

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
99 Chs

Love that crossed time and space (Part 1)

(Author's Note: Our Jeanne D' Arc is back, it is time for some holiness!!)


Poseidon Pov

I looked at the unconscious Jeanne in my arms with a weird feeling, I could sense the gruesome curse cast upon her, something that dwarfed even the curse upon Rama, and it gave me no doubt upon who had cast it on her, this was the feat that could be only performed by the All-Mighty, the Yahweh. It also went alongside his strict rules of Christianity.

I sighed as I felt a being looking at me, I couldn't find the direction from which came but there was just a single thing that came into my mind. I released my entire Divinity, as I made my presence known to the entire Babylon Pantheon, but I didn't stop as I released my Water Battle God Aura combined with Anti-Immortality Touki. My eyes gleamed fiercely as my Mystic Eyes of terror manifested.

The Law of Terror made the space around me tremble ferociously while Jalter quickly made some distance between us, I quickly released my entire Magical Aura as well, shaking the entire continent as the Mana purer than Holy Grail was unleashed. The entire singularity trembled as if it was to crack at any Moment. I glanced above and said," Fuck Off".

My words seemed to enrage the All Mighty who released an intense Holy Aura upon me, but he was met with disappointment as my might didn't dim by a bit, my entire amalgamation of different Auras destroyed the Holy Aura as if blowing away the smoke with the power of storm. This was the power of Holy Attack Nullification, one of the most broken resistance abilities of Tensura.

An ability to nullify the Holy power, and instead of covering it on my body as a barrier I mixed it with my Aura, I said," Didn't you hear me? I S.A.I.D F.U.C.K O.F.F!!!!!", my entire Aura attacked the metaphysical entity overpowering it's might, the space around me shattered and pieces of space fell near my legs shining like shards of the rainbow glass.

Time seemed to stop as another entity joined our confrontation, the Primordial Aura of Creation crashed against us, but I remained adamant, as the anger boiled inside me. I could see the gruesome cruse cast upon Jeanne and its effect, the pain she was in can't be described in mere words.

I was calm yet intense anger boiled inside me, My aura became fiercer fighting against the two Auras at the same time, it wasn't a direct confrontation, it was the battle of our will and despite having an overwhelming advantage over God of Creation, I held no such advantage over Primordial Mother of Creation and I felt my aura being crushed under her might.

[ Master don't give up!!!! Your 0.5% Merit points have been consumed! The Divine Origin of your vessel has been upgraded! Your Divinity has tripled!]

The system seemed to see the situation I was in and automatically used my Merit points to increase my vessel's divinity to the level of my original one, and as my Divinity Tripled, all of my Auras mixed into one and glancing at the two Auras with rage I said," FUCK OFF BASTARDS", my Aura with full force repelled their Auras, the space around me became turbulent as the Mana flow of the entire continent was disturbed.

Soon the gaze of Yahweh upon me faded while the Primordial Mother of Creation withdrew her Aura. As the battle ended, I calmed myself down and felt that half of my Mana had been drained in the battle, but it was understandable as I possibly repelled the Strongest God's Omniscience while another Universe Level Destruction Being's Aura.

Finally, I glanced upon the unconscious figure and felt the curse upon her weakening severely, meanwhile, Jalter said," M-My Lord?", her voice laced with fear, as she held her head down, I looked at her and said coldly," I won't punish you, but remember to not make such stupidity again."

She nodded visibly relaxed hearing my words, and then glanced at Jeanne in my arms and bit her lips. I teleported back to Babylonian Castle, ignoring the worried and fearful looks of Ritsuka, his gang, and the other three servants summoned by Gilgamesh. " Lord Poseidon, what as that now?", asked Mash.

I remained silent looking at unconscious Jeanne in my arms, and caressing her face I bestowed my Apostle's blessing on her. Others soon realized the presence of another entity within my arms and became shocked seeing her face, my wife and self-proclaimed wife, Amara were here as well. Even Gilgamesh was here as well, as the commotion caused by the battle between me and Yawheh had shaken the entire singularity.

I felt more than a quarter of mana being drained, and my Divinity fell to E Rank from A+++ as it gushed to Jeanne, and started breaking down her curse, if that wasn't enough I used my Anti-Magic weakening the curse severely and soon it was broken down and undone. Finally, the rest of it was consumed by the unconscious Jeanne.

[ Congratulations Master! Jeanne D'Arc has become your fifth Apostle!]

The System gave me the good news as I felt my legs weakened, " Are you fine? Daddy?!", asked Amara with intense worry as she could feel the regression of my Divinity clearly, Artoria quickly grabbed my body and she channeled her own Divinity to me, others seeing her doing that, started channeling their mana and Divinity to me, and my Divinity rose to its original rank.

I took a deep breath and said," Thank you", Artoria hugged me from behind and said," No need, just relax for now", I nodded and closed my eyes, as my body fell upon her though my arms never weakened their grip over Jeanne. I lost my consciousness.


3rd Pov

Everyone remained silent as Amara and Artoria placed Poseidon who was still hugging Jeanne, gently on the bed, and Jalter and Scathach quickly sat beside him with worried looks on their faces. Finally, Scathach asked Jalter," What happened with him?", she flinched, and then tears started pouring down from her eyes.

Ritsuka and others couldn't believe in their eyes that Jalter was crying. " I- I met her, she was another Jeanne in the middle of our competition, seeing her I got enraged and separated her limbs, and questioned why she was in this singularity, I was suspicious that GOD was somehow involved but upon hearing her confession of being in love with dear, I got clouded in anger, and decided to kill her..."

She became silent as she rubbed her tears with her hand, immense guilt washed down her as she thought of Poseidon's cold look, she had enraged him, she had hurt someone he liked, she was so stupid, she had hurt him and in fact that she did so out of her own will, to the person she loved most, the one who was literally her entire world, pained her more than anything.

Everyone remained silent, not wanting to cause any more discomfort to her, after sometime Artoria asked," Then what happened?", none of them understood why he was weakened, and they waited for the answer from Jalter's mouth who replied," Then Lord Poseidon looked at the sky, enraged and unleashed his entire Divinity, the next moment I knew an invisible Holy Aura struck upon us and he fought against it shielding both of us, then another strong one struck us, he fended them off, and then teleported here."

Gilgamesh finally decided to intervene," He fought off against the Tiamat's Aura and also that Christian God's Omniscience, if that wasn't enough he also broke his curse upon that girl he is hugging, him becoming severely weakened after that is to be expected", his words surprised everyone, even the entire staff of Chaldea, including Romani froze as they realized the weight of his words, as for how Gilgamesh knew about it? He was Omniscient as well. 

" Wait a minute? King Gilgamesh do you mean The GOD as if the only God in Christianity?", asked Ritsuka shaken by his words, Gilgamesh nodded, while his lips formed a smile," Haha! It was worth making an alliance with him!", he continued angering Poseidon's wives, Artoria stood up as she glared at him. Rhongomyniad manifested in her hands as she unleashed her Divine presence.

" DO YOU THINK IT IS SOME KIND OF JOKE? I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE KING OF HEROES OR NOT, I WILL KILL YOU FOR MAKING FUN OF HIM", she said in a deep voice as Rhongomyniad started spinning slowly, scaring Ritsuka and others. Gilgamesh remained unfazed glancing at her for a bit and then sighing," Do not misunderstand me, I am just joyful that this alliance between us was more worth it than I thought, and for the time he is weakened! I Promise on my name, I shall honor the words between us, and I shall protect him from whatever it might be with all of my life."

His words didn't calm the enraged Artoria any bit, she was ready to descend with her true might and destroy the entirety of Babylon, seeing her being serious, Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes and taking a deep sigh, he took out of Ea of his treasury, and his Divinity regained it's prime strength. The sword of Rupture glowed eerily as it was ready to clash against another Anti-World Noble Phantasm.

" Stop it Artoria, your clash against him will injure him", said Scathach seeing the severity of the situation. The clash between two Anti-World Noble Phantasms will surely destroy the entire Babylon city or even the entire singularity. One might think destroying the singularity will restore the timeline but it will harm the timeline if anything else.

Artoria hearing her words calmed down and recalled Gilgamesh's words which held the truth. She decided to stop her wrath and withdrew her aura, making the Mash who had activated her Noble Phantasm alongside other servants who were ready to activate their Noble Phantasms breathe in relief.

Gilgamesh too kept his Ea back, and his Divinity weakened again revealing that he was who weakened himself in the first place. Again it was only his Divinity that was weakened by his own will, since he hated some Gods, but could regain its former rank by suppressing his hatred, not to mention he was long past his prime and continuously used his prana to create a barrier over Uruk. He also used a lot of his treasury to create the cannons that guarded the Uruk from demonic beasts.

Thus, if not for Ea he had little hope of winning against Artoria in his current situation even with his peak Divinity. " Well, then I shall take my leave I have a lot of work to do, my words will remain the same unless you try to harm any of my people", he said as he left the room. " Uh we should leave as well", said Romani from a holographic screen wanting Ritsuka and others not to stay near these crazy women any longer.

Finally, when the room was empty of most of the former people, Amara sighed and took a seat near unconscious Poseidon, suddenly eyelids of Jeanne started fluttering as she opened her eyes,' Where am I? ', she thought, and then her eyes widened seeing Poseidon's face and realizing she was in his hug, her face blushed heavily.

His scent invaded her nose, and smelling it butterflies flapped in her chest, she started rubbing her cheeks against his chest with a happy smile," I feel much better already, as if my curse is gone!", she said and then paused as she realized her curse was gone! She was surprised and wondered what happened when she saw four women looking at her scarily.

" Um? I am Jeanne, Nice to meet you all!", she said not sure of her current circumstances," Why don't you just leave his arm for a bit?", asked Artoria her eyes red from anger, seeing that Jeanne had taken advantage of Poseidon's unconscious state. Jeanne nodded as she reluctantly broke from his arms, and then looked at them, somewhat aware of their identity from the fact that their scent was heavily covered with Poseidon.

She looked at Jalter and flinched, Jalter suddenly knelt and said," I apologize for the earlier act! Please forgive me!", Jeanne was surprised and said," Don't worry, I did get angry a bit knowing you are Lord Poseidon's woman, most jealous but since I got to have his warmth, I am not angry at all!", she looked extremely cheerful of the fact.

Scathach's eyebrows twitched and she asked," So why don't you tell me about your true identity and your relationship with Poseidon?", she didn't get an answer and then found Jeanne to be staring at Poseidon's sleeping face in a trance, while a drool escaped from a corner of her mouth, suddenly she blushed as if thinking about some naughty things!

It can be said, that Poseidon's women will have an headache getting some answers out of her.

To be continued...