
A Meeting With Queen

As I headed towards the apartment's parking garage with an absent mind on what was in store for today I came across a familiar face anyone living in the apartment complex would know.

"Good morning Kennedy, going to the station I presume?"

"Yes I am, Ms. Jane. You've seen the news this morning did you?"

Ms. Jane Wilson, better known here to be the landlady of the apartments. Some that even she's God'a gift. A lovely lady and an understanding person that some tenants make sure to pay on time since they can't bear not paying on time.

"I certainly did, I presume you're going to be out till late night?"

I laughed since I knew she asked that, since it wasn't the first time I came back late at night; sometimes even in the dead of the morning. I told her I was sure to be out till late given the current situation.

"I see... Well, you better make sure to take care of yourself alright?" I nodded to her, signaling to her not to be worried; since it's just going to be just like the usual.

It's not a major secret here that she treats me differently compared to the other tenants in the apartments. Even some of the other tenants complain behind our backs about how she treats me.

First of all, no. I'm not in a relationship with her; nor do I have any intention of being in a relationship with her in the first place. Secondly, as far as I know; only I know her circumstances among the tenants.

The fact that she's a widow.

Yeah, I'm not to keen on picking up a woman after losing her loved one. I'm not that much of a bastard. Thirdly, is that I knew her and her deceased husband before he died.

Although it was only for a brief period, I got to know the man named Jack Wilson. We even met on the weirdest way possible, he'd comfort me in his own unique way that surprisingly cheered me up when I was just starting out in the Defense Force.

I can still remember his final words to me before heading to the assignment before his death.

"Hey kid, tell my wife I'll be home late tonight. Wouldn't want to keep her anxious all night; ya know?"

That day, he met with a high-level demon unexpectedly. He even sacrificed himself for his subordinates so that they could retreat, truly a valiant soul. Kinda sad those types are quick to the cemetery.

As the station attended the funeral, I could see Ms. Jane sobbing from a distance. Felt even more shit since I was the one who delivered the news of her husband's death, after saying he'd come home late the day before.

So to those who don't know her situation, I tend to just flip them off and shut them out. As I got my motorcycle out of the garage I waved at her and headed out to the station.

Seems like today was no different, the traffic always being a bitch. Thankfully being part of the Defense Force has benefits, and just what I needed this morning.

I drove my motorcycle towards the less crowded lane in the road, blocking it was a corporal with his team tasked with guarding the gateway.

"Ah, Lieutenant Blackwood! Good morning sir!" The corporal and his team greeted me with a standard salute as all lower ranking officers do meeting their superiors.

"At ease Corporal, just open the gate for me like usual will you?"

"Sure thing Sir! A pleasure to be of service."

As he opened the gate I drove my motorcycle to the fairly empty highway and proceeded on my way towards the station.

I even met a bunch of colleagues whilst on the way, but we just nodded at each other as we passed by each other and focused on getting to the station as fast as possible.

After a couple of minutes, I could see the station and all its magnificent glory. A beacon of hope in this world overrun by demons, a light in the darkness that's the only thing keeping a sense of normalcy in these times. At least that's what the media portrays it.

It was a highrise building, 15 floors and built to withstand even from A class demon attacks with a shelter of 5 floors underground and with tunnels connecting to the other stations across town. It was built near the west part of the city's walls as a strategic position for defense on the west side, its also for ease of access to outside the walls.

Personally, if it weren't for us having our own highway lane I would've made a cabin out in the woods years ago just because of the daily commute.

As I drove to the parking garage I spotted a colleague that was coming towards me. He had short brown hair paired with equal brown eyes and a face that any random girl on the street would take a second look at.

"Hey Ken, up for a little contest on who's team can score more points than the other when patrolling?"

"Not in the mood Wayne, you do know we're running a bit behind? You don't want what happened last month to happen again, do you?"

"You know I would've gotten away with it if you didn't blab your mouth to Colonel Bridgette! And people say I'm the one whose cunning..."

We both began walking to our workstations to put our stuff away and be on time to the weekly briefing.

Wayne Stewart, a talkative colleague who was my junior but instead caught up to my position in a short amount of time. I have no bad feelings towards him, especially since he was once a subordinate. In fact, I'm proud I was once a superior of his and elated that people with talent and a prospect like him are joining the Defense Force.

After we put our stuff away at our workplaces, we headed to the assembly room just in time before it began. The room was packed with the other commanding officers seated and talking to one another about the recent news.

Then approached a familiar man who seemed to be in his late thirties, his face was far from what people would call energetic, he had an air of listless surrounding him. With neat dark brown hair walking towards both of us. Both me and Wayne greeted him with a salute and he gestured us to be at ease.

"Captain Britland, good morning Sir."

"At ease Lieutenants, no need to be so stiff in the morning. I'll see you after the briefing to give out the tasks later, I was just passing by that's all."

With that, Captain Britland proceeded to pass us by to his seating area.

"Can't believe the old guys say he was called 'Sir Brightland' if anything isn't he's the exact opposite?"

"Can you drop the talking for a bit so we can go to our seating area, Wayne?" There was a hint of irritation in my tone that I purposely added.

"Calm down, calm down. I'll quiet down, jeez."

Sadly, I can't blame Wayne for not knowing the situation and commenting on Captain Britland. Those old guys were right, Captain Britland before was called Sir Brightland due to his cheerful and friendly vibe to others around him.

The one that came back alive from Captain Wilson's sacrifice? Yeah, that was Captain Britland at the time. Every day I can see he still regrets deeply and blame himself for his death, that people don't mention Sir Brightland at the station.

After that, we got to our seats and began to listen to the conversations around us.

"Did you hear that a squad from the Defense Force in the east side recently got caught up in a wave of demons?"

''That was my sister's husband squad that got caught up in that! Thankfully he got out of it relatively safe, and that was with a broken leg and some fractured ribs. The majority of his squad didn't come out alive."

"East side's got it easier, the North side of the Defense Force, on the other hand, is confounded with the number of demons coming from the sea. I'd rather fight a wave of demons on land than a squadron of them at sea."

"Seems like only the Defense Force in the South have an easier time, since they have most of the Private Guilds located there."

Looks like the other sides are struggling as well, except for the South side of course. As I heard the various conversations around me, Wayne pulled me over closer to him.

"Don't blank out man, she's already here." With Wayne's reminder, I look towards the stage and see the figure I saw on the news this morning. Seems like I was saved not being late due to the press conference this morning, which held her back and pushed the briefing behind schedule.

She was a bit disheveled, probably the after effects of handling the press conference. She tidied herself up a bit before proceeding to check if the mic was in order. After making sure it worked she began the weekly briefing.

"Sorry for the late arrival, the hounds at the media won't stop asking questions and speculate the most extreme stories. With that out of the way, we'll begin this week's briefing."

And so began the weekly briefing, which includes reports on noteworthy findings out on the field, the general situation, and sightings of demonic beast activity reported by the scouts.

"Before we end the briefing I would like to remind everyone that the number of demon beasts is on the rise, so be extra vigilant out on patrol. Also, I'd like Lieutenant Blackwood to meet me in my office as soon as this briefing is done."

Hearing her order Wayne looked at me with a confused look on his face. I shrug off to Wayne's look since I didn't know either. As far as I'm concerned, my troop's performance didn't do too badly recently. Not to mention I just had a 'regular meeting' with her a week ago.

Well, I won't know without going, not like it's the first time I danced around the Colonel.