Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, finds himself isekai'd in a new world filled with monsters and other Servants. His mission: find his one friend Enkidu, his lovely Saber and go back to his world, his eternal garden.
"Who is the insolent mage who dar-"
The King of Heroes paused. Apart from him, there was no one in sight. No human trying to lay his hands on one of his treasures. Just his majestic presence and the peaceful countryside, with plains and hills extending for as long as he could quickly glance.
He looked around, moderately confused. What kind of trick was this? Were they trying to fool him of all people? Him? The greatest king? Absolutely absurd.
"You mongrel! If this is your doing, then show yourself! I don't tolerate this kind of gimmick!"
There was no answer. And so the King of Heroes remained, alone, for a few seconds, contemplating the weirdness of the situation. To him, it was all a mild nuisance, not really worth his attention. He just wanted to get this over as quickly as possible. Whatever this was, it was certainly beneath him.
Suddenly, he heard a feminine voice behind him.
"Welcome Gilgamesh, King of Heroes."
The king turned around. The words had come from a short girl in her early twenties, with black square glasses framing her two chestnuts for eyes, hair of the same light brown colour that barely covered her shoulders, black trousers and jacket over a white shirt and a black tie. She gave off a young secretary feeling.
Gilgamesh inspected her quickly and dispassionately. Although her beauty was without question above average, she didn't come close to the looks of the best prostitutes of Uruk.
Still, he had deflowered worse.
"Are you the mongrel who summoned me?"
"You could say that." The girl answered with a slight chuckle, before adding:
"But this is not what you think it is. We're not in a Holy Grail War."
"Oh, really? Well then, mongrel, tell me where we are and why you called forth my presence. It better be a good reason."
"Very well. First things first, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Alaya, I'm the collective uncounscious will of mankind to avoid extinction. I'm part of the Counter Force."
"Ah yes, you are the mongrel who gives more power to my friend!" The king pointed out with a smile, having recognised the identity of the mongrel in front of him.
"I mean... yeah... I also make sure humanity doesn't go extinct and I keep the planet safe... but yeah, sure... I'm the one who gives your friend a hand." Alaya pouted, slightly annoyed by that remark.
"Very well, then tell me, will of the humans I rule over, where are we?"
"We aren't in any place you would know. We are in a new world. A world I created. And the reason I made it is...
I'm done with you Servants."
That response was so unexpected that for quite some time both stared at each other blankly, not knowing what to say.
"... what's that supposed to mean, mongrel?"
"Oh, nothing. I'm just done with Servants as a concept. You have made my life a living hell, I always have to clean up the mess you make, and if I remove you then no Holy Grail War will ever happen and human mages won't wreak havoc as they have done until now. I know that for some of you coming back to life can be fun, but I can assure you that it's not fun for me. At all. So I just got rid of the root problem."
And with that comment, there was once again a long silence.
Then, out of nowhere, a dozen golden weapons flew against Alaya, piercing her and ripping her body apart in the blink of an eye.
Gilgamesh stared at the scene, his face only slightly dismayed, but his eyes revealed a deep-rooted anger.
"You dare... you dare try to take my garden away from me? The real world is my birthright, my kingdom until the end of time. Do you think you can take it away from its rightful king? Know your place, mongrel!"
And with that, the king sent more weapons against the already dismembered body of the poor girl, turning it into nothing more than red dust.
"You should be the one who should know his place, First King."
A voice identical to Alaya snapped back calmly from behind him. He turned and saw an exact copy of Alaya standing there, uncaring as always.
"You are just a man, one of many. I don't remember your birth, or your reign, or your death. Eventually, probably very soon, I'll forget this encounter happened and you'll fade again into obscurity just like any other human. You may be great as an individual, but compared to the sea of Mankind, how noticeable is a particularly big drop?"
"You fool, you have the wrong picture. I'm the world of all the other little droplets that are standing on me. And I stand on them as the sky who replenishes the fleeting waters below with the rain of origin. I am the entire reason such an ocean exists in the first place. There is no mankind without me."
"As I expected, your arrogance knows no bounds. Very well, struggle all you want, prototype of all legends and stories. I shall watch your journey with little interest, since I already know that, no matter how strong you think you are, you won't make it out of here as long as I don't allow it. And I'll never allow any of you Servants to leave this place. That is my promise. Good luck."
And with those final words, Alaya vanished in a flash, leaving Gilgamesh alone again. The king was furious, seething in wrath at the insulting bravado of that stupid little girl.
"You won't allow me to leave this place... very well, will of mankind, I accept your challenge. I'll prove to you what a true king and the greatest man can do. Although, now that I think about it... if she said that she sent every Heroic Spirit here, then... that means my friend might also be here, and... my adorably stubborn Saber too."
The king smirked and let out a giggle.
"Looks like this new toy won't be so boring after all."
In a place outside all time and space.
A woman, around the same age as Alaya, lay down on a couch.
She had very few clothes, or it would be more accurate to say that she was covered in long pieces of fabric that loosely hid her body like elegant and ancient bandages. Her hair was between blond and the lightest shade of brown, and it ran down all the way to her sides. Some of it was wrapped around her head in some kind of simple crown, held together by all types of flowers. Her eyes, focused and interested in what was happening on the screen of her TV, were as blue as the summer sky, but they glimmered with a green light coming straight from an ancestral forest or field.
She giggled gently at the events that were unfolding right in front of her. The door opened. Alaya came inside, donning a relieved expression.
"Do you insist on not covering up, Gaia?"
"Oh come on, who is going to stare at me, apart from you~"
"Why would I stare at you, when there's something much more interesting to look at?"
"Ha, I guess you are right." Gaia snarked as she sat up, leaving some space for Alaya, who sat down after taking off her jacket as she unbuttoned the first two buttons of her shirt.
"Did they all believe you?"
"It's such an absurd lie that you can't not believe it. Although calling it a lie isn't exactly right, more like hiding the main reason we did this."
"Exactly, our entertainment! We truly have the best ideas when we get drunk! Oh, this is going to be so fun!"
"I hope so... I guess being a primordial force isn't so boring after all. Now, let the show begin."