
1% of Company Shares

"What are you two talking about? Just what did Zero tell you guys that night?"

Finally realizing that Miya wasn't just being a bitch this time, Randy demanded some answers.

Tony and Miya looked at each other for a moment, and the former sighed and answered him, "1%! Whoever first completes one of the main storyline quests will receive 1% of the company shares!"

"1%?! That's huge! That's around $10,000,000,000! Wait a minute, how come it's not on the news though?" Listening to her words, Randy was shook at first, but then was a little skeptical when he realized that there was something wrong.

"We are the first ones to receive the news due to our connections with them, but I'm sure those big shots out there must have already received the news by now and are scrambling for it" Tony answered as she walked over towards the sofa where she left her ice cream and resumed eating it.