back kneecap and grab that book from him then I can probably just get the servant to kill herself or option B I can still shoot him but take him hostage. Then have him kill his servant before getting him to confess where Ayako is then I could kill him. Both plans depend on chance alone depending on how fast I am before the servant reacts to what I will do. 

My trigger finger twitches when Shinji's servant jumps back standing in front of him, but I still have the advantage since I was positioned right where his back was exposed "this going to hurt like hell grh! Tr-trigger on...reinforcing the origin bullet to the max," I intoned with a burning size pain that could be compared to setting my own nerves on fire. 

The servant suddenly started glowing I could see the image of a pure white horse starting to appear which means this must be her noble phantasm I've got to hurry. 

"Time A-alter: Bullet A-accel!" I chanted out gritting my teeth through the pain then I pressed the trigger aiming it at Shinji's right kneecap. 

"Bello-" whatever the servant was going to chant out was halted when a sudden bang like noise was fired and the next thing everyone knew Shinji was on the ground screaming in agony "AHHHHHH MY FUCKING LEG FUCK RIDER HELP ME THIS HURTS SO MUCH," he begged. 

Firing the grapple gun I ziplined across reinforcement activated on my legs which burned much like my hand did when I first started the reinforcing process to the origin bullet. 

I was quite lucky though since the now identified Rider servant was too busy paying attention to her downed master to not even notice my incoming approach. 

My feet slam into her face launching her back away from Shinji I then pulled out my Thompson Contender placing it at Shinji's forehead. 

Rider looked up at me in shock "you again," she said standing back up not even fazed by the kick I hit her with. I cocked the gun glaring at the women with a hard look "don't even think about moving from where you are, otherwise, I'll kill your master over here," I bluffed. 

She gazes at the agonized form of Shinji without a single hint of emotion "IGNORE HIM RIDER AND HELP ME RIGHT NOW," he shouted but I silenced him by smacking him across the face "you shut the hell up otherwise I won't help you get your leg fixed," again I lied giving him false hope. 

"..." Rider remained silent but her stance of attack lowers she has no other choice I then face Shirou, Rin, Archer, and Saber "you two alright?" I asked looking at them with concern. 

"Were fine William but what are you doing here you barely just recovered and now you're out here fighting again! Saber was supposed to be taking care of you" Shirou exclaimed turning to look at Saber with a hard look who in response looks away from him "I apologize Shirou, but he would not listen to reason," Saber replied. 

"I hate to say it, but I agree with Emiya-kun you shouldn't be here your magic circuits were completely fried and the amount of mana you have right now is severely low it's a miracle that your even alive standing as you are," Rin said with a huff causing me to smirk. 

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were concerned about me Rin," I replied causing Rin to splutter about while Archer sighed "perhaps we should get back to the matter at hand what are you going to do about him," he said pointing his black short sword at Shinji. 

I turn my attention to Shinji, who looks both terrified and furious. "You… you'll regret this William," he managed to spit out, his face covered in tears and his voice in pain "you're in pain Shinji I can fix that for you but only after you do two things for me the first being that you order your servant over there to kill herself" I calmly replied. 

Saber's eyes widen remembering Kiritsugu doing the same thing to Lancer's master she could practically see his very after image standing right behind her current master. Lord she can still remember Lancer's last words till this day. 

She swallows her hands tightening she hates what he's doing but in the end it's necessary in order to win and obtain the grail. She couldn't help but look at the still Rider servant who didn't even react one bit. 

"TCH! FINE RIDER BY MY ORDER KILL YOURSELF!!" Shinji shouted raising his book which glowed a crimson color Rider grits her teeth her hands shakily raising her chain sickle placing it above her chest until finally she pierced her heart blood escapes from her mouth along with a gasp. 

Shirou can't help but look at the Rider servant feeling remorse while Archer and Rin watch without any emotion. 

Rider's last thoughts were of regret towards her real master Sakura she prays that someone will save her then she started disappearing away leaving a faint trail of blue. 

"There I did it Emiya! Now fix me like you said!" Shinji said but I shook my head "not yet now you have to tell us where Ayako is," I asked and then there was a pause my patience was wearing thin "where is she Shinji?" I ask again pressing the Contender further into his forehead causing him to whimper. 

The origin bullet was too much for him Shinji wanted the pain to stop but now as he looks at the three people who mocked him most of his life he shouts with a crazed look in his eyes "hahaha fuck all of you fuckers always looking down on me thinking that you were better than me well guess what William your little girl friend is dead. 

I fed her to Rider in order power her up hahahaha her corpse should still be at the school's basement eaten by the rats but that's not all there's also that bitch Sakura I used her in every way possible if you catch my drift hehehe!!!" 

His words hit me like a sledgehammer, but I don't let my fury show Instead I keep the Contender pressed firmly against his forehead my mind racing. Shinji's crazed laughter grates on my nerves, but I force myself to stay focused I can't afford to lose control now.

"You're a lying piece of fucking piece of shit Ayako isn't dead I know it!" I say with cold denial in my voice despite the rage boiling inside me "And I always suspected there was more than just the bruises I found on Sakura.

But to think you would do something like raping your own sister makes you the lowest possible scum there is!" I exclaimed smacking him with my gun causing blood to start leaking out from his forehead. 

Rin's breath quickens I turn to look at her from the corner of my eyes "Rin you need to calm down breathe," came the voice of Archer snapping Rin out of whatever she was going through right now. 

Shinji's laughter doesn't falter though I can see a flicker of fear in his eyes "But I'm not lying whatsoever ahahaha Rider drained her dry! She's dead William as for Sakura well what can I say about that she wasn't even my sister she was just a toy that grandfather gave me!!" he shouted. 

My grip on the gun tightens my mind screams in denial. I force myself to stay calm to cling to a sliver of hope that Ayako is still alive that I can still save my friend, but Shinji's words echo in my head I need to know for sure.

"Rin, Shirou, find the school basement," I command my voice strained but steady "find Ayako and confirm what he's saying."

Shirou nods his expression grim. "we'll find her William don't worry," he says but I could still detect the hidden fear in his voice. 

Rin and Shirou move quickly disappearing into the school building I turn my attention back to Shinji, who only looks at me with a joker like smile "you'd better hope Ayako is still alive." 

Minutes stretch into an agonizing eternity as we wait Saber stands by her sword ready while Archer keeps a watchful eye on our surroundings, and Shinji continued to smile at me ignoring whatever pain he was feeling right now since his mind had snapped. 

Finally, Rin and Shirou reappear their faces pale and grim they aren't supporting Ayako between them. Instead, they carry her lifeless body her face pale and her eyes closed forever the sight of her hits me like a dagger to the heart.

"She's… she's gone, William," Shirou says his voice breaking "We...we were too late."

Rage and grief wash over me, threatening to consume me my vision blurs with unshed tears as I turn back to Shinji, who is now smiling even wider.

"You fucking son of bitch!" I roar pressing the gun harder against his forehead "she was an innocent person she didn't deserve to die because of someone like you! And Sakura fuck the signs were so fucking obvious how could I have not noticed it," I continued the tears that I had in my eyes were about to leak forth while my breathing grew heavy

The image of Ayako's lifeless body and the thought of Sakura's suffering appears in my minds eye my teeth grit together as I shove my gun into Shinji's throat ready to shoot .

"You not only killed Ayako, but you abused Sakura," I say my voice shaking with barely concealed rage "you used her, tormented her Shirou always told me that there was still some good in the person that I used to consider my best friend but now you're beyond any kind of redemption."

"Go ahead then William pull the fucking trigger I know you want to," Shinji provoked as I start to press the trigger but then I stopped pulling the gun away from him "no...you don't get to go the easy way someone like you deserves only the most cowardly of ways to die," I said dragging him near the edge of the rooftop. 

"Wait-" but it's too late because I had shoved him off the roof causing him to land down with a hard crack silence soon followed. 

I sweep my hair fixing it back into its original position my breath grew shallow for a moment then I screamed "FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!" 

My knees buckle down in sudden weakness forcing me to land in a kneeling position.

Rin looked down still processing the death of her best friend and the revelation of her sister's abuse. Shirou couldn't help but feel like he was at fault for not saving Ayako and for never noticing just how in depth the abuse Sakura was going through. 

Archer could only sigh this never happened in his timeline Ayako was instead supposed to be found alive a day later by the police. 

He bit the right-side of his cheek watching the younger version of his brother break down he understood him more than anyone he only just wished it hadn't taken him so long to realize that it was impossible to always save everyone in front of him he discreetly glares at Shirou. 

Saber can only watch with sympathy it seemed like he wasn't completely like Kiritsugu at all the only thing she could do right now was lay a hand on his shoulder for comfort just as she did for many of her younger knights. 

-end of chapter twenty-nine- 

right so that just happened....