

Icarus. The First hollow Human to desire nothing. Not women, not being rich, not power, no nothing! The mysterious Human who made God's think twice before going to the Mortal world. The First Human to obtain immortality. The...... First Human turned God. Patreon.com/SirGodfire Please support me on Pat] . . . . [ [This is a rewrite of my first Novel. Enjoy!]

Godfire_Dragneel · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Problems catching up

A/N: I'll edit this chapter tomorrow if it has any mistakes.

Time flies. By the time Icarus and his father vacated Athens, it was a week later. They didn't get chased or anything, they just left calmly. Like they own the city, which... technically they do.

Nonetheless, it was just a calm affair.

Right now. Icarus and his father, Daedalus were trudging through a forest.

Unlike the modern forests that Icarus had seen, this one is so... Majestic. It's like he's reborn in those fantasy novels he often reads in Webnovel, which is ironic because.... he's reborn into one isn't he?

The forest swayed like it had life if its own, golden motes floating around. Dragonflies buzzing around as a gentle breeze rocked them about, sounds of a rolling river in the background had the effects like you're working in the summer sun after drinking a glass of cold water. It's so..mesmerising and enchanting.

Icarus hummed as he bounced on his feet, bobbing his head to a beat unheard by all except him. Icarus grazed the leaves of the trees, feeling happy for once in his life. The trees swayed with him, following him in his unheard beat.

"Such a beautiful place!" Icarus exclaimed with unrestrained excitement. He opened his arms wide like he's embracing the world, taking it all in. He took a deep breath before turning to his father, still happy.

"Isn't it so, father?!" Icarus shouted and bounced in place like he's a ADHD kid or a child on sugar high.

His father, Daedalus, just smiled warmly at him. "Yes, it's such a majestic sight."

Icarus, who was about to respond, saw a silhouette passing quickly in his peripheral, he turned just as fast. "Hey, isn't that an.... Phantasmal?!" Icarus gushed. A Unicorn with white mane and golden tribal tattoos like they're runes dancing upon its body trotted around. The long horn on it's forehead was like a crystal, gold, clear and sparkling. It is a beautiful creature, pure without any taint. It's hooves were gold too. The beast paused for a second, hearing Icarus suddenly shout but it quickly got on with its journey.

Icarus was feeling free. It's been decades since he has been reborn and he hasn't left Athens since then. So this sight is new to him, unlike Daedalus who is familiar with this sight before them.

'This..this is what I want.' Icarus thought. Icarus died when he was old, he had done many things that he wanted to do. He enjoyed many cuisines in his past life, he had married, had lovely kids, wrote like his life dependend on it, he was filthy rich and he travelled the world with his wife. Icarus had done all he wanted to do and done more! He fulfilled his desires, goals and dreams. Now, in this world of mystery, magic and Gods, Icarus didn't feel anything other than a hollow hole in his chest.

He was confused, what's the meaning of his reincarnation if he didn't have any regrets upon his death? He didn't have any desires, he's just...him. He's a hollow soul in a foreign land, a true foreigner in a foreign land.

As for those who said 'When in Rome, do what Romans do.' they're really mental. What should he do, be a hero? Yhea, right. Like he's going to do that.

Icarus wants this, the feeling of discovering new things, the feeling of researching and his reseach succeeding.

Perhaps he should do things that he never did in his last life, like Uhm.... teaching for an example!

Icarus looked at the tall trees shadowing the ground like it's night and grinned like a loon.

As someone from the era of information, Icarus has a lot of things to teach his students if he had one. Teach them a little of common sense and logic since this world's inhabitants don't seem to have them, I mean who would trade his daughter for a horse?!

Nonetheless, Icarus speculated that teaching was going to be a unique experience all together. He wants to be an existence like Chiron, full of Wisdom and knowledge. A great teacher for the people.

'I seem to have contrary thoughts.'

Being a teacher is troublesome. And being isolated from the world is... boring??

Was he being hypocritical? Well, he never claimed to never be one.

'Well, let's let fate run its course.'

Living a peaceful life without any conflicts or being a teacher?

Wait..isn't Chiron isolated from the world but still teaching people? A combination of both ideas.

Nonetheless, it is a food for thought to chew and digest on a later note.

Icarus shook his head and sighed, leaving all the complicated thoughts to future him. He turned to face his father. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a single word, he noticed the shock on Daedalus's face. Icarus frowned. 'What's wrong?' He questioned himself. Then he noticed that his father's gaze was directed behind him, slowly Icarus turned, curious.

Behind him was a female. Tall with luxurious brown hair and grey eyes filled with divine wisdom, wearing a two strap chiton that came to her toes With long strap sandals. She was holding a big scroll that laid on her left arm.

Although Icarus doesn't know her— He hasn't met her in his life before but Icarus knew her. Just standing there with a divine grace unmatched by mortals, she exude unimaginable charm that even Icarus who's a being with limited EQ was stunned.

Icarus didn't know who she is but knowledge just appeared in his mind just gazing at her.

Icarus and his father went on their knees, their heads bowed and acknowledging her presence.

"Lady Athena!"

Silence filled the grove.

Then, an a exotic voice filled with charm and allure resounded.

"Get up."

The father and son duo got up, each of their own minds racings.

Athena let them get their bearings first.

After a moment, Daedalus inquired. "Such a pleasant surprise. What can this lowly mortals do for you?" Although it wasn't even a fortnight when Athena cursed Daedalus, Daedalus didn't even have a thought of making his grieavence known. After all, he knows how Gods can be cruel, he's the evidence of that.

"You didn't fulfill the end of your bargain, Daedalus." Athena responded. Ignoring his question and continuing staring at him.

Icarus felt awkward at this moment. Both parties are ignoring his presence but he didn't dare to make a noise. For Icarus wants a life without troubles, an angry God can make his life miserable. He doesn't want that, so he just continue standing there. It may seem illogical but remember, this is Greek mythology. Everything is illogical here, they lack common sense. Even looking wrongly at a God can end his life faster than he can say 'WebNovel'. Yea, no, Icarus values his life...maybe?

Nonetheless, Icarus knew that even the so-called Goddess of Wisdom has her moments of flights of fancy. She turns young women into monsters for breakfast and all of them are turned because of stupid reasons. Icarus doesn't want to be on that list, No sir. So he just stood there quietly.

"Ah. Consequences of my actions, My lady." Daedalus said. It took all his mental capacity not to say 'Thanks to you!'

"How do you plan to rectify this problem?"

"My current situation doesn't allow me to fulfill that promise, My lady." Daedalus nervously said.

" Hoh. crossing me now aren't you? Perhaps I was lenient to you."


A second later, a massive magical pressure descended upon them. It squashed them, squeezing their internal organs and making them get pasted on the ground.

'Gravity' Icarus thought as he gritted his teeth. He tried to get up but the gravity increased.


Icarus felt like dry heaving, wait, he is dry heaving. But a second later, warm blood escaped his mouth and he puked it on the ground.

Icarus felt his skeleton creaking, trying to resist the heavy gravity that had befallen them. With a lot of struggle, Icarus turned his head to try and see how his father was fairing.

Only to see him bleeding through his seven orifices.

'Father!' Icarus worryingly thought.

Icarus tried to come up with ideas to save his father. If it goes on like this then.... he's going to die. That's the truth of it. Daedalus is old, his bones are starting to degrade.

Icarus felt true despair at this moment.

'I-is father going to die?'

'Am I going to die?'

Icarus doesn't care if he's the one going to die but his father.... He doesn't want his father to die.


They're bound to fate, aren't they?

'Wait! Bound... boundary field?!'

Icarus gathered mana to his finger tip. His index finger glowed blue with mana surrounding it. Then on top of his blood Icarus wrote 'Negate'

The gravity... disappeared. Like something great swallowed it. But.. oxygen started to disappear too, it started to lessen until it was thin within the field. Thin enough that people won't be able to breathe.

But Icarus didn't care about that, immediately when he felt the massive gravity disappearing he ran to his father.

"Father!" Icarus lightly tapped daedalus as an invisible field compassed his father's head. Allowing him to breath, Icarus did the same thing to himself. He took a deep breath as sweet, delicious oxygen filled his lungs.

Icarus carried his father as they slowly floated. The rune of 'Negate' on the ground negates everything, it's either Magic, oxygen or... gravity, anything gets cancelled. Since there's no gravity in the field, they started floating, with no weight.

Since all the three of them had a personal experience flying, they didn't panic.

Icarus released a sigh of relief.

The field around them slowly dismantled, allowing them to fall to the ground. Icarus released wind magic as they floated down and gently they landed on the ground. A green Magical circle shone under their feet after landing as healing magic slowly healed them.

After all is done, and after wiping the blood off their faces. They faced Athena.

"My lady, please pardon my father. Mayhaps if I know of your promise, I may have a solution for it." Icarus bowed and addressed the Goddess before them.

"Solution? Perhaps you'll do."

A sinister smile graced Athena's beautiful face.

'Who knew evil girls had the prettiest faces?'


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Godfire_Dragneelcreators' thoughts