

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime e quadrinhos
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142 Chs

Chapter 34: An entry

(Titus's (Takeru) POV)

You would probably be thinking, 'Oh, hey! Now we get to see some bed bangs!' right? Wrong!

It had been two weeks since my meeting with Tamamo-no-Mae, and during that time, I hadn't seen her even once. Whenever I suggested a meetup, she would decline, citing busyness or not feeling well. At night, she was either absent from her room, or maids, somehow always present, were cleaning her chamber.

It was clear she was avoiding me for reasons unknown, and I couldn't fathom why. If I persisted, the Emperor would likely notice the affair, and I certainly didn't want an outright ban from seeing her.

Now, you might wonder why only I could meet Tamamo without attracting Emperor Toba's attention. Well, let's delve into the flashback.

(Flashback starts)

It was a drinking party where I found myself in a sake competition with Emperor Toba. During the event, he casually inquired if I was interested in any women.

"Sniff! Your Majesty, how could you ask such a dreadful question?" I began to cry. Due to my drunkenness, I became a bit more casual, but Emperor Toba didn't seem to mind.

"Cruel question?" The Emperor raised an eyebrow.

"Because..." I glanced around and, finding no one nearby, I whispered in his ear, "Your Majesty... My thing doesn't work anymore."

His cup slipped from his hand as if he sensed a storm approaching.


"Yes… In my teens, there was this beautiful girl in my town. I had a huge crush on her, but when I confessed my love to her, she rejected me. But not only that, she even brought her brother and several other boys, and they beat me! Kicking on my crotch AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!

Later, when I got older and desired to bed a woman, I asked a beauty from a Yoshiwara. She agreed, and we went to bed, but when I tried to lift my thing, it never worked. What's more, she called me trash and my little brother a dead bird!

When I consulted a physician for help... He said *SNIFF*, He said *SNIFF*."

Before I could continue, Emperor Toba cut me off.

"Stop this instant, my friend! Say no more!" The Emperor poured Sake for me and said, "Drink some wine and forget your sorrow. Fear not; in the capital, there are all sorts of beauties. I'm certain you'll find your destined partner."

I wiped my tears and raised my cup. "Then here's to my destined partner!"

"Yeah, cheers!!"

(Flashback ends)

And so, he didn't question my connection with Tamamo. Affairs, in general, were rare. It wasn't that people didn't cheat in this era; it was about getting caught.

"But I'm not cheating on anyone!" I groaned. "This is really infuriating!"

I was genuinely frustrated with Tamamo. 'Why do the women in my life enjoy testing my patience? First Nero, and now Tamamo. Do I have to endure these dramas constantly?'

You might think I was rushing, but my actions were justified, given the current situation. In case of Nero's timeline, I possessed extensive self-knowledge since I knew the sequence of events. I knew the likely dates for specific events, like the Great Fire of Rome.

However, Tamamo's timeline had an almost fantastical element. I had no idea when she would exhibit signs of her divine awakening and eventually be expelled from the Imperial Court. It was May now, and if the events occurred in the summer, it meant I had a month or less to devise my plan.

There was also the matter of Abe no Seimei. I had been investigating his origins or whereabouts but found nothing.

Abe no Seimei was akin to Merlin in this era. Almost every government carriage in the capital was protected by Abe no Seimei's talismans. He had also erected the most formidable bounded field around the Imperial Palace to guard against Oni attacks.

According to my research, he was last spotted a few decades ago in the capital. No one knew what that wandering onmyōji was up to.

The same could be said for the 'monster' I was searching for. Jack and I scoured everywhere, even neighboring cities, but found no leads.

All I could do was focus on my current mission and somehow take decisive action against Tamamo.

<<Mommy, should I drag that woman out of her shell?>> I heard Jack's voice. She was walking beside me in her spirit form.

I was returning from a nearby town after completing some minor business. It might sound harsh, but I never let Jack manifest in front of anyone until now. She was my one and only trump card in times of need.

Now, to her suggestion, to be honest, I was thinking of the same underhanded tactics.

I was about to grant Jack permission when I saw someone walking toward me. He seemed to be heading to the capital too. Judging by his attire, he appeared to be some kind of monk, but he exuded a different aura unlike anyone I had ever seen.

Upon spotting him, Jack immediately hid in a nearby bush. Skilled mages or monks could sense a servant's magical presence, and Jack was well aware of it. Assassins excelled in concealment, stalking their prey from the shadows.

"Good day, my fellow traveler! It seems I have encountered a government official from the capital," the monk greeted with a smile. He was exceptionally tall.

I wasn't short, but this man made me feel like I was looking at a skyscraper. It wasn't just his height; his dominating presence overshadowed my existence. He also recognized me from my outfit, indicating he was familiar with government officials' attire.

"Ah yes, good day. How can I assist you, sir?" I greeted him, attempting to inquire about his identity.

"Oh, I'm just your average onmyōji. My name's Abe no Seimei!" The person introduced himself, crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue in a playful manner.

I was petrified upon hearing that name. Just as I was recalling the third most important character in the story, he appeared before me. I felt mixed emotions—anger at what he had done in his legends and would do later on, but also excitement at encountering a Japanese version of Merlin. The Onmyōdō he practiced was one of the original magecrafts in Japanese history. On the one hand, I wanted to eliminate him, and on the other, I wanted his autograph.

However, I chose to converse instead. Let's start with some fanboying.

"I can't believe I'm talking to the great Abe-no-Seimei…" I muttered, staring at him.

"Hehe, you're making me blush. You've probably heard of me from the capital, right? That's right; I'm the real deal, and I've returned!" The onmyōji tilted his non-existent hair and puffed up his chest.

"Wow..." I smiled and clapped. Honestly, I wanted to punch him. I expected a dignified old man, but instead, I found this young, towering narcissist. "So you're returning to the capital? That's wonderful! I should go ahead and announce your grand return."

"Oh, please don't do that. I'm trying to keep a low profile, so I'd prefer to avoid unnecessary attention," Abe no Seimei said, showing a strained smile. "Well then, I'll see you around, mister…?"

"I'm Tsukuyomi-no-Takeru, a trade advisor to His Majesty, Emperor Toba," I smiled and bowed slightly, attempting to read his reaction to my name. To my surprise, he remained unfazed. It means that he didn't know me.

"Oh my, 'Tsukuyomi' as if the God of the Moon? What a splendid name! Well then, until we meet again, Tsukuyomi-no-Takeru-san~!" With those words, he walked away and disappeared from my sight.

<<Mommy! >>

"Calm down," I stopped Jack from following him. We were in open plains, making it risky for Jack to observe him. "But time is really ticking now."


(3rd person's POV)

Abe-no-Seimei walked a few paces before he doubled over in pain, groaning, his hand pressed against his stomach. He lifted his shirt and saw multiple red marks glowing on his belly. "They were calm for so many years! Why now?!"

These marks were some sort of curse, and with each glow, a surge of pain rippled through his entire body. Abe-no-Seimei gritted his teeth.

"That cursed fairy from the west! I will definitely undo this wicked seal from my body!" He then glanced in the direction where he had met a young man named Tsukuyomi-no-Takeru. "Does that boy have the answers?"


At that moment, Tamamo was applying ointment to her 'husband's' head. A few days ago, Emperor Toba had started feeling nauseous, followed by severe headaches. According to the physicians, it seemed like alcohol was awakening an ailment within him. Well, he wasn't at an age where he could indulge without harming his health. However, her senses were telling her that this illness might get even worse.

"Ah, Tamamo-chan, your hands are truly lovely…" Emperor Toba said, smiling.

"Thank you, your majesty," Tamamo replied, continuing to apply the ointment.

"Why are you so melancholic these days? Are you not eating properly?" Emperor Toba inquired.

Tamamo looked at him and managed a strained smile. If there was one thing she appreciated about this man, it was his perceptiveness, yet he continued to overlook the cause of her distress.

How could she explain that she was running from someone? To admit it would be a betrayal to the person who had provided her everything, who had fed her until now. It was a feeling she couldn't share.

"It's nothing, your majesty. I apologize for my despondency," Tamamo bowed.

"Haha, you should go and rest since tomorrow is a grand day. You'll be participating too, won't you? It might lift your spirits," Emperor Toba suggested.

Tamamo smiled and bowed. "Thank you, your majesty. You truly are a kind person."

However, just as she was about to rise, Emperor Toba held her hand and said, "Tamamo-chan, I truly, truly love you. Please trust me and never betray me."

Tamamo fell silent before offering a warm smile. "I never would."


(Titus's (Takeru) POV)

Great Boar Hunt.

It was a yearly event held before the harvest, where wild boars were released in open fields, and contestants hunted them down on horseback. The boars were set loose in grassy fields, and each hunter had to use their skills to catch as many as possible. The one with the highest kill count would receive numerous rewards, including the chance to ask for anything reasonable from the king.

**Ping! Kshak!**

My arrow sliced through the air like a bullet, finding its mark with a distinct cry. An official raised a blue flag, "Direct kill to the neck! 5 points to Takeru!"

It was my first and only kill so far in the game. For now, I had no reason to compete for the prize. I could easily acquire hunting skills using Imperial Privilege, but there was nothing I desired from the king. My sole purpose here was to see Tamamo-no-Mae.

"!!" Tamamo blushed the moment our eyes met, quickly averting her gaze. She was participating in the competition, though she barely moved, staying close to Emperor Toba's carriage.

Seeing her avoid me like that stirred anger within me. I felt the urge to confront her, to give her a piece of my mind. Yet, I decided to remain calm. I had to speak to her, but with so many eyes on her and the Emperor, getting close was impossible.

Scanning the surroundings, I noticed a path leading into a dense forest. It was a dangerous area, rumored to be inhabited by wild animals and mythical beasts, but it presented the perfect opportunity to confront her. An idea occurred to me. Though risky, it seemed like my best shot.

"Jack," I called to Jack the Ripper, who was sitting behind me in her spirit form.

<<Yes, mommy?>>

"I'm going to that dense forest. Ensure only Tamamo follows me, no one else. But don't kill anyone." I gave her some specific instructions. I had to be careful as to what I should instruct her since her default setting was to just kill a person to solve any problem.

<<Okay, mommy. Please be safe,>> Jack spoke before vanishing.

I urged my horse toward the forest's entrance. Just as Tamamo's eyes locked onto me, I sprinted inside. I made sure no one else witnessed my entry; I only wanted Tamamo to follow.

Half a kilometer in, I stopped in an open area, a perfect place to lure Tamamo. I dismounted and waited. Then, three hours passed, but there was no sign of her. It seemed my assumption of her feelings for me had been wrong. With no more time to waste, I decided to turn back, hoping to encounter her on my return.

As I prepared to leave, I felt an eerie calm settle over the forest. Looking around, I noticed a giant shadow, approximately three meters tall, arms gripping a colossal club. My instincts kicked in, and I jumped off my horse just in time to see the Oni bring the club down, cleaving the poor creature in half. Blood sprayed across me, but my focus was on the monstrous Oni.

"HUMAN! KILL!" The Oni roared a blood-cuddling scream. A human being would have been petrified by such a voice alone, but I had already died five times. I wasn't scared.



The Oni attacked, but I easily dodged the blow. I heard that a strong Oni could decimate an average soldier, but this one seemed slower. Nonetheless, it was a phantasmal species, a demon of Japan. It wouldn't stop until he would kill me and eat me like a snack.

"System, suggest a skill under Imperial Privilege to deal with this demon," I requested. Whenever I was stuck, I often turned to the system for advice.

['Oni Slayer C' is a special skill available under Imperial Privilege]. Would you like to acquire it?]

"Yes!" As soon as I gave my permission, I started hearing a certain opening theme of a certain anime.

['Oni Slayer B' has been acquired. The time limit is 15 minutes.]

I felt a change within me. The air shifted, and I sensed as if I had slain countless Oni across Japan. It was as though I existed solely to kill these demons. Even the Oni took a step back, unnerved by the sudden shift in my aura.

But it was then I noticed someone approaching, and their presence brought a grin to my face.

Oni then snapped, swinging its club to which I barely moved. Even though I wasn't harmed, the impact sent me flying several meters, and when I finally stopped, I coughed up blood.

"Kh!" I groaned, looking back at the Oni, its eyes aflame with murderous intent.

The Oni dropped its club, preparing to strike me down for good. This time, I didn't evade. I chose to take the blow head-on.

Just as the club swung down, a cloud of dust erupted. However, I was saved. When the dust settled, a pink-haired maiden stood there, holding the massive club with her bare hands hands.



(3rd person's POV)

An hour had passed since Takeru went missing. Emperor Toba had dispatched all available forces to search for him, but there was no sign of him.

'Takeru-sama, please be safe!' Tamamo prayed, her anxiety growing with each passing second.

She thought Takeru had participated in the competition to win and arrange a meeting with her. And so, to secure a high score, he must have pursued a boar into that dense forest. That was the last place she had seen him.

She had asked Emperor Toba to send a search team into the forest, but they found nothing. Another two hours passed without any news.

Not willing to wait idly, Tamamo sought permission from Emperor Toba to search for Takeru herself.

"Alright, take some soldiers with you. It's dangerous out there."

So, five soldiers accompanied her. Well, that was the plan, but it quickly fell apart. Three fell into a pit but were unharmed, and the remaining two injured themselves on branches and vines.

"Kh!" Tamamo bit her lip, now alone. She could return with more warriors or press on by herself.

"Takeru-sama! Please be safe!" A tear escaped her eye as she ventured deeper into the forest. Her mind was filled with prayers and hope for Takeru's safety. Memories of their moments together played in her mind, and when she remembered their last affectionate kiss, her heart quivered. It was then that she realized her complicated feelings for Takeru.

"Takeru-sama, please be alive! I promise I won't ignore you! After all, I love…"

In that moment, she spotted movement in the distance. As she approached, her eyes widened. There stood Takeru, facing an Oni alone. His last attack had nearly killed him; he was coughing blood! There was no time left.

'I have to save him!' At that moment, her body distorted. Heat surged within her chest, though there was no pain. Instead, a new energy filled her. She felt light. She didn't know why, but time seemed to have stopped.

Without a moment's hesitation, she raced forward. It was almost unbelievable, but she covered several meters in a single step. She appeared before the Oni, blocking its club with her bare hands.

"Khs!" She groaned, her nails tearing, blood streaming from her fingers. But she didn't yield. With sheer determination, she deflected the enormous club, even pushing the giant Oni back.

Turning, she called out to Takeru, "Takeru-sama! Are you hurt? Please answer…" However, at that moment, instead of discomfort or pain, she was met with an evil grin on Takeru's face.