
Fate/Shattered Moon

Stranded in a world where people are on the verge of extinction brought about by the creatures known as Grimm, with no clue on how to get back. Now, they must adapt into this world while searching for clues on how to go back home. Though, this world seems to be far from simple than what is shown in the surface. Dammit Zelretch!

Daoist_Single_Dog1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 4

A month later.

Jaune Arc was actually from Vale, or rather, Arcadia. A frontier town protected and governed by his family for generations.

He doesn't like how his parents forced him to do things that he obviously has no interest in, such as painting, calligraphy, piano, economics, politics, etc. And never even bother asking him what he wanted to do.

His whole life was already decided the moment he was born.

So he left and went to Argus, where he temporarily stayed with his sister and her wife—yes, wife—and decided to train a bit before heading back to Vale to attend Beacon Academy for Huntsmen.

At first, he wanted to attend Mistral's Haven Academy for Huntsmen, but he ran out of slots and could only try for other academies.

Jaune has no transcripts since he didn't go to combat school, so he used his connections to forged one.

Atlas was a no go, with how strict they are, his fake transcripts would be discovered immediately.

Shade Academy in Vacuo is also a no, his father worked there as a combat instructor.

So that left only Beacon(even though he has a relative there, at least he was sure he won't be sent back). To his surprise, he got accepted. So he decided to use the remaining two months before school starts to train.

That was a month ago, so there's only another month left.

Currently, in a luxurious manor in a more affluent area of Argus—

"Seriously, I still can't believe that you accepted a student Senpai." Said Sakura, who was standing behind a sitting Shirou and serve him some drinks.

"Me neither," Shirou sighed as he looked at Jaune Arc who was now much better and is currently sparring with Artoria, "I can't believe I accepted him. Well, I'm no stranger to teaching, so it's fine."

"Saber seem to enjoy training him though," said Medusa, who was wearing a black turtleneck long sleeve shirt and blue skinny jeans with a reading glasses.

She was reading a book, while drinking a tea. She turned towards Sakura, "You don't have to serve me some drinks like this Sakura, it's supposed to be my job."

Sakura just smiled, "you have worked hard for the past few months Rider, just relax for now. I'm not that fragile."

"Still," Medusa gave her a determined look, "even if you have grown strong, Please still rely on me."

Sakura chuckled and held her hand, "Don't worry, I will."

"You know, I feel like a third wheel here …should I leave?" Asked Shirou while smiling wryly.

"Fufufu," Medusa chuckled as she turned towards him, "don't be like that Shirou, you can always join in. It isn't the first time we have done it."

Shirou just lowered his head, pretending that he didn't hear her.

Medusa merely chuckled, finding it quite fun teasing the man who was feared in the Moonlit World as the Neo-Magus Killer.

For a man who has been living with several girls, Shirou can't handle teasing.

The Emiya Family has several manors in many parts of the world where they can use to stay if they ever need to.

One manor in Argus is currently being used by Shirou, Sakura, Medusa, and—

"We're done! Shirou, my meal?" Artoria called out as she walked towards him, with Jaune barely able to walk behind her.

"Ah," Shirou scratched the back of his head, "Sorry, I forgot it's my turn to cook this day. If you can wait, I'll whip out something."

Artoria frowned, before shaking her head and just smiled, "Well, no matter. Just compensate my loss of mana later, I used up a lot training your squire."

"Urgh," Shirou covered his face with his palm, feeling a little embarrassed.

Medusa turned towards Artoria with a smile, "You have become far bolder, Saber. You weren't like this before. I guess your body wasn't the only thing that 'changed', huh."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Artoria averted her eyes, "Well, I shall take a bath and take a light 'meal' before heading to Vale. I have a mission to take there."

"I see, take care." Said Shirou as he smiled at her. "I'll prepare you a lunch and snacks just in case you go hungry."

"I'll leave it up to you then, my queen." Artoria smiled at him before walking away.

Oh yes, for some reason Artoria has taken a liking to calling him 'Queen'…guess she really does sees herself as a king despite already accepting her identity as a woman.

Shirou has no problem with that, if that's what Artoria wants, then let her call him that.

"I believe I forgot to congratulate you, Jaune." Said Sakura as she helped him sit on one of the chairs and gave him a glass of water. "You have been promoted to D-rank right?"

"Eh? Um, yes, ah, thank you Sakura-nee." Jaune scratched the back of his head in embarrassment…it was very Shirou-like, something the girls noticed.

"Really," Medusa stared at Jaune with a smile, "the more I look at you, the more I see the young Shirou I used to know."

"T-Thank you Medusa-nee," said Jaune, lowering his head.

"It wasn't a compliment," Sakura softly knocked his head, "Senpai was a reckless man, who don't care about what happened to his body as long as he can save someone. Really, I forgot the amount of headaches he brought us due to his recklessness."

Jaune stared at Shirou, who was averting his gaze, before staring at Sakura, looking confused, "But…isn't that a good thing? I mean, there's nothing wrong in helping others."

Shirou palmed his face. Medusa just chuckled. While Sakura knocked his head a little harder this time.


"I should beat that thinking out of your brain, but that's not my job. I'll leave that pain to your future girlfriend …or several."

Jaune couldn't help but be confuse. What is wrong with what he said? There shouldn't be right? It's not wrong to help others.

And what's up with that several girlfriend Sakura-nee was talking about? Having girls would just hinder his dream of being a hero.

His teacher, Shirou, was the best proof. He said that he used to be a hero, but gave up that dream after he married his girls—yes, apparently they were married.

Jaune didn't find it weird, Remnant's population is female dominant. There are more girls than guys and the population was so low and steadily decreasing that the government itself encourages harem to combat the falling population.

He's getting off topic; his point is that, Shirou gave up his dream of being a hero because of girls …and Jaune won't do the same mistake as him.

Female friends are alright, according to Shirou and the girls. Medea-nee even told him that he can deepen his friendships with females through 'friendship of thighs'—whatever that means.

But he absolutely won't have a girlfriend.

"By the way," Shirou said to Jaune, "Are you ready for the tournament? That will be your final test before you officially graduate from my teaching."

Jaune grinned as he pumped his fist, "Of course! I can't wait to test my strength against the best trainees in Mistral to see how far I have grown!"

Shirou smirked seeing his enthusiasm. How about he fuel that fire even more? "Tell you what, if you managed to get a good rank, I'll give you a gift."

Jaune perked up.

He knew that whatever gift Shirou wanted to give must be something that can increase his strength and accelerate his growth to being a hero.

He grinned, "You're on!"

Shirou couldn't help but chuckle. Well, it's about time that Jaune receives 'his' banner. The young trainee have proven himself several times during his month of training that he is worthy of holding that banner.


Ring~, ring~,

"Oh, that's mine." Jaune said as he took out his Scroll—the phone-version of Remnant—, and saw that his sister is calling him.

It was Saphron.

He stood up and picked it up, "Hello Saph?"

—Heeey~ Jaune!

Jaune frowned, something's not right. "Do you need something? I know that tone. You have something to tell me."

—Haha, can't a sister call his cute little brother?

"…come on Saph, tell me. No need to beat around the bush."

—alright fine! Remember the condition we put down when you decided live with Terra and I?

Jaune couldn't help but blush. "…Y-Yeah? What's that got to do with this?"

—Well, congrats, you're a dad!


"Cough! Cough!"

Jaune froze, while Shirou, Medusa and Sakura behind him did a spit take and stared at him in shock.

Shirou was not expecting that. Really, he did not. His student got a kid before him, granted none of his girls wanted a kid for the time being, but still!

"Jaune!" Sakura called out with a blushing, "I shouldn't be the one to say this, but incest is bad! I mean, you can shove your tongue down your sister's throat, but you shouldn't be putting a baby in her!"

"Wha—?" Jaune stared at Sakura in shock, "You got it all wrong Sakura-nee! My sister wasn't the one who's pregnant!…she's not …you're not right?" He asked Saphron through the scroll.

—What? Of course not! That's disgusting! It's Terra you dork! You're the one giving her creampie almost every night, how could you not know that?!

"Nice," Medusa smirked, and she knew that if Medea was here she'd weep into tears of joy with how her 'little brother' bagged himself a girl that he's been giving a creampie.

—Anyways, come by after you finish training, we're going to celebrate! You can bring your teachers with you. That's all, see ya!

Jaune could only stare blankly at his scroll, his mouth still wide open in shock.