

The Prologue rewrite is now out! Please remember that this is an A.U, and I am a brand new "author" as this is my first story. To preface this book, I would like to go over some things before we begin. Artoria will have her identity hidden from everyone, except Godrick (mc), Mordred, Morgan, Merlin, and Viviane. To make it easy on myself, she will be wearing her "Lion king armor", and her helmet will distort her voice, that way keeping her identity hidden. (Prologue) Another Major change that I'll be making is with Alaya, the Root, and Gaia. Alaya will be the collective consciousness of humanity (which is canon). But, in my story she will have more of a personality and ego, and will be subject to corruption through human emotions like Greed, Envy, Pride, and things like that. The Root will be a dormant consciousness meaning that it will be depicted as a female who runs the universe (kinda like toaa, or the presence from Marvel and DC) but is asleep for some unknown reason. Gaia is the will of the planet, that will do anything to survive. I know this might be contrary to Fate Canon, but I promise, it will work out! Please at least give it a chance! Other than a couple things here and there, I think I've covered most of the things that I've changed. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that you enjoy my novel! In this novel, we will be introduced to a new timeline. A new Artoria who is a mixture of her Goddess Rhongomyniad "form" and the normal Artoria. As well as a new Britain. In this timeline, a new menace has risen to destroy the whole of Britain, and thus Artoria goes on a campaign of war to kill this new mysterious Warlord. In doing so, she reunites with her estranged sister Morgan, who has had a change of heart seeing the land she owns raped, burned, and pillaged. The two of them, though still cold towards each other, resolve their differences for the time being, though Morgan still seeks to usurp the Throne from Artoria for a while. Morgan conceives Mordred, but instead of a homunculus she is born as a human. The story begins when Artoria finds a strange young boy, having been chained to a large stone, and whipped by the Warlord. She takes the boy in, and raises him as her own alongside Mordred. This is his story. The story of Godrick, the Knight of Ruin. I do not own anything, or anyone from the animes, novels, or series that take place in this fanfic

greenbaypitbull · Anime e quadrinhos
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69 Chs

47. Deciding To Get Involved

-X Godrick X-

Returning to the estate where Shirou and Saber were staying, Godrick noticed faint strings in the air, leading to the outer building where Shirou first summoned Saber.

Walking into the first room, Godrick noticed the things that Shirou had been working on, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Knowing his mother was in the main house, he released a little more of his energy to wake her before reining it back in. After a couple moments, she came out wearing her full battle gear. He pointed towards the strings that ran towards the nearby mountain, while his mother looked at the empty room.

"The mountain. We need to hurry." She said as she prepared to start running before Godricks massive halberd stopped her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, a hint of frustration entering her voice.

Godrick lowered his halberd as a grin made its way to his face, grabbing his weapon with both hands.

Artoria looked at the flat of the blade that was next to her feet before looking back up into Godricks eyes, uncertainty flashing over her face.

Godrick's grin widened as he nodded his head, urging her to step on.

"Just don't throw me too high…" She said, stepping onto the head of the blade.

She didn't notice the glint in Godricks eyes as she did so, but he quickly wiped the grin from his face as she looked back at him.

"I'm ready." She said.

Taking a massive step forward, Godrick heaved his halberd upwards towards the mountain, throwing Artoria high into the sky.

He heard a faint scream of fright as she was launched into the air, which he found a bit funny. The King of Knights, The ' Red Dragon', The Scourge of the battlefield, Slayer Of Men and many more titles… Was scared of heights.

Twirling his halberd in his hand, he held it blade down, and reared his right arm back, before throwing it, quickly swapping places with it, then recalling it.

They both landed near the base of the mountain before Artoria looked over at her son.


Godrick was stunned for a moment before looking down at his mother, who seemed just as surprised as he was.

"Don't…" She said, pointing at him with her finger.

"Don't do that again." She finished in an uncertain tone of voice.

"Oh, is someone afraid of heights?" Godrick signed to her.

"Don't push it, Godrick." She said as the pair made their way up the path of the mountain.

Soon the two came to a bounded field that stopped them in their tracks, causing Artoria to sigh.

"Come on, let's find another. There's No way we can get through here, it repels Heroic Spirits." She said, turning and beginning to walk away.

Godrick walked up to the field, not convinced of what his mother had said.

Reaching out with his left hand, he felt a shock run up his arm as his fingers came into contact with it. Pulling his hand back, he looked at his blackened fingers before resuming what he was doing.

Touching the field once more, he pushed against it as shock filled his being. It wasn't enough for him to stop, but it was definitely painful as he pushed his hand in deeper, causing the field to bend where his hand was.

Suddenly, the field tore like a piece of paper where his hand was before slowly repairing itself. Walking forward, his whole body tore through the field before it started to repair itself rapidly. Godrick was now on the other side of the field, Artoria looking at him in disbelief.

"What just…" She began before stopping and shaking her head.

"Go on ahead, I'll find another way around!" She said before turning and sprinting away before he could respond.

Turning towards the summit of the mountain, Godrick leapt into the air before crashing down once again, landing on the stone pathway.

The stone beneath him shattered as he landed, but he didn't really care as this wouldn't be the only thing that was destroyed tonight if his hunch was right.

Beginning to run up the path, his feet cracked the stone with every step he took, as he was in his armor.

Reaching the summit, he was stopped by a figure in a myriad of purples and golds. He had a long purple blade strapped to his back, and stood in the archway of the entrance of the temple behind him.

"Now this is interesting." The man said.

"A heavily armored Knight carrying a massive halberd with a bare left arm. Must mean the arm is stronger than the armor itself." He said, deducing Godricks left arm at a glance.

Godrick stopped walking up the stairs and planted his halberd next to him, looking at the samurai in front of him.

"My name is Sasaki Kojirou. But from my understanding, you have no business here, as you are clearly no Saber. What is your purpose?" He asked.

Godrick responded by raising his halberd into the air before tossing it up, and catching it by the butt end before letting the head drop to the ground and bury itself in the stone stairs behind him.

Slowly starting to walk again, he dragged his weapon behind him, carving a deep gouge in the stone as he did.

His purpose was clear. He would be going through the assassin to see what was happening on the summit of the mountain.

"Very well nameless warrior." Sasaki said, grabbing his sword's long hilt sticking from his back.

"I will meet you in combat."

Godrick had no doubt that this man was much more skilled than himself, as well as Shirou Amakusa whom he had killed. But he would brute force his way through this like everything else.

Picking up speed, Godrick ripped his halberd from the ground as he brought it up over his head, and smashed it down onto Assassin, who did exactly what Godrick wanted.

Assassin dodged to the right, skillfully avoiding the halberd as it smashed into the ground next to him. What he didn't expect however, was for the weapon to release a wave of kinetic energy that lifted him into the air.

The moment the halberd smashed into the ground and lifted Assassin into the air, Godrick took a step forward, and threw his left fist into Sasaki's stomach, which the Assassin skillfully blocked with his sword.

The blow was strong enough however, that Sasaki was thrown back into the stone stairs behind him, smashing into them before the momentum took him the rest of the way up the stairs.

Godrick didn't let this moment go, as he blitzed from where he was, shattering the stone around him to appear in front of Assassin. Still holding his halberd by the butt end in his right hand, he brought it down on the servant, who skillfully deflected it with his sword.

The halberd smashed into the stone to Assassin's right before he lunged forward, bringing his sword low and cutting across Godricks waist.

Godrick took a step forward, letting the sword cut into his waist, and then back, as he twisted to his left and brought his left hand back around into the Assassin's face.

Sasaki was taken by surprise as the right side of his face was smashed by the back of the Juggernauts left fist, sending him crashing into the ground beneath him.

Skillfully recovering, Assassin twisted his body on the ground, narrowly missing the halberd that crashed into the ground he had been occupying a moment earlier.

Now back on his feet, he stepped onto the halberd, running up the shaft to the massive knight that held it, slashing at his neck.

Godrick blocked with his left hand, sparks igniting as the katana ran down his arm. He threw the sword off his arm and let go of his weapon, twisting again to the right, swinging his right arm in hopes of catching the Assassin.

Sasaki wouldn't be caught by the same trick twice, so he flipped over the Juggernauts arm, and stabbed out with his sword, aiming for the left eye hole of his foe's helmet.

Godrick was fast, and caught the blade with his left hand before dragging it towards him. As he did, he struck out with his right fist, catching Assassin in the ribs, sending him crashing into the ground once more.

Standing firm in his location, the Juggernaut looked down at the Assassin who had fallen down the stairs to a lower level before reaching down and ripping his halberd from the ground. The Juggernaut then turned and walked up the rest of the stairs to the temple, leaving the servant to be taken care of by Saber.

"You monster." Assassin said as he slowly stood, feeling a couple of his ribs be set back in place as he slowly healed from the encounter.

Godrick didn't turn around as he continued walking, reaching the summit and entering the temple grounds.

Sasaki turned around and readied himself for another fight as Saber arrived, stopping as she took in the destroyed stairs, and the injured servant in front of her.

"What kind of beast allows himself to be injured, just so he can get the upper hand?" He asked the Saber as he looked down at her from his higher position.

"One that never feared getting injured in the first place." He said.

Godrick walked into the temple grounds, seeing Archer stand in front of Shirou, as he explained how Caster had apparently broken the rules by summoning her own servant.

Caster, who stood about twenty feet from the pair, was just laughing, until she saw Godrick walk into the courtyard.

"useless!' She seethed, thinking the Assassin had let in another servant.

Archer took this moment of distraction to stop his rambling, and darted over to Caster, burying one of his short swords between her ribs before getting behind her, and viciously stabbing his other into her neck.

Caster seemed to gasp before going limp and falling to the ground dead before the body dissolved into a thick purple miasma.

"Very good try Archer, but dId you really think it would've been that easy?" Caster's voice rang out through the courtyard before she suddenly appeared in the air, several magic circles around her.

Godrick heard Shirou gasp just before a purple beam of magical energy bloomed from one of the circles, and obliterated the ground Shirou was standing on.

He managed to dodge just in time, while Archer blocked the blow with his daggers. Godrick simply raised his left hand to take the beam, and was surprised at the amount of energy it held.

"TSK" Caster clicked her tongue, seeing all her attacks nullified.

"Fine." She said, as more circles appeared in the sky before releasing beams of energy.

"Oh shi-" Shirou said, before a beam fired at him.

The ground around him shattered, and the heat of the beam melted the rocks around him. But as he opened his eyes, he saw the massive Juggernaut in front of him with his hand outstretched, having caught the beam.

Caster continued to fire beams at all three of them, but they were less effective than she thought.

Suddenly, Godrick felt the gravity and atmosphere around him shift, as a field of magic enveloped him. Caster started laughing hysterically as she saw the Juggernauts plight.

"What's wrong, big guy? Having trouble moving?" She asked as her magical circles continued to fire at Archer, who ran and grabbed Shirou from one of the stray beams.

Seeing her target locked in place, Caster readied another, much larger, magic circle.

But just before she fired it, her eyes widened as the Juggernaut simply looked down at his left hand, which he brought up and clenched into a fist.

"Impossible," She said, disbelief in her eyes. "How can you move if space itself is frozen!" She exclaimed.

Flexing his muscles, Godrick shattered the dome like field that immobilized him, and quickly reared his right arm back before throwing his weapon.

Caster was able to dodge it by a hair, seeing the halberd fly past her head before a massive hand grabbed the back of her neck and she was dragged to the ground.

Godrick, who had swapped places with his weapon the moment it had passed the woman, grabbed her, and smashed her face first into the ground.

The temple itself shuttered as the pair impacted the ground, shattering the courtyard around them.

As the dust settled, Godrick stood, holding Caster by the throat as she struggled clawing at his hand that gripped her.

"N-O" She gasped, trying desperately to break free.

Tightening his grip around her throat, she jerked slightly. For the first time, Godrick saw her eyes that had been hidden the whole time, showing nothing but fear.

Tears welled in her fear filled eyes as she gazed into his cold unfeeling ones through the slits of his helmet before a sudden gasp stole his attention away from the servant in his grasp.

Shirou and Archer had exchanged heated words the moment Archer had grabbed the boy out of harm's way.

The servant had apparently been angered about what was said, and had lashed out with one of his short swords, cutting Shirou's back. The cut was deep, and Shirou fell to the ground in pain as he tried to get away.

Looking back to Caster, Godrick made the decision to release her, one that he would regret in the future.

She crashed to the ground, hands coming to her throat as she coughed uncontrollably before weakly crawling away from the Juggernaut as he walked away towards Archer and Shirou.

'You'll be mine, then I'll make you regret not finishing me off!' She thought to herself as she quickly made her exit, dead set of finding Godricks master to steal him away with her Rule Breaker.

Finally reaching Archer, who was about to kill Shirou, Godrick reached out with his halberd, and stopped Archer's strike as it came down.

Archer looked up at the Juggernaut and questioned.

"I thought you wouldn't interfere."

Godrick simply looked down at Shirou's broken body as he continued to crawl away before he finally got to his feet, and ran from the temple down the stairs.

"You said that you wouldn't interfere!" Archer said more forcefully, watching Shirou run down the stairs.

"What can I say? I've changed my mind." Godrick signed with one hand as his other held the halberd still contesting against Archer's short sword.

"How many times do I have to tell you! I don't understand what that means!" Archer shouted, knocking the halberd away and getting into another fighting stance.