
Chapter 23

"There's something I'm curious about, you seem to respect the primal forces a lot. Why"

Hearing my question, she looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"Because you are an idiot if you need to ask such a stupid question. let's put it this way. In the beginning there was nothing. You saw the Omniverse's primal space outside of our multiverse correct, how did it seem to you empty, nothing, void. You saw the root right, how did it seem, much the same right. well originally it was like that except worse there was literally nothing.

Until eventually the primal forces came into being. from there they created the Omniverse as we know it. you saw it right. From the leftover energy of the Omniverse's creation, multiverse's came into being, and those multiverse created us, the world's. From my perspective, root is my parent and the primal forces are those awesome grandparents who did something amazing that I can't help but respect"

Wow, didn't think about it like that. Wait if the speed force is so amazing then.

"Correct, you have been underestimating it all along. If you were to reach light speed you could travel to my past and future. Double that you could leave me and enter another version. Five times that or ten times the speed of light and you have hit the minimum threshold to breach this multiverse and enter Omniverse primal space and travel to different multiverse's. You would have to move faster then that though, or it would take you a very long time to get to another multiverse, they are very far away"

Holy crap and here I thoughty magic was OP, my speed is even more so.

"That's right, however don't go thinking that magic of yours is weak though, compared to the primal speed it is very weak but in any world you go to it is very powerful, in fact it's because of that that your magecraft is not restricted"

What did she just say

"Based on the conversation, I thought it was because of my speed that I wasn't restricted"

"Nope, because of your speed you technically hold status equil to the root in this multiverse but that's not why you are not restricted, that goes to your magic. Having said that even without it I still wouldn't restrict you, but then it would be a conscious action rather then the current subconscious action"

"Can you explain, please"

"Gladly. But first let me ask you something, why do we world's allows human and other creatures to live on us"

Hearing her question I'm shocked, I honestly never thought about it, but why do planets create a allow beings to live on them.

"Simple, we need you like you need us. You see all living beings naturally emit a type of energy, you can't use it, frankly to you it's useless, but to us it's the opposite. That energy that you living beings naturally emit is essentially our food. So regardless of what happens we will always have life. Now onto the next part why we hate Magician, for starters the energy emitted by a Magician is different from a normal human. If the energy a normal human emits ten units of energy, we have to spent two units of energy to make it compatible with us, however for Magician, we have to spend four to get six, see the difference. Now on to why your magic is special, all Magician will obtain the magic most compatible with them unless they specifically aim for a particular magic, and amongst all the magic's, yours allows you to synchronise directly with our core, the energy you emit rather then being food, is the exact same energy as our life force. To put it simply, so long as you live on me I will stop ageing and never have to worry about dieing"

"What, but I thought you said you world's don't die"

"I never said that, you said when mana dries up or the world is pruned, I just said that's not dieing but a reset. Us world's have our own lifespan, it's just very long, by your standards, several trillion years. However as compensation for this, after we die we dissapear forever, we don't reincarnate or anything, just gone. That's why when you appeared, I was ecstatic, an unknown wildcard who can shake up the world and possessing that magic, letting me live a longer life. Infact I'm planning to grant you 'Authority', turning you into a god giving you eternal life. It will be mutually beneficial, we both get to live on indefinitely"

"Does it really work like that, how does that even work, wouldn't giving me eternal life shorten yours"

"Who told you that, not me. Giving someone immortality is essentially me linking their life to mine, so long as I live so do they. Now tell me, what happens when you, who naturally produces an energy useless to you but grants me eternal life, links you life to me who so long as you live, keeps producing said energy that keeps me alive"

"It creates and endless loop, we both provide each other eternal life"

"Correct, now you understand why I or should I say Gaia doesn't hinder you in any way and infact supports you however possible"

Finally getting the answers I was looking for, I'm shocked, I can hardly believe what I just heard. How am I supposed to respond to this, how am I supposed to act, what am I supposed to think.

"Has anyone else ever obtained this magic"

"We all know about that magic, infact we are aware of all the magic's and the acquisition conditions, except for that one. We have no idea how someone's can get it, if we did then we would do anything in our power to get a person with that magic on our world and create a connection with them. But to answer your question, no, no one in all of history has obtained that magic"

"I think I have asked everything I need, I just have one last question before I go. What to the true nature of my magic, what are it's limits"

Hearing my words she looks at me with a serious look before answering.

"The true power of that magic is, as you may have already guessed the power to shape the world, or anything that you deem a world. An empty, desolate asteroid in space, you can turn it into a lush paradise. The easiest way to achieve this is through textures however as you discovered earlier today you can directly embed them directly into the world, however I would like to request you to never do that, is it is extremely painful for us"

"Correct me if I'm wrong but, the reason you hesitated on telling me this is because it's not just the changing the world, such as the textures, but I can also change you. Who you are, you nature, your very being is at my mercy"


we spend the next thirty seconds staring at each other before.

"Yes. That is why I, no all of us are both excited as well as hesitant about your magic, it means we no longer have to fear oblivion but we are also at your mercy. That is the true reason we stop magus from reaching the root. What are we supposed to do if some evil magus gets that kind of power. If a magus does get past us and reaches the root we pray they are a good person or they don't get it. Afterall what's the difference between oblivion and forcedly be changed into something, someone else against our will, I don't know what worse. We are all scared."

You sometimes talk like your not just you but multiple people, why"

"As I said when we die we dissapear, however in an effort to not dissapear completely, in defiance to our fate we can fuse with another world giving them our everything. In a way we can live on, it gives us a sense of hope that we don't completely dissapear. I have had six world's fused with me"

Holy crap she is literally seven people or world's fused into one.