

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
99 Chs

60) Side-Chapter The Fall of the Sun(Bonus Chapter)

(Author's Note: This chapter is the before-mentioned battle between Jalter and Ozymandius, since Poseidon has been getting too OP only beings like Beasts can give him a good fight, and since the next singularity has one, we will be getting an Epic fight since he will be able to go all out without any restrain, till then this is the first chapter of some incredible action!!!)


The cruel sun was casting its light all over the desert, scorching every bit of sand possible making it more difficult for the remaining humanity to survive. But at a certain place, in the middle of which was a Giant Pyramid, telling the glory of ancient Egypt, the rays of the sun were gentle and mild, surrounding the Glorious pyramid were the houses made of stones, and on the edges of the place there were pieces of farms illuminated and fed by the sun itself.

In the Pyramid, inside the Throne room, on top of the throne sat the incarnation of Great Amun Ra himself, his black skin remnant of the scorching heat it had tolerated in the past. In front of him stood Nitocris and Xuanzang Sanzang, the former informed him of the blooming development of his glorious kingdom that his magnanimity has created, while the latter had a bored look on her face.

Suddenly Ozymandias signaled to Nitocris to stop and glanced above, his eyes peering through walls falling on a figure high above in the sky riding on a Dragon. His eyes narrowed in caution as the figure got bigger and closer, Suddenly the roof of the Throne broke revealing the outside view, and the figure of a Dragon was revealed before them which roared loudly announcing its Master's arrival.

Nicotris and Xuanzang Sanzang got in a defensive stance, the former's expression being serious while the latter was excited, as if she had finally found a way to escape the boredom she had been bearing till now. Ozymandias looked at the pinnacle of Phantasmal Beasts with not a single hint of fear, as killing the mighty dragon in front of him would but a mere task for him who is the incarnation of Amun Ra himself.

Still, his eyes got narrowed as they landed on the figure sitting on top of the Dragon, who slowly got up from the back of the dragon and landed inside the throne room in front of him. Her blonde-white hair cascaded down her waist, and her beautiful yellow eyes sparked a sudden interest in him. Overall she was a beauty, one that even made him question who he might choose if she and Nefertari were to put in front of him.

Still, such thoughts didn't linger for much longer, as he gazed at the intruder with slight anger, Nitocris her beautiful servant who he had summoned to assist her was the first one to question the intruder," Who are you?! and How dare you break into the Pyramid built by the Paraoh himself?!", she asked with anger and wariness, as unlike her Pharaoh she doubted that it would be easy for her to face off against the mighty dragon which bore it fangs clearly displeased by the lack of disrespect shown to his Master by Nitocris.

(A/N: Her EX Rank skill makes every dragon a simp for her, lol)

" Who I am you question? Well, my name is Jalter, though to make it easier for you, I am the altered version of Jeanne D' Arc and a better one at that, and I am here on behalf of my Lord", she said. When her identity as the altered version of Jeanne D'Arc the famous Saint of the Christians was revealed, anger and hatred appeared in the eyes of the Sun King and Magic Queen towards her.

" Oh? A servant of that God? Who preaches his religion everywhere disregarding other Gods, as if they are mere imaginations?", he asked in a mocking tone, The memories of the Ten Plagues of Egypt resurfaced in his mind, increasing his hostility towards Jalter. The woman in question instead glanced at him with a cold look, not a bit affected by his insult towards Yahweh as she hated him as well.

She said," Well, firstly I am not the servant of that God, and secondly I am here for a simple reason either you bow to my Lord, or get destroyed like the fading sand that your tomb has been built upon", her voice had no hint of respect towards the incarnation of Ra, and neither towards Yahweh, and by the way she dared to call out the magnificent home of Ozymandias a Tomb, it showed just how much lack of respect she had towards the incarnation of the Chief God of Egyptian patheon. It also showed beautifully, how her love, admiration, respect, and loyalty only extended to her Lord, Poseidon.

Ozymandias got in a comfortable position on his Throne, fed up with her insult he ordered his two servants," Kill her", his words sparked the start of the battle. Fanfir roared loudly wanting to separate the head of the filthy human in front of him. Suddenly another roar shook the skies, as the Sphinx sleeping below on the sand in front of the entrance of the Kingdom built by Ozymandias had already woken up.

On the order of his master, the incarnation of Horus flapped his wings flying toward the mighty dragon. The Pinnacle of Phantasmal beasts and the Divine Beast of Great Egypt met each other, and their bodies clashed creating shockwaves that were enough to uproot the entire Pyramid if not for the Divinity of Ozymandias and its special nature as being a Noble Phantasm, and in a single hit, the Fanfir was thrown off the Pyramid, which showed the clear difference in the might between the two.

Ozymandias smiled lightly, as if already sure of his victory, Nitocris didn't sit ideal and quickly used a barrage of necromantic magecraft at Jalter who got affected by them, a feeling of weakness spread all over her body, meanwhile, the Sexy Monk created a horde of her copies and all of them attacked at Jalter. The battle looked one-sided but it was soon proved to be false as Jalter using her sword parried all the attacks of the Sanzang, Then a Holy light washed away all the spirits affecting her returning all her parameters to their actual value.

Meanwhile, outside, Fanfir stood up from the ground it had crashed upon, below him laid splattered bodies of the people who were unlucky to be squashed by his gigantic body. He looked at dead bodies with a nervous look well aware of the orders of his Master, to ensure the lives of refugees as it was the request of her God. Then he glanced at the Sphinx who landed in front of him and roared loudly, his red eyes fixed on him.

Suddenly dozens of light appeared on Fanfir and then disappeared, the mighty Fanfir roared feeling the rush of the power inside him which had increased his prowess by several times, its vitality, defense, and speed all had been increased several folds to the courtesy of the delayed Magic Jalter had cast on him earlier, then it quickly flew above challenging the sphinx again with a roar who was clearly enraged by the act of disrespectfulness shown by the weak lizard it assumed to be.

Then it flew towards the Fanfir and crashed against its body, this time surprisingly Fanfir didn't even budge a bit which stunned the former, the clear difference between the parameters was more than one assumed to be, and Sphinx was to be set a great example as Fanfir threw the former away like a cannon bolt with a single swing of his tail.

Back in the Pyramid, the scene of the injured Xuanzang Sanzang revealed who was bleeding heavily from the wounds inflicted on her by the Dragon Witch herself. Nitocris repeatedly shot Necromantic spells at Jalter who remained unaffected by being shielded by a Holy Light. The eyes of the Sun King became cold, as the Holy Light covering Jalter while not the same as the servants of Yahweh reminded him of all the atrocities the God had done on the people of Egypt.

How his first son had died due to the God of the Bible's wrath, and how it broke the friendship between him and Moses. Jalter paused and said with a smirk," This is my last warning O' King of Sun before I end your so-called glory", Ozymandias hearing that started laughing, his laugh similar to a certain Golden-Haired Demigod.

His tone was also similar as he said," Amusing, you think that you alone can battle against me? The incarnation of the Mighty Ra?!! Hmph! For the disrespect you had shown to this King, I shall gauge out your eyes, and cut off your limbs before hanging you to the gate of the Pyramid, then I shall ask Nitocris to burn your soul in a lamp, till I am satisfied".

Jalter's expression became cold, and several lights shone on her boosting her parameters to the extreme, the next moment the head of the Queen of Magic, and the Sexy Monk separated from their body, it happened in a blink of an eye, and both of them didn't understand what happened till their head fell on the ground. Their bodies turned into golden particles before disappearing into the world.

The blood dripped from Jalter's sword which had achieved this wonderful act in front of the Sun King. Ozymandias' body started trembling in rage as the body of Nitocris disappeared in front of him, he stood from his Throne glaring daggers at the Dragon Witch, and summoned his sword charging towards her, their swords met and the shockwave of their clash completely crumbled down the Throne room.

Jalter glanced at him with a bloodthirsty look, surprised and excited by the fact that Ozymandias was able to compete equally in strength against her, who had all her parameters except Mana in EX Rank, something which should be enough to kill ten normal Artoria Pendragons in a minute, but Ozymandias was able to achieve this impossible feat as he was being supported by a nearly infinite supply of Mana which was as pure as Holy Grail itself, not to mention his parameters were boosted by Territory he was in, which acted like a Reality Marble.

"*Roaaarrr*", a loud painful roar of the Sphinx reached their ears, as Fanfir smashed his chest into a pulp using the force of his legs, and then burned his body into ashes. Ignoring that they started exchanging moves, with every slash, parry, and block of their swords the Pyrmaid's wall nearby them crumbled, Jalter's parameters finally started showing their effect as she suppressed the Sun King in raw strength and approached his level of swordsmanship.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

Seeing a sudden opening in the defense of Ozymandias she cut her sword through the stomach of Ozymandias leaving inflicting a fatal wound on him, which further imbalanced him giving her an opportunity to separate his head from his neck and spill his blood all over the destroyed room. She finally stopped her movements breathing heavily, A feeling of victory washed over her but that was short-lived, as the figure of the brown-skinned man reappeared before her.

His eyes contained anger and his face had a mocking smile," Did you think you can kill me that easily? Laughable, for me, who is a Pharoah is immortal here in the land belonging to me", he said and then raised his hands using his Third Noble Phantasm, Abul el Hol, summoning a dozen of Sphinxes, this time with the addition of a King-species variant with gigantic size called Khafra Sphinx alongside a Queen variant called Mallikah Sphinx.

They cast over shadows below the Kingdom glaring at the lone Dragon flying in the sky who roared majestically not a bit afraid of the Divine Beasts in front of him. This time Fanfir had a determined look not wanting to disappoint his master as he had done in the Orlean Singularity. Still retaining the meta enhancements cast on him by Jalter, it flew toward the horde of sphinxes breaking the sound barrier, with a single swipe of his claw it separated the head of a normal sphinx and finished off another with a swing of his tail.

Then opening its mouth it roared, spewing out the fire that burned 1/4th of the Sphinxes in front of him and scorched the land and buildings below them, turning the normal humans to ashes. It then grunted and roared mightily again flying towards the Sphinxes, this time the King Sphinx blocked him and clashed against his body, throwing it a bit backward, Fanfir glanced at the Khafra Sphinx whose prowess was no less than his boosted self, and Mallikah Sphinx who assisted the latter.

He roared and clashed against both of them at the same time, which resulted in a stalemate, Soon being surrounded by the other Sphinxes it fell to a disadvantage as Sphinxes cut out pieces of flesh, breaking through his Dragon Scales. It somehow broke out from their clutches and taking advantage of its fast speed it flew away creating a distance between them, then quickly turned towards them and glanced at the Khafra Sphinx flying towards him. Then gathering every bit of Mana it had in its veins and Dragon heart he opened his mouth and threw a roar of hellish flames at the group of Sphinxes.

(A/N: Fire Dragon's Roarrrrrh!!! Muahahahha*cough* *cough*)

The Sphinxes were unable to escape from the wide-ranged attack of the Fanfir, and normal Sphinxes turned into ashes including Mallikah Sphinx, only Khafra Sphinx survived the onslaught but it didn't come out unscathed, its body skin and muscles melted in many places, showing the bones deep inside him. It still roared flying valiantly towards the adversity before him.

But Fanfir despite almost being out of mana still had the enhancements and quickly finished off the King of Sphinxes without much trouble. Meanwhile, inside the Pyramid Jalter and Sun Ozymandias had clashed with each other several times, each resulting in the latter's death. But Ozymandias as if he was the mighty King of Mega cockroaches, revived after his every death with a new vigor that had started wearing down Jalter.

Ozymandias seeing that Jalter had gotten tired from their fight, took the opportunity and used his first Noble Phantasm," I shall give you a reward, lightless one. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and bow down! My infinite brilliance. The sun descends here! Ramesseum Tentyris! ", as he chanted a bright yellow ray fell on his body, his body started hovering above as the surroundings changed, the destroyed room was no more to be seen, as they were in space with the sun shining brightly above Ozymandius, casting a bright yellow ray on him, everything was similar to the manifestation of the Reality Marble.

The Land below the Jalter also changed, as now she stood above a blue pyramid, knowing the danger she was in she also began chanting, "All evil is here! The time for me to protect my Lord's glory has come! This is the roar of my soul that was polished by devotion... La Grondement Du Haine!", she finished chanting and the Darkened Holy Flag in her hands started shining brightly, then the huge Blue Pyramid she was on started ascending, and a similar sized blue pyramid started descending on her with supersonic speed.

She was between those two, the target to be killed and crushed by the clash of the two mighty Egyptian pyramids. She quickly raised her Noble Phantasm ready to face the adversity with all she had got. The two pyramids clashed with each other, and Jalter used her Noble Phantasm with all her might trying to nullify its attack, but in the end, Ozymandias's Noble Phantasm was much stronger than hers, and she failed to absorb more than 70% of its attack and was crushed between the two pyramids.

A huge blast appeared as both the pyramids crumbled on each other, and Ozymandias' watched it with a calm expression. Then the surroundings returned to the destroyed room, his eyes widened as he glanced at the heavily injured Jalter still standing alive in front of him. He asked her," What was your name again?". She replied standing barely," Jalter", then she used her Holy flag to support her heavily injured body and continued," I am Lord Poseidon's eternal servant!".

He smiled and said," Jalter, very well I shall remember your name for giving me such a good fight, consider it an honor", she smiled and said mockingly," Look at you, believing that you have already won", suddenly all her wounds started healing at a rapid pace, making her return to her previous state in a few seconds. She smiled feeling the constant supply of pure mana she was getting from her Lord and then she said," You said you are immortal within your land right? Then! I shall destroy this very land you walk upon!!".

Ozymandias' eyes narrowed hearing that and then he looked above through the broken roof seeing several meteorites falling towards his mighty city. It made him remember the Ten Great Plagues of Egypt and fear appeared in his eyes. But he quickly calmed himself and summoned his third and final Noble Phantasm, Mesektet, The Solar Ship of the Dark Night, and as to why he didn't use the solar canons of pyramids itself?

It was simple, it would take a lot of time to operate the pyramid and use its Solar cannon so he summoned the Ship used by Amun Ra himself, and quickly jumped on it. After that, he glanced at the several meteorites and used the Noble Phantasm to shoot several powerful beams of light at the meteorites and vaporized them into dust showing the might of his Noble Phantasm.


He heard a loud voice and glanced back to see in disbelief that his Pyramid, had crumbled down. He glanced at the perpetrator clicking his tongue. Jalter had also mastered her Noble Phantasm quite a bit, and now she can store the absorbed attacks for a longer period of time unlike before when she had to release them just after absorbing them, thus she used the 10th Tier spell, meteorite strike as a decoy to destroy his Pyramid which she had suspected to be the cause behind Ozymandias' unusual immortality.

She was right, and Ozymandias felt a feeling of weakness wash over him, as he lost his nearly infinite supply of Mana which he was getting through the combined mechanism of his Noble Phantasm and the power of Holy Grail he possessed. He glanced at her angrily, and unleashed a single super-powered beam of light at her, which was equal to an A+ Noble Phantasm.

Jalter again used her Noble Phantasm and successfully absorbed the entire attack and then reflected it with a power equal to A++ Noble Phantasm at Ozymandias who quickly jumped off his ship to avoid being killed by her attack, and his ship soon got vaporized by its own attack ironically. Then the final battle between them ensued, and both of them clashed with each other with the last of their strengths.

This time, Jalter had an absolute advantage and she easily separated Ozymandias' both hands and beheaded him. Ozymandias' glanced at Jalter with fear as his head was separated from his body, and he died returning to the Throne of Heroes. Jalter breathed heavily and glanced at the beautiful sunset.

She smiled victoriously, she had done it.

The Sun had fallen down.

To be continued...