

After suffering an unfortunate death, a young man finds himself stranded in a world where humanity constantly battles against robots with artificial intelligence. Uncertain of his situation, the young man finds himself at a complete loss. However, perhaps not everything was all bad. After all, he would soon come to find his new fate intertwined with a system capable of allowing him to embody the spirits of heroes from the ancient past. Though, with the sudden emergence of rogue heroic spirits, he doubts his chances of survival even with his new system. . Pairing: Hana Song (D. Va)

QuantumCypher · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

The Gauntlet Heist

At the present time, a young man no older than twenty could be standing silently while leaning against the wall of the building he was in. The building itself seemed to be a museum, but unlike any normal old museum, this one was utterly massive in comparison and held a white and orange colour scheme.

Inside the museum, a number of civilians could be seen walking around while observing the different exhibits that seemed to be detailing things regarding a certain group. Despite everything in the building though, the young man continued leaning against the wall with crossed arms.

From what could be seen, the individual was no older than twenty, with a lean athletic build and straight black hair with a pair of blue eyes. His attire was very simple, consisting of a simple white and blue t-shirt, along with a pair of black shorts and black sneakers.

This young man was Nelson Kenvar, and while it may sound utterly ridiculous, he was someone who had recently been reincarnated into this world. He had perished in his old one due to some drunk driver, and he honestly still held great contempt towards the person, which was no surprise.

Nelson had many other things he wanted to do in his life, his previous life that is. He had only recently graduated from high school, and he had his whole university life and more ahead of him, but all of that was stripped away thanks to that idiotic driver.

So, his contempt was more than justified.

In any case, here he was, reborn into this similar yet so different of a world. From what he had gathered about this world, it was currently in a war of sorts against beings they called omnics. To put them simply, they were robots with artificial intelligence.

That's enough of a history lesson though, Nelson was in this building for a very simple reason. That reason could currently be seen on what appeared to be a holographic screen that was floating in front of his face, though no one seemed to notice it whenever they walked past him.

Holograms were no abnormality in this world, people had already come accustomed to them with the great technological advancement this world seemed to have compared to his old one. Even so, seeing him with it would probably garner him some strange looks.


『The Servant System』- [Available Servants] [Servant Roll] [Current Mission]


『Current Mission』

Objective 1: Prevent the members of Talon from obtaining the gauntlet from the Overwatch Museum by assisting the members of Overwatch in their attempt at stopping the heist

Objective 2: Defeat the anomalous threat

Estimated Difficulty: B


● Servant Token


This was the current mission that this system had assigned to him, and it was a pretty intense one for a first mission. He had only been in this world for a few hours, so he was glad to see that the city he was dropped in was the same place this museum was.

In regards to this Overwatch, he had a pretty good idea so far about what this group was all about. From the news he had seen on displayed TVs, this group were seen as heroes who fought back against the omnic invasions, the key word being 'were'.

From what he had pieced together, it was because of something called the Petras Act that, for whatever reason he didn't know of, completely made any action from this group illegal activity. In this situation, it'd be called falling from grace.

It was from this point that they had to disband.

Aside from that, all the other information he knew about them was present here within the museum, as well as in regard to the few members he had seen statues of here. There was other information as well here about their history, but that wasn't relevant for right now.

Back to the system, it was thanks to it that Nelson wasn't entirely that concerned about the upcoming heist this museum was about to experience. The system allowed to gain the powers of Heroic Spirits, the very same ones from the Fate franchise.

If you're familiar, then you know just how powerful they are.

Of course, it did entirely depend on which Heroic Spirit was in question. But from what he understood, even the weakest of Heroic Spirits were around ten times stronger than even the strongest of humans, normal humans that is.

"Hm? I guess this is it..." Nelson suddenly perked up when the building suddenly experienced a small shake. This obviously seemed to catch the attention of all the visitors who turned their gazes around in confusion, which soon morphed into panic as the shaking became more violent. 'What the hell are these Overwatch and Talon guys doing that's causing a damn miniature earthquake?'

The sound of shattering glass soon caught Nelson's attention as he looked over to see that something had come crashing through the glass ceiling, crashing to the ground with a loud bang as the civilians all began running away after processing the situation.

Nelson narrowed his eyes as he watched a woman with exotic bluish-purple skin firing using what looked to be a sniper rifle, the bullets she fired were raining down on a large gorilla wearing a white mechanical body suit.

'If I'm not mistaken, that's gorilla is named Winston.' Nelson did recall seeing him within the exhibit, though he was quite lost when it came to the other individual. 'Guess that must be someone from this Talon group, definitely must not be good if she's firing down at a bunch of kids.'

Nelson did notice how Winston was using his body to block the bullets, preventing them from harming the two males that have yet to make an escape from the area. Probably two foolish kids, kids that weren't able to understand the situation fast enough to even think of retreating.

'The hell, is that the Grim Reaper? Has he finally decided to come take my soul to limbo after all?' Nelson couldn't help but cock his eyebrow in confusion when he saw a reaper-like individual appear from a cloud of purple haze. 'Nope, must be a part of Talon if he's firing away maniacally at the gorilla dude.'

Nelson turned his attention away from Winston and that Grim Reaper wannabe as he saw the sniper from before now engaging in combat with a woman who had relatively long brown hair that was spiked in multiple different directions.

'Tracer, huh? It's just as the video showed, she's pretty damn fast.'

Nelson was pretty impressed as he watched the one known as Tracer seemingly almost teleporting around, though he could tell this wasn't the case as he could see the light trail she left behind as she moved. She was probably just moving extremely fast in short bursts.

Using this ability, Tracer was able to easily avoid the gunfire of that other woman whose sniper had now shifted into that of an assault rifle. This world was truly interesting, Nelson had to admit, it really did intrigue him about how different it was from his old one.

'I better get in there then.'

Nelson retreated behind the wall he was leaning against before holding one hand in front of his face, that's when some form of light began to condense before forming what looked to be an icy blue card that hovered above the palm of his hand.

The card itself seemed to depict a humanoid figure wearing a suit of armour while a massive shield was placed firmly against the ground in front of their feet, the shield stood tall and covered up most of the figure's body starting from the feet up to the stomach area.

This was the class card belonging to the Shielder-Class, one of the many extra classes that stood out from the well-known Servant classes. Nelson wasn't going to lie, he probably would have preferred being given a Saber-Class instead for the start, but he wasn't going to complain.

"I'm counting on you, Galahad."

With that, Nelson crushed the card in his hands as it shattered into particles which soon began to multiply in volume before surrounding Nelson's entire body. From the outside point of view, all that could be seen was a shifting mass of blue glowing particles.

Back on the battlefield, the battle had escalated to the point that Winston could now be seen laying on the ground with a multitude of wounds present on both his person and on his armour. The Grim Reaper wannabe was walking slowly towards him with both shotguns aimed as he cackled sadistically.

Before Reaper could perform any other actions though, something seemingly slammed into his side, sending him flying and crashing to the ground violently. The sudden situation caused everyone to go into silence purely out of confusion.

"You okay?" Hearing the unfamiliar voice, Winston turned his gaze upwards towards the figure that had suddenly saved him. When he did, he saw a young man holding his glasses down towards him. "If not, you can leave the rest of this to me."

"N-No, thank you for the help!" Winston shook his head before accepting his glasses and sliding them back on. Getting back to his feet, Winston finally got to have a good look at the person who had saved him. 'He's young, probably eighteen at the most...'

Unlike before, Nelson was now wearing a lean suit of obsidian black armour that reminded Winston of armour that knights depicted in the history books would wear. Along with that, he wore a purple dress-like robe that was attached to the armour, and what looked to be a sword attached to the left side of his waist.

The young man had snow-white hair, and compared to Nelson's previous straight smooth hair, it was now a bit messy and spiking up in a few places, along with having grown in length. He pretty much looked like Galahad from Fate, but with minor differences mainly with the hair and his height.

The most eye-catching thing for Winston though was the large shield that Nelson held in his left hand, the shield almost reaching the very same height as its owner. The shield was black and was shaped almost like that of a cross, with its main base and handle being a circular frame.

"You are...?"

"Shielder, just call me Shielder."

"I see, a code name?" Winston asked curiously, to which Nelson merely nodded before getting into position. Winston did the same, they were still in the middle of a battle after all. "I'm not sure who you really are, but we really appreciate the help."

"Save your thanks for later for after we win the battle."

"Heads up, luvs!"

Both Winston and Nelson turned their attention over to see Tracer having thrown what appeared to be a large gauntlet over towards them, Nelson quickly rushed forwards before jumping. The sniper from before had done the same, but Nelson was quick to act as he used his shield to knock her away before landing with the gauntlet in his free hand.

"An unknown factor..." An irritated voice sounded as they all turned to see the Grim Reaper wannabe standing up with a bit of difficulty. The force behind Nelson's attack before obviously did some considerable damage. "Widowmaker, we shall retreat for now."

The female in question didn't respond verbally, instead opting to fire some form of a grapple that attached itself to the edge of the destroyed roof. Soon after, she quickly began to ascend as the Grim Reaper dude quickly hopped on for the ride too as they both quickly made their escape.

"You two go ahead, I'll put this back and I'll catch up." Nelson spoke as both Winston and Tracer appeared next to him, to which they merely nodded before quickly making pursuit. 'This was too easy, why is the difficulty level of the mission as high as it is? I don't like this...'

Now that he thought about it though, there was that second objective within the mission log. It had said something regarding some kind of anomaly, whatever that anomaly was. He was willing to bet that whatever the anomaly was, was the reason for the spike in difficulty.

Both of those members of Talon proved no true threat to him, which he knew due to their names being coloured white. He had noticed how they were blood red before he had taken on Galahad's power, so he assumed it must have been some threat level gauge or whatever.

In any case, Nelson quickly rushed over to the rectangular display case before placing the gauntlet back, which then began it hovering in place within the display. Nelson looked over to see the two brothers that Winston protected before looking at him, he then smiled before giving them a small wave.

"You should get out of here, it's dangerous here with all the rubble."

With that, Nelson quickly jumped up and through the roof.