Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, finds himself isekai'd in a new world filled with monsters and other Servants. His mission: find his one friend Enkidu, his lovely Saber and go back to his world, his eternal garden.
"It seems like those mongrels have left me alone... where could they have gone... well, I'd assume they went to the city made of gold and deemed unnecessary to wake me up. A commendable decision, but ultimately a foolish one. And the fact they still haven't returned leads me to believe that something may have gone wrong... better check up on them."
Gilgamesh got up and walked around a bit in the house, holding his head with his hands.
"Damn, my head hurts... did someone break a chair on it?"
After drinking some water and recovering slightly from the previous day, he summoned a portal and stepped inside it, appearing again in the middle of El Dorado.
"It seems like no one is here... perhaps I should take Vimana or my Ship of Light and scout around this place to search for them... or I could go back to the house and wait for those mongrels to come back... either way... such a luxurious city... is merely a copy of the great splendor of the city of Uruk."
He said proudly as he looked dispassionately at the golden buildings, when he summoned a gate that revealed a halberd that blocked the incoming arrow.
"To shoot at me from behind... you must not only have no manners, but a death wish too, mongrel."
He commented as he turned around and dismembered the golden warrior as he stared at the man who was likely commanding it.
"There's no politeness in a battle, war is the art of being rude to the other person, don't you know that, King of Heroes?"
"I'm surprised a brute like you would know my identity. Was this a pathetic excuse of a trap to bring me here and contain me in order to steal my treasury, Conqueror of the New World?"
Gilgamesh asked as he unleashed a volley of weapons that were blocked by Cortés' army of golden robots. Before he could insist on his offensive, Gilgamesh was forced to dodge an arrow sent his way. An entire army from the South East surrounded the buildings and even occupied them, forming a kind of closed barrier around the King of Heroes.
Gilgamesh could tell through his eyes that the city was not, in fact, Cortés' Noble Phantasm. All of this likely was an effect of his first Noble Phantasm, El Conquistador, which allowed him to steal the Noble Phantasm of those he defeated or that submitted to him, which also explained why many of those shadows of warriors from a distant land wielded Noble Phantasms.
The archers and javelin throwers attacked their target with a barrage of projectiles that for a second blocked out the sun. Gilgamesh responded by simply opening more gates and striking down all of their weapons, but as he did so, a big group of soldiers from El Dorado tried to swarm him, forcing him to keep his attention of them.
They surrounded him and rushed towards him from all sides, but were striked down by the intense fire from the Gate of Babylon. Cortés appeared behind him with a heavy spear that he drove towards his chest, but before the blow could land Gilgamesh stopped it with a shield and retaliated with another barrage from the Gate of Babylon, concentrated on Cortés alone.
There were three main reasons why Cortés was able to conquer the Aztec Empire. The first, was the support of local populations. The second was the might of his army.
A platoon of Spanish soldiers had blocked the attempted assassination of their leader. They directed their spears towards the golden king, with those on horseback going for a charge, but Gilgamesh simply overwhelmed them with his infinite weaponry. To his surprise, the golden robots launched themselves in the way of his weapons, protecting the Spanish soldiers as they reformed slowly.
"I can only summon an army of 500 of my elite soldiers, so it would be wasteful to sacrifice them like this. Also, his ability seems like a real pain in the ass, just like it was described. I better keep my distance. Fortunately, we are prepared for this."
Cortés retreated, along with his soldiers, as the golden army kept Gilgamesh occupied, and the archers from the kingdom of Kublai Khan fired once more, hoping to catch their enemy by surprise. However, predictably, this failed, however, it was clear that the fight was about to enter a stalemate. Gilgamesh himself realised this, and attempted to attack Cortés directly, however, his first few attacks were all blocked by his guards, and any further attempt was made impossible by the constant pressure from the golden warriors and the Asian soldiers.
It was a plan Cortés had devised himself to keep the Gate of Babylon in check: the army of El Dorado would be the sacrificial lambs, trying to attack Gilgamesh in close range and forcing him to place most of his attention on them, the archers from the neighbouring kingdom would block any stray shot or attempt at hitting Cortés from a long distance, while simultanously providing backup to the first army, and finally, even if he managed to concentrate enough to attack Cortés directly, his Spanish guards would stop those attempts.
It was a perfect, foolproof military tactic. A three army combo that left no room for breath, not even to the King of Heroes himself. And it was only going to get worse.
After momentarily clearing the battlefield from the annoying golden minions, Gilgamesh countered another assault from the Asians, when suddenly, from the temple, a powerful blast of mana was unleashed, one that would have seriously injured most Heroic Spirits. However, it bounced off a system of shields that Gilgamesh had created.
It wasn't only the might of Cortés army that gave them the upper hand, but also their technological advancement. The temple had half a dozen cannons installed, and in that moment, they were all fired multiple times, destroying a good chunk of the city itself, which by now was clear that it could sustain itself and regenerate.
However, once the dust settled, a shining barrier made of the finest shields ever made by man formed a kind of small globe that slowly dispersed, revealing a completely fine Gilgamesh.
Suddenly, the ground started shaking, what was left of El Dorado trembled, and a huge shadow cast it into darkness. Gilgamesh looked up and saw a giant sword swing down on him. He sent upwards three A-rank swords that clashed against it and were able to block it. Magog, the giant that had arrived, released a powerful cry and attempted another attack, supported by the archers, the robots and the cannons.
The whole ground started sparkling and filling with weapons that impaled the army of golden soldiers and nullified every arrow and ammunition that sought to harm the First Hero.
Gilgamesh then looked up with an annoyed expression, growing slightly irritated from a situation that was becoming nearly ridiculous, his displeasure with a prolonged war of attrition clearly showing. It was time to chip away the enemy's numbers, starting from the Giant.
"You're first." He solemnly announced as he readied a spear that was sure to strike his heart. He would have used it against Cortés too, however, since even the hearts of his 500 soldiers technically were part of him, the chances that the attack would land on Cortés were actually pretty slim. He was about to throw it, when a blast of red mana forced him, for the first time, to move away and dodge.
"Now what kind of tricks are you going to use on me?"
He belittled his enemy, looking towards the temple, from which the attack had been launched. Cortés smirked.
"No tricks, just a good and nice reunion with someone you might know. Do you recognise her, King of Heroes?"
From the temple, a figure appeared and stepped into the sunshine.
"Y-You? What are you doing here?"
The figure advanced towards him, as his eyes slightly widened in disbelief.
"Hey, Goldie. I'm sorry, but I'm here to finish you off."
Nero said as she slowly raised her blade, as she looked into Gilgamesh's eyes, her green circles glimmering.
She was about to cry.