

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
99 Chs

Fate Terms

(Author's Note: In this chapter, I will tell you about things that you should know and would be of relevance in this fanfic, I won't be going too deep into Fate verse in this, cause it is enormous and would need hundreds of chapter alone to list and explain them, you can dive deeper in it by reading fandom, wiki, etc.)


[Warning! Fate verse is dark so please proceed with caution]

Magic Circuits: Basically organ in a person which stores and refines Magical Energy, usually present in Humans and servants, and depending on the quality and quantity of them inside a Human or Servant the amount of mana and its density aka quality differs.

Mana: A Magical energy used to actualize the Mysteries of Magecraft. It is present in the entire world.

Od: It is the form of Mana absorbed by Human Mages in their magic circuit to perform Magecraft.

Mana and Od differ here as it is possible to use Mana directly from the atmosphere without absorbing it in Magic Circuits to perform Magecraft.

Magical Energy: It is the form of Mana or Od converted into refined one actually used to perform Magecraft, generally this process is done by Magic circuits.

In Fate depending on the culture the names of Mana and Od differ in China, it is known as Qi, and in other cultures, it may be called differently, and so yes specifically there is no separate Qi, Ki, or whatever in Fateverse, only Mana which has been given different names depending on the culture.

Mana Crystal: A crystal of Magical energy created through Human sacrifice like sacrificing children and a ritual is performed to make them. Young girls are the best material for them.

Mana Prism: They are Magical crystals created through concentrating Mana.

Mystery: Supernatural phenomena generally unexplainable by science are called Mystery, all Mysteries come from the Root, the Source itself.

Magecraft: It is the artificial reenactment of Mystery, which is ordinarily possible only by inhuman beings like Mages and Servants. It can also be called Thaumaturgy though the term is officially used for more detailed parts in Magecraft.

Magic: The highest class of Mystery surpasses Magecraft and all current sciences of that age. For example, you can achieve a blowing wind either by fan or Magecraft, in Magecraft the process is what is a miracle, not the final result, but Magic can't be performed by science, both its process and result are Miraculous.

Generally, during the age of gods, there was no such term and Magecraft was at the level of Magic, but later on, this term was introduced and only Five forms of Magecraft were officially listed as Magic. They are Kaleidoscope, Heaven's Feel, and Magic Blue. The name of the fourth and first true Magic and its function is totally unknown, however, some speculate the domain of the First True Magic is to do something with Ether clumps and Denial of Nothingness.

(A/N: All those who mocked me when I explained my First True Magic's functions in Fate in an Op Gacha System, can go and suck their own c*ck, cuss the function and name of First True Magic are total speculation by Modern Magi in brief and no actual proof or even strong evidence is given, so I am free to make it and Fourth whatever I want)

Magus/Magi: is the term for a practitioner of Magecraft, the magical science, as opposed to a Magician, who is capable of bringing forth true miracles that are impossible to be reenacted at the current scientific stage.

In Age of Gods Magus was the term used for both who performed Magecraft and Magic, hence even if we were to consider someone like Medea having not any of the officially considered one of the True Magic, she can be called a Magician. Please note that this thing will be very confusing in future chapters so better understand it now.

The Mage's Association: It is an international, self-preservative, and self-defense organization formed by practitioners of Magecraft for the purpose of controlling, concealing, and developing Magecraft. It is said to transcend nationality and genre of Magecraft, but that is in name only(Frickking Politics never dies)

It consists of three bodies:

The Clock Tower: It is the first branch and headquarters of the Mage's Association, located in London, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain

(A/N: Great Britain? Why the word Great is added before Britain, any clues? I smell Racism)

The Atlas Institute: It is known as Atlas, and is one of the three major branches of the Mage's Association specializing in Alchemy. It is also known as Titan's Pit.

The Wandering Sea: Also known as Baldanders, is the third branch of the Mage's Association. Basically speaking the Mages of the Wandering Sea as opposed to the Mages of Clock Tower follow the old method of Magecraft.

A Bounded Field: It is a topographic type of Magecraft that consists of knitting a network of magical energy and spreading it over a base area, such as a piece of land or a building, to create a mystic boundary line that separates the inside from the outside. By definition, it should not be possible to move such fields once set, but those created by Souren Araya and Sancraid Phahn are an exception to this rule. The most powerful type of Bounded Field makes the space itself act as a boundary line, and it is on a level close to Magic.

A Mystic Code: It is a tool that magi use to support their execution of Magecraft. Top-tier Mystic Codes are said to have power equivalent to a missile. Others have pseudo-personalities, essentially acting like loyal robots that carry out their users' orders, but many are capable of more adaptive autonomous thought than modern AI.

Mystic Eyes: Mystic eyes are a form of supernatural power concentrated in the eyes, granting the power to interfere with the outer world through sight alone. They are the oldest Magecraft known to humans, deriving from neither ritual nor study.

Normal Mystic eyes shine, red or green on any other normal color. Bruh, too weak for me to give an example.

Stronger ones that glow in golden color, such as Mystic eyes have already been lost in the Modern Era. The mystic eyes Terror of Poseidon(Our Mc) are an example of this.

Even stronger ones glow in jewel-like color. Mystic eyes of the Petrification(Medusa) and Mystic Eyes of Wisdom(Odin) are an example of this.

The Strongest One which is undoubtedly at the level of True Magic glows in rainbow color. The Mystic Eyes of Death (Skihi), and Mystic Eyes of Mahakala(Shiva) are examples of this.

Reality Marble: The materialization and Projection of one's inner world into reality is called a Reality marble.

The Holy Church: The Holy Church, also referred to simply as "The Church", is the hidden side of the Roman Catholic Church that specializes in the hunting of heresy. They have a bad relationship with the Mages association, they specialize in exorcising(Obviously), in Tsukihime worlds they are of greater importance as they hunt down Dead Apostles.

The Monsters or Beasts in Fate's world are classified into three tiers.

Normal Monster Beasts: The weakest type of beasts, magical monsters, etc. Too weak for me to write the examples.

Phantasmal Beasts: The Stronger Version of Monster Beasts, is generally considered weaker than Divine Beasts, but Phantasmal Beasts like Dragons which are the peak of Phantasmal beasts can give many Divine beasts a run for their Divinity. Fafnir and Albion are examples of this. Also, no Phantasmal Beasts live in the Modern Era as all of them have gone to the Reverse side of the World(A Spiritually leaned world with purer Man).

Divine Beasts: Generally Considered the Strongest types of Beasts, they are Divine in Nature like Gods, and stronger than one would generally expect them to be, even then there are a lot of Divine Beasts weaker than Phantasmal Beasts, the main thing that separates them from Phantasmal are their Divine Nature. For example Nandi(Hindu Mythology), Gugalanna aka the Bull of Heaven(Mesopotamian mythology), Cerberus(Greek Mythology), Abu el Hol Sphinx(Egyptian Mythology), Sibuxiang(Chinese Mythology).

(A/N: Yeah they are worthy enough for great me to list too many names 😂)

World: The World is used to refer to either the Earth, Gaia, or the collective unconsciousness of mankind, Alaya. There also exists the Reverse Side of the World and the Outside of the World.

Ultimate Ones: They are Vessels for a Planet's Will to manifest, there are Nine known Ultimate Ones. Bruenstad is an example of this(Not the best example as he is a half-ass Ultimate one).

(A/N: Not gonna go deep in Ultimate Ones as not sure if they will be of any relevance in the fanfic)

Gaia: Will of the Planet Earth.

Alaya: Collective consciousness of all of Humanity, originally a part of Gaia but due to Humans doing their own things and going against Nature, destroying deforestation, and basically f*cking up the entire planet it is slowly separating from Gaia which has started acting against it.

The Counter Force: It is a safety device formed by a World to defend itself against extinction and is synonymous with the World it represents.

Earth has two counterforces:

The Counterforces of Alaya:

Servants: Although officially Can't be considered as a Counterforce of Alaya since they are summoned by the Holy Grail and may go against Humanity and the world as a whole, generally most of them are with humanity and hence can be classified as budget Counterforce which is better considering Counterguardians are basically Alaya's dogs.

Counter Guardian: Servants which have made a contract with the world, are the first line of defense of the world and their only purpose is to save humanity whatever method is used. Genocide, Mass murder, etc are the main method they do this job. They are also not as free as servants and can be considered Alaya's dogs which she overworks happily considering they can't die. (Pun intended)

Grand Servant: Main line of defense of the world and humanity, extremely powerful servants fall under this class, however unlike Counter Guardian they aren't dogs of Alaya and are much freer summoned only to fend off threats at Beast level, they are basically heroes who everyone would admire, and may have a dark side like(Goetia taking over Solomon's body and becoming a Budget Grand Caster), but yes under normal circumstances they are with humanity.

Monster of Alaya: Such beings exist, but Nasu is kind enough to tell something exists without even telling what they are, so yeah no info.

Counterforce of Gaia:

True ancestors: After making a deal with the Crimson moon, Gaia got these beings who supposedly were to keep Humanity within their limits, but they f*cked themselves and died at the hands of the next generation, the only remaining True ancestor is Arcueid Brunestad.

They are considered beings higher than Divine Spirits as they received help from the World itself(Didn't prevent themselves from dying from Dead Apsotles lol, as I can say it's all plot!).

But weaker than Gods.

Monster of Gaia: The only known monster of Gaia is Primate Murder, it is none other than our cute boi Fou, always helping Humanity with his cuteness😉/. I can say he is the main reason Humanity is still alive otherwise Humanity of Fate Grand order would have kicked the bucket a long ago.

Tanaka: It is a manifestation of Gaia itself, severing as Counter Guardian serving as its Counter Guardian in the face of the overwhelming threat of the "corrosion of the world on the other side of the hole" (Learn from her Alaya, see Gaia does her own work unlike you who enslaves Heroic Spirit!).

Parallel Worlds and Adjacent Worlds: They are the set of extant parallel universes(Multiverse composed of branching timelines basically).

Quantum Time Locks: An action performed by the world in which the timelines where the world or Humanity has kicked the bucket are culled out from the parallel timelines, they generally get erased from existence once kicked out of the Parallel timelines theory.

Lostbelts: By using a thing called Fantasy trees, one can prevent the culled timeline from being erased.

Fantasy Trees: It sustains the Lostbelts.

Holy Grail: A Omni-potent(Overexaggeration) wish-fulfilling device. It fulfills wishes by using the pure Mana it gets from servants when they release when their vessel is destroyed.

Holy Grail War: A war between seven servants of seven different classes from legends manifested as servants for the Holy Grail.

Greater Holy Grail War: A war between two teams of seven servants of seven different classes from legends manifested as servants for the Holy Grail.

Fake Holy Grail War: Basically a messed up budget Holy Grail War, which may manifest as Greater Holy Grail War as well.

Master: A person who summons and makes a contract with the servants, generally if a servant isn't summoned by Holy Grail on its own or the World, a master is what ties the servant with the living World. They provide their own mana for servants to materialize, the stronger the master, the more the servant can use a percentage of 100% of their strength.

An Excellent master can manifest a servant with their full power. No One exists in this category or I don't know of.

Rin: What about me?!!

Author: Nope

Rin:*Sad Rin Noises*

Author: Kicks Rin out from breaking the Fourth Wall any further.

Command Spell: The Qualification of being a Master, can be used to give a servant Absolute(Again exaggerated) Commands. A master has generally three command Spells.

Master Degree: Fate Prototype version of Command Spells.

(Please Note that I will be using my own defined version of a servant as the Original is Netorare/Netori Intensive, so yeah even if not for Netorare I have used the original one)

Servant/Heroic Spirit: A soul of a Hero whose fame was enough for him/her to get immortalized in the Throne of Heroes, their consciousness in their True Soul Body resides in the 9th Dimension providing them with a weak type of Immortality Type 9, other than that in power level they are completely 3rd Dimension beings.

They materialize in vessels given by Holy Grail or world, or self-made(Generally not), each timeline has its own set of Servants who often get summoned in other timelines where their legend matches with that version of themselves in that timeline, thus it is mistaken that they generally don't have the memories of previous grail war( True in Og but false in fanon).

Throne of Heroes: A place made by the World in the 9th Dimension where the souls of all famed heroes are stored and immortalized.

Throne of Divine(Fanon): A offshoot of Throne of Heroes made especially for Divinities.

Gods: The strongest Beings other than Ultimate Ones, Beasts, and World's will in fate. They are forces of Nature themselves and can give True Ancestors a run for their blood.

Divine Spirits: Nerfed forms of Gods, need faith to be strong, basically cheap rip-off Heroic Spirit version of Gods.


That's all for now, I may or may not add any more things, so yeah enjoy!

True Love is like the law of Conservation of Mass and energy, it can neither be created nor be destroyed- Akros Zero

(A/N: Take that William Shakespeare!!)

To be continued...