

Icarus. The First hollow Human to desire nothing. Not women, not being rich, not power, no nothing! The mysterious Human who made God's think twice before going to the Mortal world. The First Human to obtain immortality. The...... First Human turned God. Patreon.com/SirGodfire Please support me on Pat] . . . . [ [This is a rewrite of my first Novel. Enjoy!]

Godfire_Dragneel · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Persue Of The Truth, Knowledge And Wisdom.

A/N: First thing First... I'll be a better father than y'all.... Kidding. I'll like to say thank you to y'all who send me Power Stones despite me saying I'll take a break. it's appreciated. so I wrote this chapter for y'all!

Second: Do you know that Icarus is from the Bronze Age? as in Perseus, Jason and all are in a more later generation. Icarus generation is with Achilles, Atlanta and Hercules?? The Trojan War timeline. I don't know if I'm wrong or what since Jason actually knew Atlanta in the Grand Order. or...am I wrong again?

Regardless since Icarus is in the Bronze Age that means Medusa is still a Goddess at this point, not a Gorgon and def not cursed. I may be wrong again but let me live in my dreams.

So....do you want this fic to feature, Jason, Perseus and all Heroes from Age Of Heroes? idk man. I'll hear from y'all.

Third thing....I didn't edit this story.

Now! in the Story!


Chapter 18

"You have a ship before you, if you replace its wood planks one by one until you've replaced all the ship. Is it really the same ship? Fundamentally, it's in the same place, hasn't moved, changed its position or blueprint, is it really the same ship?" — Ship Of Theseus Mind Theory.


Time passed and I found myself in the Temple of Delphi. Right before me was the Oracle of Delphi, the Priestess.

She's a woman of lithe and slim figure, Red burning hair like the sun that came to her waist, and blue piercing eyes that are clear and sparkling with wisdom.

She's draped in a red robe garment with a crown of pearls and holding a staff on her right hand, leaning slightly on it.

She cuts a fine figure with her grace and elegance.

She's sitting on a... tripod? It's a three legged stool that's for sure. Not sure why it's three legged but hey do as you wish.

Before I can observe further the Oracle spoke, "Welcome, dear travel. I'm —the— Pythia, The spirit of Delphi, speaker of prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach, seeker, and ask."

I stood by for a few moments as I felt trepidation curl inside me. I stepped forward and said, "I was asked—Ordered— to come to this place." 

"I have a prophecy for you. You'd you like to hear it?" The Oracle inquired.

And it took everything in me not to say 'nope, thank you very much.' I ran my hand to my mane and sighed tiredly.

The answer came out more dreaded than I could've liked.


The Oracle—Pythia— smiled reassuringly; her eyes closed. Her figure slacked over the tripod and when she came to, her eyes glowed sun gold and twinkled with mischief. And the words that came out of her mouth destroyed everything and made my entire life sour.


As soon as the Oracle stopped I felt my legs turn jelly. T-this.....

The world swam and turned into a kaleidoscope of colours, and sensations. At the edge of my peripheral I saw the Oracle walk in a hurry towards me but I was so lost that I ignored her completely.

Titanomachy? Truth? I must become a linchpin? Century long quest?

Bullshit! Don't give me any of that!

I felt almost foreign fury overtake me at this moment. Fury so hot that it can burn the whole city into cinders and embers.

I just want to live peacefully, is that much to ask? According to the Gods, yes it is.

I know myself and I know that me trying to 'live' peacefully. It's just my defence mechanism to this foreign land I found myself in. This foreign land where Gods and Monsters exist.

I want to live a peaceful life because it's comforting, it's safe and it's expected. Living your life in a pattern, boring, simple, because boring means simple, and simple means Safe. That's what I want right now.

I was a Psychotherapist and even in this life I didn't want my skills to go to rust, so I tested my psychology, Mentality and psyche almost everyday.

To see how changed I am. I know I have trauma and other psychological symptoms/disorders — Sometimes I can be brutally honest to myself, even if it hurts me the most— All this manifested in me as my 'desire' to live a 'peaceful' life. And I know I've changed, so much that I don't recognize myself anymore—disregarding my physical  changes—Like the Ship Of Theseus. 

I know myself, I know that under all that calm, sunny and sometimes indifferent facade is a banquet of literal darkness waiting to boil over.

It's my defence mechanism to not get schizophrenia or any reality distorting disorders, especially since I found myself in what seems to be the love child of Ancient Greek Mythology and Fate/Grand Order, and to protect my mind. To somehow convince myself that all of this is real and not a product of my imagination, or maybe this is just a big ass dream or that I'm in Coma and my mind conjured this to give me hope. Hope that I can live again, Hope that I'm not yet dead. It'd made sense too since the last thing I remember was dying in a car crash.

What if I survived? What if the Ambulance came in time? What if?

Question, questions. 

The truth, that's what I want. Truth without any personal bias. Truth about the world, about the Gods and all that lives under —and above— the Heavens.

And I know just the 'person' who has ancient knowledge and Wisdom, maybe He can help me find the truth and place me in the right track.

As for the Century long quest? Yhea...

The World would be better without Gods and Monsters.

—The World doesn't need idiots with, admittedly, a lot of power and free time in their hands to curse, rape people, and cause wars because they're bored—

Unknown to myself, My eyes had another crack in them. They spun wildly like a whirlpool and... Fractured. 

They'll shatter soon enough but not now, I have a shit ton of work I have to do first.

—The world doesn't need Gods and Monsters...but it'll certainly need a Mentally unstable Millennium+ old monster disguised as a human—


I left the Temple of Delphi—Kingdom of Delphi— behind me, and I set out on a journey to find Prometheus. The sun was high in the sky, and the heat was intense. I trudged on, following the winding path that led away from the Kingdom. As I walked, I could not help but feel a sense of foreboding. Was I really ready to face Prometheus, the Titan who had defied the gods and was punished for his crimes? I wasn't sure, but I had to find out.

As I rounded a bend in the path, I caught sight of a vast and desolate landscape, stretching out before me. The air was thick with the scent of ash and smoke, and I knew I must be getting close to Prometheus' prison. As I drew nearer, I began to make out a dark shape in the distance. It grew larger and larger until I could see it clearly - a towering mountain, topped with a massive rock. This was Mount Caucasus, the prison of Prometheus. As I approached, a deep sense of dread filled me. What would I find at the top of the mountain? 

I found myself standing at the base of the mountain, staring up at its towering height. The air was heavy with the weight of Prometheus' suffering, and I could almost feel the anguish radiating from the rock. Taking a deep breath, I began to climb. The path was steep and treacherous, but I pressed on, determined to reach the top. As I climbed, I thought about the Titan himself - why had he chosen to steal fire from the gods? What had he hoped to achieve? Although I do not care about what he did, I'm just curious. 

I stood, facing Prometheus, The Titan of Forethought, Fire and Knowledge—Crafty Counsel—

He cuts out a miserable existence. His head hung low and a lot of scars scarred his body.

How strange.

But I shook my head, I didn't come here for that. Focus on the main goal, Icarus.

I said that but as soon as my mouth opened— "Why did you steal the fire?" I put my foot in my mouth. Mortification filled me.

The Titan chuckled, it was a low and despairing thing. "Curious, aren't you?" He rhetorically asked.

I only chuckled at my own expense.

"I stole fire from the gods," Prometheus said, "because I could see the truth. I knew that humans deserved the same gift of knowledge that the gods had been given. I wanted them to be able to learn, to understand the world around them, and to forge their own destiny. The gods were afraid of this, afraid that humans would challenge their power, so they punished me for my crime."

Icarus was struck by Prometheus' words. Inside, I was giddy. T-this...this is what I came here for, but no need to get all excited, I may be disappointed.

I sighed heavily, throwing in the act. I don't know why I wanted to deceive the Titan but..... I've encountered so many Divines that wanted nothing than to make my life troublesome. I'm sure the Titan wouldn't wish to hurt his 'Children' intentionally but..this is reality, I don't know him, I know OF him.

"You speak of the truth, Prometheus. But....what is the truth?" I asked, nearly getting emotional.

"Truth? Truth is what you make it out to be, son. Anything can be the truth, it's only up to you to believe it or not." Prometheus said.

I scratched my head, tussling my locks apart, frustration filling me up. I mean he's not wrong, if you believe something is true in Ancient Greek then it'd be. Just like how they believed bird can only fly because they had wings, — like how Oc Icarus and his Father managed to fly with wings made out of Wax— so I guess that can be the truth but— 

"What I want is the undeniable truth. Not what I wanted to believe in, truth without bias, without any taint. Is the sky real? What about the sun? Is it real? What if this is all a dream? How can I prove evidence that I exist? Does the world exist? Does YOU exist?" I ranted out, panting slightly.

Silence wore the mountain like a blanket. Prometheus looked at me with this strange look in his eyes like I've done something he didn't expect.

Then Prometheus did something I didn't expect. He laughed, he laughed so hard that I started to feel like a fool.

Then he spoke—

"Finally! Someone who can understand besides Athena, Hahaha." He laughed like a madman, again. I was slightly convinced that he had gone mad.

Prometheus was chained to a rock, so that goes without saying that he's immobile, he can't move. What a way to be proven wrong.

Prometheus leaned forward, the chains straining like they're going to break.

"That's the thirst of knowledge, son. The pursuit of Wisdom, of the Truth. Of all that is, of all that will come and all that has come." Prometheus' eyes shone with a crazed glow. His lips parted as saliva dripped out like he's a rabid animal.

Internally, I cringed and became disgusted.

But I understood what Prometheus was talking about though, I understood, and really I wouldn't fault him for…. doing that. What he spoke about is generally Clayvorance. Well, it is similar to greenser too. Lol, look at me! I'm Bran The Broken! 


I quickly muffled my chuckles as I saw Prometheus glance harshly my way.

On a serious note, that's really a lot of power for an individual. I can get behind the thirst of knowledge, I had it, I still have it too. So it really isn't anything groundbreaking but having all that power for being a super nerd? Count the fucking me in!

Plus, it won't hurt to solve my identity crisis. Really, what a pain in the ass. I lived peacefully with my dad and I didn't have an ounce of identity crisis, it comes now?! 


Regardless, "How can I do all that? Where to start?" I questioned him.

Prometheus' smile stretched even more, like it's splitting his face. "Glad you said that, son. You won't handle even the meagre amount of the truth the way you are, you're way…brittle, squashy." Prometheus hummed in thoughtfully.

I, on the other hand , frowned. I don't want to push aside my current goal — it's all I have. I don't want to be aimless. Dangerous Is the person who doesn't have any goals or dreams. A husk of a human, a imitation— 

Before I could tell Prometheus to suggest another way around this…particular problem, he spoke again.

"Hecate can make you able to handle mystics and all that comes with it. It'll help you to strengthen your mind too." 

"Right. If that's all.." I stood up. Now, I was ready to continue my journey. I'll finish Athena's quest and go on a self-imposed exile, and study the universe. I really don't have a concrete plan but..this will do for now.

Prometheus nodded his head.

As I turned to leave, something held me back. Call it curiosity or stupidity but I just wanted to know. I want to know, to understand — all those who knew me know that's my personality in a nutshell. The desire to know—

"Early you said the Gods punished you because they don't understand but surely they punished you harshly? Couldn't they see the reason?" 

Prometheus' eyes filled with madness, cruelly curved up in a smiling expression.

"The gods do not understand reason, Icarus. They understand only power and control. My crime was not to take fire, but to give it to those they deemed unworthy. And so I was chained to this rock, my liver eaten by an eagle every day, only to be healed so that it could be eaten again. It is a punishment without end."

Prometheus' words were heavy with despair, and Icarus found himself at a loss for words. Like I understood that the Gods were cruel but…to this extent? Or were they really that petty? 

And then Prometheus' madness filled eyes looked at me. Craziness and madness swirled in a dark purple haze like the universe.

I felt terror set in my bones and I couldn't move. 

"But you, Icarus, you are not like the gods. You have the capacity for reason, for empathy, for understanding. You are more than they ever could be. I see that now, in you. So I ask you - will you do what I could not? Will you help humanity to forge their own destiny?"

I was stunned by Prometheus' words. The Titan was asking him to take up the mantle of change, to be the agent of progress and enlightenment for humanity.

Ridiculousness filled me. Me? Have the capacity for empathy? Surely the Titan was not talking about me. And really, who'll take that mantle that Prometheus oh so lovely romantize? Yhea, not me.

I'll not waste my life on a useless endeavour. Humanity will change with the sands of time, I'll not be it's saviour, messiah or jesus V 2.0

In all this time I spent here, Prometheus only cemented his place as a Mad Titan to me. Refusing him may have some consequences that I'm not ready to face. It's not fear, it's called logic and common sense.

It's really not.

"I'll see what I can do, Prometheus. I do not promise that I'll do it as I can die tomorrow." I gave him an excuse.

"Regardless," I turned and walked away, "May the Fates have mercy on me. Godspeed Prometheus, Godspeed."

Have mercy on my soul.


Prometheus Pov

Prometheus watched as the interesting mortal walked away. He only snorted in amusement and relaxed in his chains.

It didn't escape his notice that the mortal didn't promise him that he'll help humanity.

'Such a cautious Hero.' Prometheus thought.

As he was lost in thought, an eagle cry pierced through his fine Afternoon. 

Prometheus gazed up at the eagle as it swooped down and transformed into a hulking mass of a person with white luxurious hair and white bushy beard, with blue electrifying eyes wearing a white chiton with a golden strap, and a light blue sash.

"Zeus." Prometheus growled out.

Zeus didn't even greet Prometheus with a response as he looked towards the direction that the mortal took off in.

After a minute of stillness Zeus spoke, "How's he?"

If any outside person heard him, he would be confused as Zeus didn't elaborate, explain or offer any context.

But Prometheus understood.

"We're late. His sense of reality is already distorting. He's losing grip," Prometheus paused and added a little later as an afterthought, " He's already questioning his reality. It won't be long until he finds that we manipula—" 

"Enough!" Zeus cutted Prometheus off. His face was already annoyed at the supposed bad news, now his face was red in anger.

Prometheus only felt a sick twisted sense of satisfaction. Only a handful of people can say they can truly make Zeus angry.

"Apologies, oh great King of the Gods." Prometheus mocked.

Zeus smirked evilly and turned into his sacred Animal, and took off the skies.

Prometheus knew that his punishment would increase for a century or so. But it's worth it to see the King Of The God's fly off the handle.

Prometheus sighed sorrowfully for a moment until he remembered, "That Mortal better gain True Ether. Only he can see the whole universe and not go insane. Funny how a mortal can do what a divine can't."

"Icarus, is it? Welcome To The Madness."


Prometheus laughed crazily. His rough laugh echoing kilometres away. His laughter distorted the area around him, it warped and compressed the reality around. A few areas cracked and showed a piece of the inky universe.

Prometheus slowly came to stop. His eyes opened and—

Sick purple like the universe twisted in his two pupils.
