

Icarus. The First hollow Human to desire nothing. Not women, not being rich, not power, no nothing! The mysterious Human who made God's think twice before going to the Mortal world. The First Human to obtain immortality. The...... First Human turned God. Patreon.com/SirGodfire Please support me on Pat] . . . . [ [This is a rewrite of my first Novel. Enjoy!]

Godfire_Dragneel · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

It's All Coming Together Now.

A map was put and rolled down on the ground between three young men.

"...Okay, so my intelligence says the Basilisk is around here." Icarus pointed at a region three days away from their current location.

Jason sent him a dry look, "Right, intelligence."

Asclepius followed Jason by sending a doubtful look.

Icarus surrendered, "Okay. Not mine. I just asked some people around." He didn't. He asked Athena but he wasn't about to tell them that.

Jason blew a weary sigh.

"What is it Jason?" Icarus inquired hesitantly.

"I just… feel tired. All this travelling made me weary." Jason's fatigue can be seen.

"As much as I hate going back to the Cave, I have to agree with Jason. We're tired, emotionally." Asclepius echoed Jason' previous statement.


Icarus can relate. Honestly. Ever since he stepped a foot outside Athens, he has…. changed. He no longer likes travelling and seeing the country, his emotional state has been askew and his mental health…..

Icarus' lips turned upside down. "I understand. Then how about this be our last Quest for a while? The last ride to say and put away our weapons."

Jason' previous dim eyes shined, "Well, I can't say no to that."

Asclepius frowned, "I'm afraid it can't be that simple," He turned to Jason, "What about your Quest to dethrone your Uncle?"

Jason stilled, "A breather for a while. Not to say I've abandoned it but… well, we don't want to burn out before completing our goals, no?" He grimaced afterwards.

Asclepius hesitantly agreed.

Icarus clapped his hands, "Well. Let's make this memorable, okay?! Now leeeetssss gooooo!" Icarus expressed enthusiasm and cheer in both his expression and voice but reality can't be any further from the truth.

Grim, resignation, depression and acceptance warred inside him.

Because Icarus has no time left to live.


It is strange. Icarus decided. To know you're going to die.

There's this certain frantic movement to one's person. There's this fervent heartbeat that beats like a prayer that god, no no, don't let me die but you know your time has come.

Mayhaps in the past world, only people with cancer or terminal diseases knew this. When you go to the doctors and they accurately tell you your finite lifespan.

Tell you that you'll die in three years.

There's this level of hopelessness and melancholy that can't just leave you.

Suddenly, everything in life just seems more.. beautiful. Suddenly you don't rush to work like always, you don't rush to your computers or school.

Suddenly, the world is more beautiful than before. Now, you walk slowly on your way to work. You drink in the sights and the people.

The trees are chiming and the wind is singing a hymn only known to you.

It's only after three years that you lie in the hospital bed as your world dim and swirl in fervent dreams as your family shoutes, trying to chain you to the land of living that you know.

You know your time has come as you leave the mortal world for the Neverlands.

It's scary, Icarus admits. Knowing the world and its gods has decided that no man, you gotta go.

The Time stream has changed. There will be no Icarus In the upcoming century.

The Tree Of Life has deemed his universe a threat to other branches.


But Icarus came to know. He has been suspicious over it for a while but now, he knows.

When he was young he often questioned the wills of the Eternals. The Gods and the intelligent Phantasmals.

"Why are they lax when the strings of Fate are looped around their neck?"

Then he understood. What is Fate but a passing Event? When your life expectancy is infinite, why worry about some unchangeable Event? Won't it make your infinite life more interesting?

He sat down and pondered this.

And thus, conclusion had been born in this momentary brooding.

If he can't live forever like he expected then he shall acquire Klaus. Eternal glory. The one that made Herakles remembered even in the modern times. He will die, yes but his influence and existence will be felt for more centuries to come.

But first, he'll have to remove himself from the Time Stream. He doesn't want to be a ''Servant', slave to a dying planet.


'This form is restrictive.' Icarus thought as he looked at his mortal body from a pond.

As much as he wants to shed it and embrace his Eldritch Form, he can't. Jason and Asclepius aren't ready nor are they resistant to its insane inducing aura.

Well. If they aren't ready, why can't he make them ready?

Icarus stopped. "That's actually an interesting thought." Icarus murmured.

He ignored Asclepius' concerned side-eye and focused on his idea.

"Hey, what do you say about not being human anymore?" Icarus… felt like a devil seducing bright eyed naive children.

Jason and Asclepius didn't take that well.

Jason flinched back and distanced himself from him. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm good." He even tried to cover his body with his body like a shy maiden.

Asclepius' eyes twitched. The only thing that showed his surprise and fear. He tightened his hand around his staff. "Explain." He ordered.

Icarus frowned. He gets that Asclepius is worried but, "I don't like that tone you speak with me, boy." Acutely, Icarus can feel his [Sovereign] Origin slightly influencing him. "Speak more softly to me. I find it easier to turn humans into pigs these days."

Asclepius' body tensed and Icarus can see the deviance and terror in his eyes. He didn't forget his [True Form] it seems.

Hm. But he lacks survival instincts. Doesn't he know that he stands before an Apex predator? A king of monster's? The Sovereign of the very stars themselves?

Asclepius was a person with trauma and the usual tragedy when you have a God as your parent. But he'll know his slight against. But for now, this king shall forgive him in his boundless benevolence

Icarus will have to do something about that attitude and behaviour of his but now… he'll have to be the bigger man.

Icarus cleared his throat. "Anyway, I was talking about embodying a few concepts. Not that I'll turn y'all into pigs or something. What do you take me for? Circe?!"

Jason looked away and scratched his now red cheeks.

'Your reaction is not helping!' Icarus cried inside his mind.

Asclepius frowned, "You can do that?"

Icarus rolled his eyes. "Boy, I'm a certified Magus. Throughout the Heavens and Earth, I alone, am the supreme Magus." The pride In his voice cannot be mistaken. No, this passes through pride and arrogance. It's the truth. Like the sky's blue, human blood is red. Icarus is the powerful magus across the universe.

Icarus looked up at the sky. Looking for the heavens to disagree with him. They didn't.

Icarus smiled smugly.

Asclepius scoffed. "Your arrogance aside. Which concepts do you think will suit us? And I see that Jason is lost. Why don't you start from the start about what concepts are and how they function."

Said Jason has question marks floating around his head as he looks between Asclepius and Icarus in confusion.

Icarus' eyes twitched. Is this how Hecate and Athena had perceived him?

Icarus groaned. So much work.

Icarus activated his Eyes and the world kneeled to him.

"Hm. There seems to be some little city not far away from here." Icarus commented. "It'll be good for what I'm about to do. Let's go."


"Hm. A little better than what I expected." Icarus murmured as he looked around the room he had acquired. It even has three beds.

Icarus clapped his hands loudly, "Alright. Here's what we will do. I'll probably spend two weeks with preparation and be stuck in stasist. Y'all will have to find something to entertain yourself in the meantime. Understood?"

Jason sprang up from his bed and saluted. "Yessir!" He shouted.

Icarus' eye twitched. "Okay but manage your noise levels, alright?" His voice darkened a bit.

Icarus turned, heading to his bed ignoring the little ''meep' of terror Jason let out.

"Don't you think you are forgetting something?"

Icarus paused. "And pray tell, am I forgetting?" He regarded Asclepius ignoring the blip of annoyance he was feeling.

Asclepius frowned, "About your explanation?"

"Right." Icarus sat on his bed cross legged and gestured to them to sit down.

Explaining Magecraft to someone who isn't a magus is difficult. Their brain and perception aren't hard wired to understand what Magecraft is, and that makes it more tough to explain.

"Okay. Concepts are, in a nutshell, what makes something… well them."

Silence. Pure silence and confusion.

Jason scratched his cheek awkwardly, "Ah.. teacher. Is that it?"

Icarus resisted throwing him outside the window. He tried okay?! So what? It's not his fault that they can't understand him.

He cleared his throat, "Okay. Let me start okay. First, what is fire?" He nodded towards Asclepius.

Asclepius scowled, "What do you mean what is fire? Fire is fire. If you don't want to explain then don't."

Icarus ignored his words and focused on the first part. "Exactly! Fire is fire. Concept of fire decides what fire is, How it works and what it does. Concept make fire to be hot and burn. That's a concept. A concept is what something is and what defines it. Understand?"

Jason frowned. "So, Concepts are what makes things the way they are? That's… way easier to understand than what I initially thought."

Icarus nodded, "Basically, yup. Another example would be Darkness. What is darkness? Darkness is the absence of light. It isn't a physical thing but metaphysical, meaning, we don't have prove it exist beyond what our eyes tell us. If you were to embody the Concept of Darkness, you WILL be darkness. You won't be human but the abstract idea of Darkness. Yes, you would still attain the physical body of a human but you won't be."

Icarus didn't tell them that as soon you start embodying a Concept then you stop being a Human. You won't need to sleep, eat or do something that's human. You may even lose your emotions since emotions are but a by-product of the human brain and chemical reaction.

Being a Concept means you won't have a human organ. That means you won't die until someone kills the concept of darkness aforementioned. And to kill the concept of darkness means there will be no more darkness in the world. There won't be Night anymore.

THAT'S what Concepts are. But he will never tell them that. Let them find out on their own.

In a nutshell. Icarus will make them Elementals.

Perhaps they will develop survival instinct to not accept anything coming from a Magus. No matter how friendly he may come out as.

"Don't be worried though. You won't lose your humanity nor your body. If you want I can make you go back to being human again." Icarus added as an after thought seeing as they're hesitating.

Jason's skin paled and his face was drenched in sweat. "H-hey. T-that… you would m-mind if we take our time choosing if we want to undergo the embodiment?"

Icarus shook his head, "No,I don't. I even encourage you to take your time even if I can reverse the embodiment."

Jason shakily stood up. "I'm g-going to take a walk…" Jason stuttered and high tailed from there.

Icarus sighed softly. Truthfully, he had planned this for a while. After all, Icarus needs allies, powerful allies. He needs to clean humanity and no man's an island.

If he can rob Asclepius and Jason in, then he would have Reverus and them as allies.

Icarus wants to shake the world. To kill everything that's not human.

Perhaps he may acquire Klaus and get entertainment. After all, it will be boring where he's going.

He wants to laugh now. He wants to have many legacies spanning the entire world. He wants to fuck everything that's on two legs.

Why? People may ask. It's simply because he can. His earlier plan to live away from civilization has failed now he shall do everything anyone had ever wanted.

From the Age Of The Gods to the Age Of Will. The Age among the stars. The Age where humanity will rule the very stars themselves. But of course, he WILL be Humanity. He will be the very concept of them and so, he, alone, shall be the Sovereign of the stars.


Icarus shook his head. 'Enough scheming.'

"You aren't going?" He asked the other male in the room.

Asclepius' pondering expression was disturbed. He turned to face him and inquired, "What are you planning to do, Icarus?"

Oho? He can deduce that much? "What do you mean?" Icarus relaxed against the pillows.

"No one ever does something for free, Icarus. I'm not Jason, I can see you're planning something." Asclepius accused with narrowed eyes.

Icarus calm expression twisted. Annoyance burned at his core. "Ho? And who gave you the permission to question me? Who gave you the permission to open your mouth to your King?"

His eyes burned like the fiery pits of hell, "Apologise."

Asclepius flinched back in surprise but came back with the same anger. "Apologise? Apologise for what?! What's going on with you, Icarus?!" He yelled.

Icarus didn't abandon his calm facade. "Apologise to me. Apologise, you are born into my world without my permission."


Icarus put his rapidly falling relationship with Asclepius behind him and Immediately got to work.

Icarus sat up cross legged from his bed and a large circle bloomed from his very being. What he's doing is initiating Time Stop. Father of Emiya has the ability to accelerate or decrease the flow of time in a local location.

Hecate will kill herself if she heard he failed to do something that a modern magi can. Especially as he's in Age Of The Gods.

Icarus Eyes' ability to touch upon the Kaleidoscope and Blue magic isn't even needed. His sheer magical power and Knowledge is enough.

And so, he created the spell on the fly and used it. To make it stronger, he based it off the Titan of Time, Kronos.

With a huge sound of ''gong' like the sound of the clock in London his eyes changed and held quartz Time in them.

And so, Icarus became still. Everything from his eyes to his muscles. Except his brain that ran hundred miles per minute as it branched out and his thoughts split, and accelerated. Each thought of his had fifty rooms in them. Each room has one hundred speeding thoughts that are working on the ritual to make someone a concept.

Some are creating spells and counter measures in place if his subjects go berserk.

And so, two months ended like that.

With Icarus stuck in stasist.


A/N: Turns out I skipped a chapter.