

Valorant was someone that had met his sudden demise at the hands of a crazed gunman that went on a rampage within his school. Luckily he was able to subdue the man before any serious harm could be done to the school body, but at the cost of his life. God was amazed by the young man's bravery and selflessness in sacrificing himself that he gave the youth the opportunity to reincarnate into another world. But, armed with a system that will give him the upper edge! Welcome to Teyvat, Master of Heroes!

ConstantReign · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Welcome To Teyvat

Before this all begins, just wanted to say that this story will not only be held within the Genshin Impact world, but will eventually have my character traveling into other worlds aside from just Teyvat.






"I see. So, I use these Spirit Crystals to randomly obtain a class card, huh?"

[Indeed. You can get more from performing quests that will be given to you at random depending on what occurs during your adventures]

"Mm, thanks for the information."

A male around the age of sixteen or seventeen could currently be seen walking across what appeared to be a grassy and rocky plain, his hair, as well as clothes, both swaying in the wind that seemed to constantly blow across the area. The male having a lean build along with having fair slightly pale skin, though not an unhealthy pale colour.

He had straight neat black hair with a few grey bangs, his eyes being an interesting cosmic purple colouration. His clothes consisting of a grey tight t-shirt underneath a black leather jacket, along with wearing a pair of long black pants and white running shoes. He also had a long black scarf that he had wrapped around his neck, though not tight enough to grip onto his neck.

He soon took off the jacket and swung it over his right shoulder.

This person was none other than Valorant.


[Appearance: Image]


While this may sound rather ridiculous, Valorant had actually died in his previous life and had been reincarnated not too long ago. Probably only around twenty or so minutes prior to right now. He was incredibly grateful towards God for allowing him a second chance, he wanted to live for more than just seventeen years.

Of course, the world he was now in was apparently much more dangerous compared to the world he originated from prior, so God needed to give him something to help him on his way. This being in the form of the system that Valorant had been speaking with for over the past few minutes, the voice of the system being rather robotic in nature.

The system allowed him to utilise the powers of Servants, which are from the Nasuverse, or more commonly known to people as Fate. The system wasn't all that complicated at all, so he had quickly understood how it worked. It wasn't a system like those Gamer Systems from those fanfictions he had read in the past, this was much simpler.


[Master Of Heroes System]

Name: Valorant

Soul: [Unselected]

Spirit Crystals: 1

Current Quest: [None]

Class Cards: [None]


The System had explained to him just before that the Spirit Crystals were used in the form of roulette to give him the powers of a random Heroic Spirit and more that he could utilise whenever he wanted to. Though, he did need to have the required energy in him to sustain that power of course. He could get more of the crystals from doing quests that would be randomly given to him.

Very similar to RPGs.

"System, what is this Soul about?"

[The Soul is the Heroic Spirit that you select to be the primary one you utilise. It can be changed whenever the User wishes. By having a Heroic Spirit selected as the Soul, you will be capable of summoning forth that spirit's weapon whenever you wish instantaneously without needing to tap into the power of the class cards]

"Okay, that's good to know." Valorant nodded his head in understanding. If this was the case, then he would need to be smart with the spirit that he would set as the primary one. While he could change it whenever, he would need one that would be easily used in most situations. Probably of the Saber class, definitely not Berserker.

He doubted that he would get the [Mad Enhancement] and become unreasonable, though that entirely on the spirit that the Berserk would be. Though, System did say that he would just get the weapon of that chosen Soul, so he might get some massive weapon if he were to choose Berserker. Such as if his Berserker Class Card was Heracles, then he would get that massive weapon of his.

That would be a stupid choice as it wouldn't be good if he needed to draw a weapon quickly if fighting inside of an enclosed space.

It was a disaster waiting to happen.

[You should also keep in mind that your own power won't be increase due to not being affected by the actual activation of the class card. You only have the weapon of that particular spirit, and even then, that weapon won't be as powerful as when you wield it when having activated the class card]

"Oh... Then I guess I better train myself." Valorant muttered to himself. He wasn't at all upset about needing to train, he was more than willing. Back in his old world, he did indulge himself in working out as well as making sure his body was in peak condition. He had also learnt from a few self-defense classes just in case as well. "System, is it possible to get the card for any kind of spirit? Such as Divine Spirits?"

[The Master of Heroes System is very much capable of calling forth class cards tailored towards Divine Spirits]

"Oh man, then this will be quite the ri-! Who's there?" Valorant suddenly became serious and quickly took on a defensive stance as he quickly turned around to face a bush that had begun rustling. He instantly reacted to the sound of the leaves shaking as he narrowed his eyes at the bush before saying. "Come on out. I know you're there!"

A few seconds passed before the bush began shaking once more. But this time, he saw two figures come out from behind the bushes. Both were obviously females, one was strangely flying with a pair of wings while the other had blonde hair and was wearing mainly white and was quite the extravagant outfit if he were to say.

He had to admit, while he was never someone to admire another individual's beauty, he would have to say that the latter girl was quite beautiful. She appeared to be the same age as himself and had perfect skin that was void of any kind of imperfection. She appeared like the ideal girl that any male would want to date. Though, he didn't really care too much about that stuff, so he might be wrong.

Though, he was honestly more surprised about the other girl that was flying. Not by the fact that she had wings, or a cape that looked somewhat like a pair at least, but by the fact that the girl appeared to be quite damn small. Maybe the girl was just really short or was really young, but he wasn't exactly one to judge, so he just decided to ignore it.

"I'll ask again, who are you two?"

"W-Wait, we don't mean any harm!" The floating, or flying, girl quickly waved both of her hands in front of herself as Valorant kept a narrow gaze at the two. These two may appear relatively harmless, but God did tell him this world was decently dangerous, so he knew more than enough to remain on guard no matter what happens.

"Sh-She's right, we were just passing by..." The blonde female added, albeit shyly as she stuttered slightly at the start. The girl seemed embarrassed as Valorant stared directly at her in the eyes, she wasn't sure, but she was pretty sure he was trying to see if they were trying to deceive him or not. This caused both of them to gulp slightly.

Though, they had to admit he had a pair of unique and beautiful eyes.

"It doesn't seem like you're both harboring ill intent..." Valorant voiced as slightly lowered his guard, though not fully. The two females seemed to give breathes of relief to this as their bodies visibly relaxed at his words. 'System, I want you to use the Spirit Crystal now. Just in case these two or something else attacks, then I want to be prepared.'


Valorant then heard multiple dinging sounds before he noticed a GUI similar to his Master of Heroes System appear at the corner of his peripheral vision. He looked up to it, but made sure to keep an eye on the two that were currently still in front of him.


[Class Card Roulette]

- Restoration Shard [x5]

- Water Bottles [x3]

- Energy Shard [x6]

- Class Card: Ruler - Jeanne D'arc


'Jeanne D'arc...?' Valorant widened his eyes for a split second before quickly returning them to normal as to not allow the two females to notice his sudden shock. The class card he had just gotten was of Jeanne D'arc, the same person also known as the Saint of Orleans. She was a Catholic saint born in Domremy, France.

The very same heroine of France who liberated Orleans in the Hundred Years War.

As well as being burnt at the stake.

Honestly, though, humans back in the day could seriously be messed up if they could so casually just burn someone to death without remorse, and in the public eye to boot. While he would admit that humans at the present day aren't exactly saints, they are probably far less cruel compared to people back all those years ago.

"Paimon's name is Paimon!" The flying little girl had introduced herself, to which Valorant just rose an eyebrow in confusion as he heard her talk in third person. He then watched as Paimon gestured towards the other girl, who was still a bit embarrassed as she shyly stood there. "This here is Lumine! What's your name?"

"It's Valorant. Nice to meet you." Valorant calmly introduced himself. He had no reason to hide his identity from them at all, they did also introduce themselves first afterall. It was just common courtesy. "So, where are you two headed?"

"Well, we were helping a new friend of ours that we actually met not too long ago before we met you. She was going to help lead us over to Mondstadt!"

'Mondstadt? Must be some kind of city or something.'

"Th-Though, she did ask us to help her out with her task. However, we may have lost her, and that's how we ended up finding you..." Lumine further explained as Valorant nodded in understanding. These two must have just run into him by accident while trying to find their friend. "You didn't happen to see her have you...?"

"Nope. You two are the only ones I've seen since arriving here."

"Oh, are you from another nation? Your clothes are pretty unique compared to anyone else we've seen..." Paimon wondered as she looked at Valorant all over. His clothes were simple but seemingly unique to the two in front of him. He wasn't sure what age this world was in, so maybe these types of clothes weren't normal. "Oh, are you from another world...?!"

"H-Huh?" Valorant went bug-eyed as he stared at the little flying girl.

"You are!"

"Wh-What, how...?"

"Well, Paimon just kind of guessed. Lumine here is also not from this world!" Valorant just looked at the girl in question who just nodded her head shyly. He didn't expect to be figured out straight away, and he didn't really say anything at all... "If you aren't from this world, then that means you must be traveling as well, right?!"

"I guess you could say that..."

"Excuse me..." Lumine voiced as Valorant turned towards her. "Have you by chance seen my brother then? We're twins, so he looks quite a bit like myself..."

"Your brother?" Valorant repeated as he blinked. "Well, like I said before, you two are the only ones I've seen since arriving here. So, I haven't found seen, or heard of your brother... What exactly happened to him if you're looking for him? It's obvious he must be lost or something."

"Well, something happened and we were both separated from one another..."

"I see, that's rather unfortunate." Valorant frowned. While he didn't know these two well, he could at least feel sorry for the girl. Losing a family member is never a good thing, and he could understand what this girl was feeling being away from her brother very well. "However, I'll make sure to keep an eye out for him if I end up coming acro- watch out!"

Valorant's instincts kicked in as he quickly tacked both Lumine and Paimon to the ground as they all felt something rush past where they had previously been standing. Valorant rolled while holding onto both of them before he quickly stopped himself and let them go gently on the ground as he got into a crouched position and quickly looked at the source of the sudden attack.

What had attacked them were three rather strange-looking humanoid creatures. They all had rather dark skin along with wearing rather primitive and ragged clothes, most likely made of some form of leather. However, there was one thing that made them really stand out. It was the fact that all three of them were wearing masks.

"What are these things...?"

"They're Hilichurls. You find them everywhere here in Teyvat!" Paimon commented as both her and Lumine got up from the ground. Lumine quickly summoned forth a rather dull yet beautiful looking blade, surprising Valorant slightly, though he quickly returned his attention to the enemy. "Stay back, Valorant. Lumine can handle this!"

"No way I'm missing out on this. Let's do this together." Valorant voiced to Lumine, who nodded her head at him before they both rushed in. After having being reincarnated, it seemed that God had given him a boost in power. Not comparable to a Servant, but stronger than a peak human by quite the degree.

Lumine quickly began slashing at one of the Hilichurls as Valorant faced the other two.

Valorant was using his knowledge of combat he had learned in the self-defense classes as he was easily dealing with both of them. He was a lot more agile compared to them and also stronger, so they were pretty outmatched. Lumine was no different as she was easily countering and slashing at the Hilichurl in rapid succession.

She had quite the swordsmanship skills from what he could see.

Valorant quickly swept one of the Hilichurls off its feet before backflipping and kicking the other one directly under the chin, with the force of his kick actually sending it flying up around two meters. He didn't rest as he rushed towards the one he kicked before grabbing it by the legs, to which he then swung its body into the ground. The amount of force was great as the creature's body bounced against the ground.

To finish the job, he quickly jumped on top of the Hilichurl's body before gripping it on either side of its head before using his strength to completely twist it around three-hundred degrees, swiftly ending the creature's life as it laid there on the ground completely motionlessly. Valorant didn't relax though as he jumped up and turned and prepared to strike the other.

"I got it!"

"Hm?" Valorant blinked at the foreign voice as he looked up towards the small hill a few meters away. Though, he soon watched as a flaming arrow had been fired before piercing through the head of the second Hilichurl. 'Woah, nice aim there. Not even surprised anymore about the fire, this world probably has magic or something or whatever. Though, who is this girl?'

"Lumine, It's Amber. She found us!"

'That answers my question...'

Lumine had just finished off the Hilichurl that she was fighting as both her and Paimon went on over to Valorant as the girl known as Amber began sliding down the hill and jumped over towards them. She stumbled a bit on her landing, but managed to catch herself as she turned her body to face them as she walked on over a bit closer.

"That was some impressive fighting right there, stranger. I'm impressed." The girl known as Amber complimented as she looked at Valorant and nodded. Valorant just nodded his head back in thanks as the girl then looked at Lumine. "Is this a friend of yours, Lumine? Paimon? Or is it possible that he's perhaps your boyfriend?"

Valorant just blinked as Lumine's face went full on red as she shook her head.

"N-No...! We met him a few minutes ago while looking for you!"

"Ah~, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding." Amber giggled a bit in amusement as she saw the reaction that Lumine had given. Paimon did the same upon seeing the reaction, she had found it quite amusing to see the girl embarrassed like that. "Anyway, where are you headed... Oh, I forgot to introduce myself!"

"No worries, my name is Valorant. Nice to meet you."

"Interesting name." Amber mused as she heard his introduction. "I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius!"

"I see, nice to meet you, Outrider."

"You can just call me Amber."


Around ten minutes had passed since Valorant had met with Amber and had dealt with those Hilichurls alongside the other three, and Valorant had decided to tag along with them since they were apparently headed to the city. He didn't exactly know where that was, so it would be best for him to stick with them for the time being.

They were currently all helping out Amber with her task, which was to apparently rid of a few Hilichurl camps which had been set up near the borders of Mondstadt. They were in the middle of getting rid of a few stragglers around the plains as they were nearing one of the last camps that they were going to be removing.

During this, Valorant found Amber's fighting style quite... unique. She did have pretty good skills using the bow that she wielded, along with those flames of hers. Though, he truly wanted to question something, but held against it as he knew this was another world. She had seemingly sentient EXPLODING bunny puppets that dance before detonating! They looked like her too!

What the hell?!

Where is she holding so many of those things and why?

"Nice job, you guys!" Amber complimented as Valorant snapped the neck of the last Hilichurl. "Don't you have a weapon on you at all, Valorant? You are very much capable at fighting with hand-to-hand, but don't you have a weapon to help you finish them off quickly?"

"Well, not on me at the moment, technically."


"Paimon is confused, what do you mean by that?" Paimon questioned in confusion as she tilted her head at him upon hearing his answer. Valorant didn't technically have a weapon on him until he acted his class card powers and drew out that weapon, but he didn't really want to use it until he actually needed it. He could summon Jeanne's weapon now if he wanted since he set her as his soul, but he didn't find a need to at the moment.

These things were pretty weak.

"Anyway, Amber. How come the Hilichurls managed to end up here in the first place?" Paimon asked as she turned to look towards the brown-haired girl. "These creatures really don't seem to be the type that would end up setting up their camps so close to cities like this."

"That's exactly the point. It's far more normal for them to be much more isolated out there in the wilderness." Amber nodded her head. "It's all because of that dragon, Stormterror, that they have seemingly moved closer to our city. Orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected by this quite a bit as well."

'A dragon.' Valorant thought to himself in surprise. This world was becoming more and more of a fantasy world, which he wouldn't even be surprised about at this point. 'Am I sane to actually want to meet this thing and see what it looks like? Or am I just plainly suicidal? Though, I don't really know how strong it is...'

"The Knights of Favonius have been tied up with defending the areas to the best of their abilities. But, with the storms hitting, we end up with at least a few injuries."

"So, these creatures have been getting closer to the city...?" Lumine asked as Amber nodded her head in response before responding with. "Exactly. With us clearing camps like this belong to the Hilichurls, we can make these areas a little bit safer for everyone. And as a responsible knight, I shall make sure you three make it to the city safely!"

"Well, we better get ready to fight quick, because here they come!" Valorant voiced as he noticed a horde of Hilichurls heading towards them. The other three quickly got into stance and summoned their weapons as Valorant narrowed his eyes as the horde of Hilichurls began surrounding them and were ready to pounce and attack them.

"Th-There's a lot of them!" Paimon shouted with nervousness as she looked around at them all.

"What do we do...?" Lumine wondered as she gripped her sword.

"We fight, not really any other choice!" Amber shouted as she prepared one of those bunny puppet things of hers as she also prepared to fire an arrow from her bow. Valorant narrowed his eyes at the vast number of them as he clicked his tongue, there was a lot of them situated here in this particular camp compared to the others they dealt with.

He knew for a fact that they wouldn't last against such a ridiculous large horde.

Not at the moment at least...

"Guess we'll just have to try our best. Didn't think I would have to use this so soon though..." All three females gave him confused looks as he held his right hand over his left pectoral and gripping as he then muttered a few words that made the three rather confused. "Install Class: Ruler - Jeanne D'arc!'

[Installing Class: Ruler - Jeanne D'arc]

They were about to ask him what he was doing, but all of then, including the Hilichurls, reacted in surprise when Valorant suddenly began glowing a bright blue colouration. They had to cover their eyes as to not be blinded fully, and the light thankfully began dispersing as they all opened their eyes to look at Valorant.

What they saw made them widen their eyes in shock.

"Wh-What the?!"


"Paimon is so confused!"

The reason for their reactions was justified as while Valorant was still standing beside them where he was previously, his attire had completely changed. Instead of his usual casual clothes, he was now wearing a set of armor that was both beautiful and lean as it stuck well to his body, though didn't exactly show his muscles due to the metal armour.

His new outfit consisted of a pair of lean yet sturdy shining silver leggings with a unique pattern, a tight royal blue bodysuit underneath that stuck well to his body, and an armoured chest plate of the same silver as the legging that stuck well to his frame. His neck was also protected by a silver piece and around his shoulders was a cape of royal blue colour along with a small silver cape layer over the top of that cape.

The cape also had two silver crosses imprinted on either side of the cape.

He also donned silver armguards as well as gauntlets, though the pieces of metal platings were sectioned as to not restrict any of his movements, both legs, and arms. Along with that, on his forehead was a silver headpiece that was the same silver as the rest of the armour and was shaped like an 'M' and had strange beautiful patterns shaped into it.

Finally, around his waist was a sword sheathe that held a beautiful-looking silver sword, though the blade couldn't be seen due to it being sheathed at the moment. What also caught their attention was what was being held in his right arm, and that was what appeared to be a large flagpole with a large white flag attached to it with golden accents and a strange insignia unfamiliar to them.

Valorant had his eyes closed, but soon began opening them slowly as a constant determined expression remained on his face as he stuck the bottom of the flagpole slightly into the ground while still holding onto it as he glared at the Hilichurls that were surrounding them.