

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
99 Chs

Might of the Goddess of the End


3rd Pov

" Impossible", muttered Ushiwakamaru as she looked at her former comrades. Gilgamesh had summoned seven heroic spirits in this era with his might, his immense magical prowess helped him achieve this unsurmountable act. To summon seven high-level servants and then use some spells and servant's own nature to their advantage and to let them absorb the Ether emitted by the world, for their continuation.

It was something that only he could have hoped to achieve, truly King of Heroes. But he was neither at his peak nor he had the power to truly grant each Heroic Spirit enough Mana to let them use their full prowess. Infact even Gilgamesh understood in his current state he would unlikely defeat any of the women of Poseidon, much less him. If he was at Peak with EA to adhere his wish and commands, then he would have even the arrogance and surety to defeat Poseidon.

But he was old, way past his prime and not the Arrogant King he used to be, thus it was another matter for him, Coming to present Leonidas looked at Kingu enraged at the treatment of his comrades, he could see they were corrupted by demonic powers, a fate not befitting of them. It was a pure tarnish to their resolve and their heroic demise, and veins appeared on all his body as he squeezed more out of his strength, increasing his strength parameter by a single rank.

Kingu meanwhile ignored the servants as he knew they were no match for him, his only concern were the Divine Spirits. Three of them present before him, each one a top one easily, whether it was Innana the hailed queen of the Heavens, or the Mysterious blonde Goddess who made the space trembled with her mere Aura, but most problematic of them all was the man sitting on top of the throne, observing the battle that was about to unfold before his eyes.

'They' could see that despite his Divinity being slightly weaker than the Goddess, he was the strongest of them, another fact supporting this was that the Goddess who emitted the strongest Divinity almost reaching the level of True Manifestation of a God, or the level of King of Gods as a Divine Spirit was his subordinate. This was no joke, she could easily shred the servants he brought to assist him in mere seconds, such was the might of a God.

Yet, she bowed and knelt before that man, with a devotion not less than a frantic occultist who would burn the entire world for their God and commit the most heinous crime in the name of the justice delivered by their Lord. They had no fear though, for they was the son of the Creator Gods, a body shaped by the power of creation itself, with the nature that was very against their existence itself, they was the chain of Heavens, the one who sang the Song of Earth.

Artoria took her steps slowly, each one creating no sound but a unique vibration that announced her manifestation, the Divine Spear in her hands submitted before it's master and summoned the powers of the World beyond the current, one that belonged to an era unknown to current, world never seen before, it was the outside of the world. Her spear Glew eerily ready to shred the layers of the world any moment.

" Heh", dozens of Golden portals appeared near his feet and chains with Anti-Divine properties shot out like missiles, each one's trajectory calculated and precise with the goal to stop the Divinities in their path. Ishtar flew through them while dodging them with precision, a few scratching her skin leaving red marks, Artoria meanwhile just went supersonic and arrived in front of Kingu in less than a second and pierced his chest through her spear destroying him.

" Well that was fast", said Kingu as he appeared in another place," Clone huh?", muttered Artoria as she glanced at the dozens of new Kingu appearing before her. " Well they aren't clones but if it helps your meagre mind to understand the complexity of the gift that mother bestowed me, then sure", they said and hundreds of Golden portals manifested before them and shot out like torpedoes.

" That's unfair!! You fucking cheater!! ", shouted Ishtar as she tried her best to dodge the chains, Artoria meanwhile snorted and waved her Spear while it turned anti-clockwise and she said," Rhongomyniad!! ', a purplish-golden light shot out destroying the chains and shredding them into pieces that turned to clay. Dozens of copies of Kingu were slayed in a moment, but new one appeared making Ishtar's face pale,' Don't tell me he is an spirit of revenge?! ', she thought lamenting about her past actions.


Meanwhile, from the castle Gilgamesh gazed at the horizon, his eyes narrowing,' I see, it's really you, or at least your body ', he thought while a self-depreciating smile appeared on his face, " Is something the matter?", asked Siduri from behind and he turned with grace, and replied," It would seem they are fighting, and he is there."

" He?", muttered Siduri as her eyes widened with realization, Gilgamesh calmly returned to his throne and looked at the reports," My King- doesn't that means?-", she said as if wanting to ask his opinion," I have nothing to speak to them now, with their death, I became King of Men, I had lost the right to talk with them long ago", he said while ignoring her any further.


"How about it? Ushiwakamaru? ", asked Tomoe Gozen as she swung her spear, while Ushiwakamaru dodged it by a single inch," What about it? The fact you are like this pains me, but do you think I am afraid to cut you down?!", she said while Tomoe rolled her eyes," Idiotic as always, fine die you emotional idiot!", she shouted ready to use her Noble Phantasm, only to get her chest pierced by a purple spear from behind.

" What the fu-", she said as she looked behind to find Scathach," Uh, were you thinking I will challenge you first, well then forgive me but I simply don't have the time to waste on you, now perish", she said as she took out the spear from her chest while Tomoe Gozen's body vanished, the curse of death had killed her for good.

Then she glanced at the battle fought by the Artoria with eagerness on her face, she wanted to join and fight against a strong enemy like him as well, despite her Divinity she was a God-Killer so it would be extremely easy to go against the likes of Enkidu. ' Don't participate, it's Artoria's fight ', Poseidon said to her, and she pouted lightly,' You are really demanding Poseidon, very well I shall betray my inner warrior and shall watch from the sidelines ', she replied.

Then they shifted towards Artoria who despite the power gap was unable to defeat Kingu, the Anti-Divine Nature of Kingu might be the only reason they was able to hold their ground against her. Artoria was starting to get annoyed after all her greatest power, her own Divinity was proving to be a burden against the foe in front of her.

If it was her before ascending to Godhood then she would have ripped apart Kingu minutes ago, but seeing that her own status of being a Divine Spirit proved to be disadvantageous to her, she quickly stripped away all of her Divinity, and gave it to Poseidon. The next moment the Divinity from Poseidon surged as his spirit origin ascended to a higher rank.

While Artoria's parameters weakened significantly and her divinity was reduced to F-. Seeing such a sudden change Kingu's eyes glinted, in a way the move of Artoria to give up on her Divinity was smart but it decreased her prowess by several times, thus even without the advantage of Anti-Divinity he could win against her, far more easier than before after all he had the perfect A Rank parameter.

" Foolish, now die", said Artoria knowing well of the Kingu's thought, he transfigured his hand to an axe and then increasing his strength and speed to A+++ he flew rapidly towards her. Artoria simply teleported beside him and shot a powerful spell. ' Damn! ', Kingu thought as his copies vanished and his heart almost destroyed. He had sacrificed his endurance for the increased parameters, after all he needed Mana, Strength and Speed to finish her.

Unfortunately his plan backfired and now he was at death's door. Artoria got ready to decimate him, when he teleported away. " Fuck!!", she said with anger realizing her mistake, she was sure of her victory and even after giving up her Divinity her strength was still reigned as a Peak Servant with the prowess of a Magician. Thus despite casting a spell that would teleport her along Kingu, the lack of mana and other enhancement strengthening it, Gorgon easily broke the spell and she didn't had enough Divinity to intervene in their teleportation.

She failed, and by such a rookie mistake, shame filled her as her hands started trembling. Ishtar meanwhile breathed in relief and then looked at Artoria with slight fear,' She is so strong even as mere Servant, and her prowess as a Goddess is no less than my father! ', she thought realizing that Artoria's strength equaled to the King of a Pantheon.

" It's over? ", muttered Scathach with disappointment, she didn't get to participate and despite the mistake that Artoria committed, she didn't bother about it afterall she could have made the same mistake. She isn't a perfect being afterall, but she could see that Artoria felt greatly ashamed of herself, Poseidon teleported on the destroyed ground, and Artoria knelt before him in an instant.

Her head lowered and she said with shame filled in her voice," My Liege, I apologize, I was unable to fulfill your command", Poseidon just simply patted her head making her feel warm in her heart. One might wonder why Poseidon's women had such exaggerated reactions? Afterall Artoria was already wife of Poseidon, and the mistake she did was nothing big, but for Artoria she disappointed her love, she disappointed her Liege, she disappointed her Master, she disappointed her God.

Artoria suddenly started panting heavily as her emotions exploded,' Poseidon! Poseidon! Poseidon! Poseidon!Poseidon! Poseidon!Poseidon! Poseidon!Poseidon! Poseidon!Poseidon! Poseidon!Poseidon! Poseidon!Poseidon! Poseidon!Poseidon! Poseidon!Poseidon! Poseidon! I love you!!! I love you!!! I love you!!! I love you!!!I love you!!! I love you!!!I love you!!! I love you!!!I love you!!! I love you!!!I love you!!! I love you!!!I love you!!! I love you!!! ', her thoughts started repeating in her mind.

Poseidon grabbed her chin and then making her stand up he looked into her eyes, Artoria blushed profusely and opened her mouth knowing what is about to happen, Poseidon kissed her, his hand traced through her waist and then to her back. His tongue eloped with hers as they shared a passionate moment. Ishtar meanwhile blushed and covered her face, while peeking from the gap of her fingers. Her heart beat rapidly as she looked at their colliding tongue and Artoria's submissive look.

Scathach looked at their kiss with a slight red hint on her face, as her pussy twitched. It was apparent she wanted Poseidon's attention, Jeanne meanwhile pouted with slight jealousy not liking the fact that her Lord Poseidon is sharing such a passionate moment with someone else! Still considering that Artoria was her new sister she remained silent.

Soon they were finished kissing, and Artoria leaned against Poseidon's chest while with a smile formed on her lips, suddenly an extreme amount of Divinity gushed into her, raising her status to a Divine Spirit, and she recovered her original parameters. ' Hmm, I wonder if Mommy did it to get attention from Daddy ', thought Amara who had just appeared and looked at her Mommy Artoria.

Her eyes narrowed while a smirk appeared on her face,' Well she can't fool Daddy, still just wait for me to become his favorite wife ', she thought then thinking about how she will take her revenge by keeping Poseidon by her side for weeks, she started laughing crazily in her mind. " Do you want to get beaten Amara?", she paused and looked at Jalter who was aware of her thoughts.

Jalter really thought of Amara as her own daughter, since Poseidon claimed him her father, thus she had become aware of Amara's thought process, so she knew that Amara was making her plan to get revenge upon them. Amara meanwhile started sweating, she might be stronger than Jalter but in the end she was the daughter, thus she could only submit before her mother's wrath.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Give me powerstones!!!

And I am healthier than before, So I should be able to complete the week's quota.

All those who aren't giving me powerstones, you suck man.

As for who are giving power stones, how about new character images tomorrow?)