
Chapter 39

With my sudden epiphany, I get up and walk out of the room.

"Nicholas where are you going"

"To try something I should have done a long time ago"

With that I keep walking, followed by everyone else. Doing the situation Ruby is the first to ask what they are all thinking.

"So what are you doing"

"You all know about my powers, my magic and speed. Which do you think bis stronger"

""""""""Easy, your magic/Ooohhh, Ooooooohhhhh (Easy, your magic)""""""""



"This is something I never told you, however a few years ago at the clock tower I met the planet, not Gaia or Alaya but the planet itself, I learnt a lot from her. You see my magic comes from the root, however my speed comes from the primordial force, Primordial speed"


"The primordial forces are the origin of everything. In the beginning there was nothing but raw energy. From that energy the primordial forces came into being. They stabilized the energy and created the Omniverse, and with that the different multiverse's came into being. Our world in this multiverse is under the root however the root has no power in the Omniverse outside of this multiverse"


"In this multiverse true magic is an all mighty power however outside of it it's essentially useless, I think, I'll figure that out later. So as i was saying, Omniverse space can only be inhabited by three types of beings. one is the primordial forces ,they created it and live in it. Second are multiverse's, they inhabit bit it, they also have a protective barrier around them to keep them safe. If that barrier broke the entire multiverse would be destroyed. finally the third are being like me who have a connection to a Primordial force, thanks to our forces protection we can enter and safely travel through the Omniverse"


"You guys ok"




"Testing testing one two three"


"Okay I get it I'll give you a minute"


It took about ten minutes for them to snap out of their daze.

"Nicholas your kidding right"


"Ooooohhhhhhhh(But this can't be real)"

"It's real"


"IT'S REAL. Let me see how I go"

"No, absolutely not it's to dangerous"

"Irisviel's right, I can't let you go"

"I'll be fine, I'm the second fastest being in existence"


"The fastest is primordial speed"

"Still no"

"Fine, at lest let me test it a bit, I won't leave this multiverse. Besides, I have already taken preparations to make sure I can return"


"I'll be fine"


It will be no more dangerous then being here"

"How so"

"I'll be moving faster then light, along with having my magic. Even if by some miracle something could catch me, spoiler alert, not gonna happen. I have my magic"

"Haaaaaaa fine. You better be back by dinner though"

"Awesome. I'm off see ya"

With that I'm gone, It took me all of one second to reach light speed. Pretty soon I'm running ten times the speed of light through the multiverse.

"This is awesome, let's go even faster"

With that I push it even further, fifteen, twenty, thirty. Before I know it I'm pushing fifty times light speed, then I trip. How, how does one trip I'm multiverse space.

Lets just say I broke promise. Tripping at fifty times light speed caused the expected result, I flew out of the multiverse and I kept flying. After spending a few minutes to orient myself in this God forsaken nothingness, I look the way I came and see nothing.

Shit. Where's home. Feeling my connection to the world I run toward it. It doesn't take long for me to find the fate multiverse. Looks as crazy as last time, like a bunch of shapes overlapping each other yet one shape. I'm getting a headache just looking at it.

As I'm about to return, I suddenly realise I still have plenty of time, I don't have to tell them what I did. This never happened. Turning around I run, looking around I pass a few multiverse's, eventually I chose one to visit. How do I choose.

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by the toe. If he squeal's, let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. You"

With that I enter the world, seeing the colours I run I to a random one entering the planet. Looking around I try to see if I recognise anything. It takes no time to realise I'm in Japan, why is it always Japan. This is probably an anime.

"Let's explore, it might even be my original world"

I quickly regret this decision. Why. Infront of me I see three girl boys, their world's fill me with even more dread.

"Come on Piko"

"I'm coming, wait for me"


No, no, nonononononono. RUUUUUNNNNNN. With that I run as far and fast as I can. Why, whywhywhy, of all the world it had to be that.

One second later I'm running out of this multiverse. New record zero to ten times light in two seconds. Seeing a new multiverse I enter, nothing could be worse then that.

As I land I look around, yep Japan again, this look like a rural village. Hinamizawa village, wonder what this place is like.

Looking at the sky the sun alreay set, maybe I'll look around a bit before leaving. Hearing noise I walk over to a building, looking through the window I see something I never what to see. A girl in a chair, her fingers in a little contraption, about to press down on the price holding her finger nails. Nononononono. First Boku no Piko, now Higurashi, Just no. once again fleeing for my life from a cursed multiverse, I run through Omniverse space.

"One more. one more would then I go home"

Praying to any god(Primordial force) that will listed I pray for good luck.

Just as I finish my prayer, I feel something hit me. No tackle me, I feel like I just got spear tackled by Rimiru. Damn that was a good show, I should try to find that world.

Looking at me attacker, I see what looks like a slime.


"Who the fuck is Rimiru. I'm Axle. Fight me"


Just like that I feel a shock through my whole being, light my soul was just electrocuted.

Wait, Soul


"Very perceptive. That's right I have a connection to Primordial Soul. It the first time I'm met another like me. Now fight me"

With that we fly into a near multiverse.

"Get lost. I'm not interested"

With that I shake the slime off me and run, doesn't matter where or when I just have to get away from this psycho. I finally stop running, I'm still in the same multiverse just at a different time, a few years ago to be exact. Did I lose him.

"Found you"