
Chapter 8

It's funny I wrote the character as a adult in a child's body and it really shows in this chapter, I mean if I didn't know any better I would assume he's an adult. There is no way Kiritsugu wouldn't notice that, obviously for story reasons he's not gonna notice though, anyway my little comment's done enjoy the chapter.


Finishing breakfast and our chat, we have a cup of tea courtesy of my magic as we have what I can already tell will be an important discussion.

"Nicholas is there anything else you need to tell me. In order to obtain true magic one needs to see the root, so you did you obtain your true magic, when and how did you see the root"

Making my determination I decide to tell Kiritsugu the truth. Or at least a made up story that I will pass off as the truth, no way am I ever telling anybody the absolute truth, that's just a disaster waiting to happen.

" During the fire, or, mud I suppose, I remember running but I couldn't get away, then I tripped looking back I saw the mud right over me and I couldn't get away, and the next thing I know, everything hurts and I'm covers in the mud before everything went dark. Next thing I know I'm in a place, I can't move, think, its like I'm moving through a peaceful lake towards somewhere, I couldn't see, hear, feel, nothing. But I could sense the world around me, in the distance a could feel a void that I was traveling to, when I felt it, it was like god, deciding what was real and what wasn't, kind of like my magic. As I got closer I felt two things in the distance, I think that were fighting because they kept colliding. Eventually, one of the shockwaves from their collision threw me from the river, then I felt pain and the pull became stronger. As I got closer to the void I felt like I was gonna disappear, I felt scarred, So I fought, when I did I grabbed something. When I did I felt different so I ran away from the void, and I got away, back the way I came before everything went dark again. I then woke up in the fire and started walking and well you know the rest"

Hearing my story, Kiritsugu looks at me with a look beyond shock, bordering on horror. The ramifications of what I'm saying is finally sinking in to him, as he finally realises what I experienced, as well as the impossibility of what I'm saying and done. Taking a good half an hour to process what I've said, Kiritsugu finally speaks.

"Are you telling me, you actually died, your soul left your body, and on your way back to the root two outer gods fighting sent you off the path, you gained some power that allowed you to get away from the root and back to your body.


Leaning back Kiritsugu take a breather trying to process everything.

"Nicholas, was there anything else"


"Was there anything else"

"No why"

"By all accounts, your soul should be ruined, forget true magic, forget remembering what happened, forget getting back to your body, based on what you said your soul should have been ruined if not destroyed, yet, here you are perfectly fine, it's impossible"

Thinking about what he said I remember something. What sent me out of the river, it wasn't a shockwave, it was a knife or blade or whatever it was. Seeing the look on my face Kiritsugu asks what I remembered.

"When I was sent out from the river, it wasn't a shockwave, it was a blade, a short blade, kind of half there half not. What happened to it"

"It's probably still there, it's probably what protected your soul and allowed you to return to your body. maybe some time in the future you will learn how to interact with that blade for now there is something else I'm curious about"


"You said you grabbed something and then felt different, Right"

"Yes" Damn he's perceptive

"Do you have any idea what it was"

"Yes" DAMN, HE'S GOD DAMN PERCEPTIVE. I wasn't planning on telling him about this for a while, but if he's gonna bring it up now then I might as well.

"Can you explain it to me"

"I call it the speed force, from what I can tell I have an energy in my body that like mana I can send through my circuits, when I do the World around me changes, everything becomes slower and I can move really fast, really, really fast. However when I use it I feel like I slight leave the world, I'm still here but it's like I'm somewhere else"

"What happens if you fuse mana with this, 'speed force'"

"That's really bad, last time I tried to bring the two close to each other my instincts screamed and I felt terror, I instinctively knew if I brought these two energy's together, I would die and there would be nothing left of me"

"We will have to test this in the future"

Hearing that I freak out.


"Calm down you won't be doing it"


"We will use catalysts to hold a bit of mana and speed force and set up a ritual that will fuse while we watch from a safe distance somewhere far from civilisation"

"That sounds fine to me"

"Well put that off for the future for now we have to decide what happens next"

"In that case dad I want to go to the mages association"

"Why would you want to go there"

Kiritsugu replied shocked, smirking I gave my reply.

"Simple, you said that mages are a group of self-righteous scum bags that put bloodlines and status above all else, a noble family with centuries of history will look down on and shun a new family with two or three generation, and completely ignore a first generation magus as trash right"

"Yes, where are you going with this"

"Well how do you think these same self-righteous assholes will act when they see an eight year old first generation Magus using true magic, especially when said child can only use the most basic of basic magecraft"

At that moment I saw something I never imagined I would see, Kiritsugu Emiya, the magus killer, the boogeyman of the moonlit world, smiling with a sadistic no doubt feeling the same twisted joy I am at the thought, probably thinking the same thing as me about their reactions. Locking eyes me come to an agreement.



"Pack your bags, we're going to the clock tower"

'SNAP' Snapping my fingers, my luggage is right next to me, packed in a suitcase I just made.


Smiling I star at Kiritsugu giving him a look of victory.

"Give me ten minutes"

Having made our plans, packed our bags, we head out the door. Before we left Kiritsugu had to make a few calls, probably to Raiga Fujimura, letting him know we'll be away for awhile to look after the house.

Leaving the house we make our way to the airport. While waiting for the bus, I feel something staring at us, looking in the direction of the stare I see nothing, confused I use my magic to study the area, then I see it, an absolutely disgusting insect, no worm staring at us and can almost feel the magic from it, seeing it only one thing comes to mind.


Okay, two things. Sakura.