
Gil-kun and the Red Saber

The king of heroes had been walking for some time by now. Sure, he could have used his Ship of Light, Vimana, or other of his many means of transportation. However, sometimes he felt some kind of pleasure, he who always stood in the sky, to walk on the ground, surrounded by nature. 

Perhaps it reminded him of the walks with his one and only friend... where could he be?

Both of them had long made peace with the fact that even if they were to meet if one of them would die, the other would hold no pain in their heart since their life was already over. Despite this, the thought of reuniting with his one equal filled his heart with anticipation.

While he was walking in this unusually reflective mood, he felt a tremor beneath his feet.

"Who's the insolent mongrel or wild beast that dares disturb a king in his journey to meet an old friend?" He exclaimed as he started levitating from the crumbling earth.

From the depths of this new world, a giant worm-like monster emerged, with a giant mouth and a thunderous primordial cry. It could easily tower over a house, and he was long enough to occupy one of the main squares in Uruk.

"I see, so it's just a thoughtless beast. You are not even worth my insults." 

Gilgamesh commented as he sent a volley of spears, swords and axes towards the arrogant creature. Even though it sustained grievous injuries, the giant bug persisted in its attack, closing the distance between it and its enemy, the golden king.

"You're tenacious. This I give you. Now fall." Gilgamesh ordered as more than 50 ripples of space appeared and began launching new weapons with the same speed as a gatling gun.

The worm was cut to ribbons and emitted a dying groan of pain before its remains crashed down, signifying his certain demise. Gilgamesh started walking again as if nothing had happened. For him, this was just the usual: punishing those who wronged him and continuing his mission, fulfilling his desires without anyone being able to stop him. 

Before he could even think in what direction he would head, the king saw that his path was cut off by an army of enormous ants, each the size of a tank. Rather than simply choosing another way, he pushed forward, since the path a king wants to pursue is the path he shall take. Not one of his subjects could stop him and even if this was just a replica, this fake world was also part of his kingdom, having been created by humanity.

The ants started rushing at him, so he made a gate distort the space next to him and shoot out a big spear that split one of the animals in two. Then it stopped mid-air and started honing in on the other ants. 

One of the many, if not infinite treasures he had. A spear suited for slaying giant creatures, capable of being controlled from a distance.

As he was decimating the ants dispassionately, a bright red flash caught his attention suddenly. Something was moving very quickly and producing these blinding red slashes that were capable of splitting any ant unlucky enough to be hit.

Whoever, or whatever it was, its abilities were certainly notable. The red figure crashed through the entire army of ants and stopped in front of Gilgamesh, revealing herself to be a Servant.

She held a red sword with a peculiar design, had blonde hair, green eyes, a red regal dress that left a fair amount of skin exposed, and a smile plastered on her face.

Gilgamesh was stunned for a second by her similarity to someone he knew very well. His beloved Saber! But was it really her? Sure she had a blue dress, but maybe she just had a change of style... 

"W-wait! My eyes are red and my markings are red too, not to mention red is a colour of regality in the region that I ruled... ahhhh, my dearest Saber! You finally surrendered to me! How intriguing! How exciting! How unexpectedSo this was your foolish way of showing your love to me? So hopelessly cute, certainly worthy of my Saber."

"Umu, nice to meet you! Emperor Nero Claudius, Saber class. Truly a pleasure! Identify yourself, o stranger in golden armour!"

"Huh? Huh? What is this? A joke? Is she mocking me? Nero Claudius? That's absurd! The emperor of Rome is supposed to be a man... wait a minute... well, I guess it's not impossible for historical records to be wrong, some fool even claimed I had a beard. But how can it be possible? She looks just like my sweet Sab- wait a minute, now that I look at her more clearly, there is a big difference between her and my Saber... her ahoge is longer by half an inch... oh, and she has noticeably bigger breasts too... well, anyway, her voice sounded nothing like Saber's so I guess she really isn't my lovely wife-to-be..."

Gilgamesh sighed. He thought that finding Saber would have been easy. Luck was always on his side. Disappointed, he resigned himself to put this pretender back in her place.

"If you can't tell who I am just by looking at my splendor, then you don't deserve to know my name."

"Ah, not a morning person, I see. Don't worry, Goldie, I'm a good and merciful ruler, so there's no need to tell me now! Let's focus on our little problem, umu."

"You call yourself a ruler? Those are prideful words. To claim to be a ruler means you're challenging my rule over this world. This is an insolence I can tolerate only for a scant few. Surely you won't expect me to judge you worthy of such a title for slaying a few insects?"

"Don't be so difficult, umu! You mustn't worry, it's always my pleasure to gift others the presence of an emperor and you are no exception, umu! But as I was saying before, how about we first place our attention on the impending threat of these insolent beasts?"

"I suppose that annoying as you are, you aren't as daring as lowly creatures like these... very well, girl who claims to be a ruler, prove me your worth."

And so the two Servants who were bickering turned to face the remaining ants who had grown in numbers.

"I take those on the right, you can take the left, ok?"

"You fool, if you are human, then you are my subject. What kind of subject are you to order your king around like t-"

"Thanks, I knew I could rely on you. Now let's show them, umu!"

And with that, the red Saber launched herself at great speed against the horde of hungry and angry animals.

"Y-you stupid girl... well, I suppose you leave me no choice but to show you the depth of your idiocy!" The king of heroes groaned, unleashing a truly impressive amount of projectiles from his vaults, destroying half of the ants in the blink of an eye.

To his slight surprise, when he had terminated his onslaught, he noticed that also the Saber dressed in red had cleared all her enemies.

"That was truly splendid, umu! You really do possess great skills, just as I had imagined. Very well, follow me then! I've decided to take you in as my servant!"

"... w-what? What? What? W-W-W-What?! WHAT?????"

"Oh, don't be shy, umu! It's only natural, given your great power. No need to be modest about it, umu. Now let's head off to a new adventure, umu! You heard the office lady too, right? We have so much to explore. Let's waste no time, umu!"

And with that, Nero rushed forward joyfully, admiring the beauty of nature all around herself and inhaling the fresh air of the countryside, a stark contrast with the great and noisy Rome she used to govern.

Gilgamesh remained puzzled, confused, and bamboozled for quite a while.

"I... I can't believe the insolence of this arrogant, hot-headed, foolish, stupid, idiot, pathetic, mad, disgusting, mongrel... I finished all the adjectives that come to mind... this... this... mongrel... damn mongrel... stupid mongrel... mongrel... I'll show you... I'll show you... you damn... you damn...


Gilgamesh's scream could be heard for miles and miles.

"Umu, he might be a little too noisy to be my servant after all..."