
Fate rules

Kaz already throws his life for meeting his special girl in the afterlife. But fate not allowing him to join her. Throwing his life in the heart of the forest where wild beasts live, he waits to partying the beast his body. However, a miracle happened, and his time suddenly turns to back. Where is his girl, living a normal life. It's not like in his life, where sleeping for years in the hospital. The hope he lost, gradually came back. He was thrilled about the miracle. But it didn't take long. He is is able to travel in the past, however, Kaz turns into a lost spirit. And the shocking truth is, his girl has another man. He didn't know where he is. Kaz just accepts his fate and stay next to his girl. Watching his girl to passed the hurdle and the problems she's facing. He just watch, even his girl in the brink of death, Kaz just watching couldn't do anything to help her.

jjisekai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


As the two embraces, an expensive car stops on their left. And An old man, bow, wearing a black suit, greets Yukime "Lady, Yukime, it's been a long time. I'm glad you are doing well."

Yukisha, on the other hand, held gently Yukime's hand and got into the car.

"Reiz, take care of my sister. And don't tell Daddy and his girl that we met, they might think I'm corrupting Yukisha's mind."

"Yes! Lady Yukime. But first, our master is inviting you to a tea ceremony. If you have time, plea-------."

"Reiz! 'I don't regret my decision. And when I left his house I felt what is real life.' Please tell Daddy, and I don't have any free time for the tea party. So please bring Yukime home safely."

"It will follow, lady Yukime." The butler man, Reiz stood up straight as he got into the expensive car. Yukisha just looked out the window, watching the smiles that formed on Yukime's lips. And with just one look, Yukisha immediately understood the meaning behind the smiles.

'Sorry, Yukisha. But...' When the car was out of sight, Yukime walked sadly toward her apartment. While walking, Yukime couldn't stop her tears from falling.

Kaz couldn't do anything but watch her, Kaz just held Yukime's hands to somehow ease the pain.

'Also here. Yukime, you chose to be a normal girl, which is why I fell for you. Ha! Who am I kidding? I'm just a normal guy, with no wealth and no abilities, but thank you.'

While walking filled with anxiety, Yukime's sad lips were forced into a simple smile.

"Why do you seem to be here, ........ But thank you." Kaz stopped when he didn't hear Yukime's name mention properly. But the joy is there.

He didn't want to think, but only one possible answer came to mind. So Kaz just forgot what he heard, walking next to Yukime. In just a minute, they reached the place where they live. Instead of following Yukime inside, Kaz just waited for her to come out again. And he was right in his suspicions, Yukime came out again, but this time. She is no longer Yukime but Yume. Well dressed with good makeup and wore sunglasses as if she were a big actor or celebrity.

After a while, a car stopped in front and Yukime didn't hesitate to get in. And Kaz too.

"17:00 we finish at 19:00." was Spoken by the woman driving. While Yukime was just staring at the window. And the girl never stopped reminding Yukime of their time and activities.

Just a minute's flight, they reached a building where there were scattered guards as if expensive jewels inside with tight security. Kaz was no longer surprised, he remembered the day when he visited Yukime's work. One time it's a nightmare for him but it's paradise when they get home.

While the guard was examining the I.D. of the female driver, Kaz noticed Yukime's trembling hands with her arms wrapped around her stomach, hugging herself. After a while, she leaned back in her seat. She breathed heavily and her eyes were red.

"What's the problem?"

"N-Nothing, I-I'm just sleep-deprived."

"......" The girl just stared at Yukime. When she saw her situation and her voice was normal, she continued to step on the car's gas to start the car being driven. The guard let them in straight to the parking area.

"Yume." The woman opened the car door and Yukime got out.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, no matter what happens, I won't bother you. So rest." Yukime just nodded at the woman and walked away. To the elevator.

28th floor, they got off. As soon as they come out, it will immediately see the set-up of different types of cameras. When the staff saw Yukime and the girl, they went to their places. And the photoshoot has started.

She wore different types and styles of clothes and arranged her hair in different styles.

After about two and a half hours they were done.

"Yume, thank you very much. Your beauty is couldn't explain by just words and the pictures we take. It's all high quality. With the result, our client will surely be pleased with this. By the way, our client is asking if you are engaged."

"Thank you, Sir. But I'm engaged and the wedding is set." Yukime quickly uttered.

The bald, short, and fat man just fell silent when he heard it. And the conversation quickly changed. While the female driver continued to talk to a man in the other room.

"I don't want to accept it, but many businesses kept calling me to work with Yume. Fraesha, can't you change her decision?"

"If her father hadn't done anything. How about me, just her manager? And she only agreed with me to be a magazine model because of a personal problem. Besides, I promised that her journey in this work would only go this way. So we can't do anything."

"But Yume's name everyone expects to see in public, her popularity is out of control. If we keep hiding her, one day her life will be in danger."

The two stared at each other for a few seconds. Look at the table together.

"That's why we should hide who she really is. And increase the security where she lives. If something bad happens to that child, even in this paradise you worked so hard for many years, it will disappear in an instant.

The two continued to talk while Kaz was listening to their conversation. In the other room, Yukime couldn't bear the pain she was feeling. While the short, bald fat man was busy talking, Yukime leaned against the wall. Forced herself to stand up.

Fortunately, the manager, Fraesha, came out, walking straight towards Yukime. She held the shoulders at the same time she fell on Fraesha's shoulder. Fraesha helps Yukime walk to the elevator.

"Yukime, thank you for your hard work." A hug that gently caressed the heart. Also due to fatigue and being overworked, the voice coming from Fraesha's lips was not very audible. While Kaz could do nothing but pray for Yukime's health. And when they reached the ground floor, Fraesha carried Yukime on her back while walking to the car.




After a few minutes of flight, they arrived at Yukime's rented house.

"Yukime, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me." Yukime just smiled at Fraesha.

And Fraesha answered with a smile as she left.


Yukime waved her hands and when Fraesha was gone, she went up to her rented room. While still on the stairs, Yukime staggered, she just held on to the iron bar to support herself.

Kaz is trying to help Yukime even though his help is only penetrating. But he didn't stop supporting her until they reached the door of the apartment.

"W-Where's the k-key..." Shoving in her pocket, shoving in her bag, Yukime couldn't find her key. And eventually found the key in the other pocket. Yukime was trying to focus the key on the lock. But her hand does not obey the will. Hands that shake even though she supports herself with her left hand. She still couldn't insert the key properly. Eyes that double in shape and spinning head as if vomiting.

Until she felt the cold thing again this morning. She does not know herself. But the cold thing gave her comfort. And she immediately opened the door. Kaz heard a soft laugh. He just smile and continue helping her.

"Thank you...." Yukime said as she entered the room while reaching for her cell phone in her pocket. While taking something from the small bag, Kaz heard a loud noise.

When he turned around, Yukime was already on her hands and knees, struggling to reach for her cell phone. After a while, Yukime stopped moving.

Kaz just screamed as he quickly approached. Trying to lift but no matter what he does, nothing happens. In the end, he gives up and accepts that he is not the person for Yukime in the world he lives in.





"It's good for a person to work. But you abuse your body too much." Yukime felt a strong thud on her forehead. She was confused by the events. Lying with something cold on the forehead, and above all. Man holding her hand with the light in the window.

When her eyes landed on the clock, she woke up in shock. It was 8 AM in the morning and the man pushed her to lie again. He wrapped Yukime in a blanket, caressing gently her hand.


"S-Sorry." Yukime looked like a cat being preached to when she saw the man's glare.

"Yukime." The guy, tighten his grip on Yukime's hand and went straight to embracing her.

"You're a girl. You've always been like this." A tight hug that doesn't seem to want to let go. Yukime couldn't help but caress the man's back. While rubbing the man's back, he stared at the chair where Kaz was, sitting unable to look at the two of them. Yukime's gaze seemed to see someone on the chair, but she ignored it as she remembered what happened last night.

She was sure that as soon as she entered she fell down immediately. She was unable to call the man for help. But when she woke up, the illness was immediately cured. So it can only mean one thing.

"...... H-How long have you been here," Yukime asked softly and the man sat next to her.

"Last night, I didn't know what to do. You called but you didn't speak. Until I heard your voice struggling to breathe. So I quickly came here with the medicine in case you were sick again. And that's right I suspect it. Yukime, please talk. Take me with you to your work. I promise I won't bother you, so, please. Even just outside the gate, as long as I know you're going home safely." With serious eyes, Yukime just smiled and nodded. He hugged Yukime tightly because he was so happy that he can spend more time with her.

While hugging, Yukime looked back at the chair where Kaz was with a smile on her lips. She said something but no voice came out. But somehow Kaz understood what was meant.

"Thank you very much, savior." Instead of joy, its sadness and jealousy Kaz felt. Sad that being useless in Yukime's time of need and jealous of the man.

Whatever he does, and even reverses the situation. He was the only one who would get hurt, so Kaz decided to let them both go and enjoy their time. He couldn't bear to watch his wife with another man. And above all, help that cannot be given at a time of need like last night.

While hugging, Yukime looked back at the chair where Kaz was with a smile. He said something but no voice came out. But somehow Kaz understood what was meant.

"Thank you very much, savior." Instead of joy, it's sadness and jealousy. Sad that there is nothing to do in Yukime's time of need and jealous of the man.

Whatever he does, and even reverses the situation. He was the only one who would get hurt, so Kaz decided to let them both go and enjoy their time. He couldn't bear to watch his girlfriend with another man. And above all, help that cannot be given at a time of need like last night.

Kaz was about to leave the house. And suddenly he heard a loud voice spread inside that caused his neighbor to wake up.

"I NEED YOU!" Yukime shouted.

"I need you too." The guy just whispered to Yukime, embracing her tightly.

In not knowing that feeling. Kaz felt that Yukime's shout was for him. Kaz turned around and his eyes widened. Yukime starring at him as Yukime can see her. The gaze seemed to prevent him from leaving.

Kaz fell to his knees when he saw Yukime's same pleading face again. A reason to stop his decision to abandon her.

'Kaz! Kaz! Kaz! Kaz!' A strong fist landed on his own cheeks and at the same time rise with courage. Kaz walked towards Yukime and knee in front of her, bringing his lips close to Yukime's. Without hesitation, he feels Yukime's lips with tears.

An inexplicable sickness washed over Kaz. When Yukime smiled right in front of him and stared into his eyes as if she could already see Kaz..

"Thank you," Yukime whispered with joy in her voice.

