
Thunder Bluff Chieftain: Orgar


Shadow gave a glance below his eye level and saw that there was a message from Chakram warning them of incoming danger.

"You guys saw it too, right? We don't have the luxury of getting held up here, so use everything you have to increase your mount's speed!" said Shadow as he turned to his companions.

The others nodded as they also saw the message from Chakram. Every one of them quickly took out items from their [Storage] space and quickly used them.

Cereal Killer took out a scroll and hastily tore it in half as a burst of light appeared and turned into a vast halo of green light encompassing their group appeared and surrounded them, which quickly increased their speed, startling those Wolf Cavalry behind them who was just about to catch up to them, and there was even one of them who was riding on the front who was already prepared to hack his humongous axe at Shadow's back.