
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · História
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Open up to your wife

Zhuang Kang sat thinking about further plans for his wife and son until it was almost dinner time. Shuang Zihua sent people to follow him and his son to eat together. Zhuang Kang then put down his work and followed the person who had called him to the dining room in the main house. He saw his son walking as well, so he stopped and waited before walking together.

 Shuang Zihua, who had gone to bed late in the morning, woke up almost an hour after lunch. She was in such a good mood that she made the father and daughter's favorite food and quite a few of their favorite snacks. This makes the father and son eat this meal very deliciously. People like Shuang Zihua only smiled happily that they liked her food. Until Zi Zhi and Zhuang Kang forked food and put it on her cup. Shuang Zihua also ate with them. Because she had eaten little ever since. Shuang Zihua was always full first. She happily took turns giving food to Zhuang Kang and her son.

 The father and son duo who were served delicious food by Shuang Zhihua were so full they could hardly get up from their chairs. They really ate too much. Who had allowed Shuang Zihua to make such delicious food? Plus, everything today is both of their favorite things. How can we prevent them from forgetting and eating to excess?

 Shuang Zihua saw that they couldn't help but eat the snacks so he thought of having his servant take them away first. But Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi stopped them first. They said that they had to wait a bit for it to be digested and then they would continue eating these snacks. Well, this snack is their favorite too. If Shuang Zihua kept it They must definitely be starving.

 Shuang Zihua could only laugh at the big and small greedy men who looked more and more alike each day in front of her. Shuang Zihua didn't think that she would be happy just watching the two of them eat the food or snacks she made. This was a family atmosphere that was as different from the one she had encountered in the Palace of the Criminal Justice Department.

 Shuang Zihua did not know about the news of her father's dismissal from his position. Because Zhuang Kang had already ordered him not to let her know. Only until she found out for herself. He knew that if Shuang Zihua went out of the palace, he would probably hear those rumors himself. But he didn't want her to know this too soon. So he gave orders to the commoners like this.

 Until Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi were able to eat Shuang Zhihua's snacks. They had to go out for a walk to digest food for nearly two kilos. Shuang Zihua could only sit and wait for them impatiently. Did they not plan to eat another day? Acting as if she rarely bakes snacks for them to eat. She could only sympathize with the father and son.

 Today Zhuang Kang didn't make an appointment to talk with his son like every night. Instead, he took his wife home to rest. For he thought of telling Shuang Zihua his identity just as he had told his son last night. Otherwise, his wife would definitely have to wait for him to go to bed like this almost every night. Because most of his people secretly came to report to him only at night. Otherwise, they might be caught by those nobles' men. So they had to be careful all along.

 Zhuang Kang carried his wife back to the house without letting go. Shuang Zihua was only embarrassed by his son and the servants in the house who saw his actions. She didn't dare shake herself off from him. for fear that he would lose face in front of the common servants Shuang Zihua could only take her husband's hammer and sleep along with her.

 Shuang Zhizhi saw Father and Mother like this and smiled with satisfaction. Even now, his mother is still a bit shy. But he knew that Mother was definitely open to giving Father a chance. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been considerate and distanced herself from Father a long time ago. Shuang Zhizhi asked to go back to rest and mocked his mother until her face turned red.

 Shuang Zihua was really annoyed at her son who was starting to mature. This must be because he only had senior friends. So he became like this. Now her son even dared to mock her. It was really worth spanking him like when he was a child. Zhuang Kang looked at the mother and son and chuckled. He didn't think that his son would really be that close to his wife. It could even be said to be more than any other son with his mother. They said they could. But he liked seeing everyone love each other like this. In the Xiongnu clan, he was never shy about showing love in the family. No matter how old you are Hugging, kissing or touching the head affectionately are only acts of love. It's not like the He Province which required a lot of manners. Until there was distance in the family like today.

 Zhuang Kang knew that changing the culture of the people of the He Province was difficult. Therefore, he never talked about this matter with the emperor. He waited until it was time for him to travel and take care of the clan's affairs first. When he came back, he slowly told His Majesty, but it was still not late. In case in the future The He Province would have warm and loving families like the people in his tribe.

 Zhuang Kang brought Shuang Zihua to sit at the guest table first. He had told her that he had something to tell her. Shuang Zihua then had the servant prepare some tea and snacks for her. In case the matter that Zhuang Kang wanted to talk about took a long time. She would not have to disturb the servant this late at night.

 Zhuang Kang waited until the servant had finished placing the teapot and snacks and closed the door. Then he looked at his wife and began to tell her everything like a son. Shuang Zihua listened to him intently. Sometimes she still had tears flowing from the pity he had told her. To the point that Zhuang Kang often had to wipe away his wife's tears, he reminded her that it had been many years ago. Zhuang Kang didn't want to see her cry like this. Because it hurts his own heart that his wife cries.

 Shuang Zihua listened as he became more worried about her. The more she understood how he felt about her now. Shuang Zihua held back his tears and told him to continue the story until Zhuang Kang had finished telling the whole story in nearly an hour as he had told his son.

 Shuang Zihua suppressed the tears for a while and looked at Zhuang Kang with determination. She honestly told him that she trusted him with all her heart now. From now on, she would regard him as her husband, as he had asked her to do before she and her son came into his mansion.

 Shuang Zihua only asked that he love and care for her and the child like before and she would be satisfied. Zhuang Kang didn't think that his little wife would actually say such things to him. He was so happy that he accidentally hugged her with all his love. This made Shuang Zihua uncomfortable and could hardly breathe. She had to lightly hit his back to tell him that she couldn't breathe. Zhuang Kang then relaxed his embrace. He also apologized to his wife for being overly happy. Shuang Zihua saw his expression and couldn't get angry at him.