
Strange siege

The kingdom of Luberistan is one of the northernmost territories of the main continent. Once the mountains that divide it from Olmaria have been overcome, the territory has started to undergo big changes. At first the army has encountered some plains with continental climate and then meet increasingly hilly territories mostly left in the meadow or forest.

The outline of this nation is totally jagged. The coasts do not have a linear profile, here is how you can meet many safe harbors in every county of Luberistan. In fact, each village positioned along the coast, is located near some bay protected by natural rocks and high cliffs.

Thanks to all these safe inlets the kingdom has managed to develop a thriving commercial network. Merchants from all kingdoms pass through Luberistan to gain access to the opposite side of the continent.

Along the road to the capital, Simon sat in the carriage without talking to anyone. Just a few words to his friend Desmond regarding the management of the mercenaries.

Simon knows that his friends are worried about him but can not help but remain immersed in his thoughts. Not just sad thoughts about Selin, her death and how to tell what happened to her parents, but also theories about him ability 'Emperor'.

During the battle, Simon lost control of his skills. The memories of the event are vague and imprecise. The feeling of anger and pain, however, is still vivid. That day the skills took over as if each of them had a life of their own.

Simon remembers the sense of power, the strength and the joy of taking down his enemies like blades of grass with the sickle. But he also remembers the terror and the fear when he realized he could not stop, not wanting to avoid the injuries and not to make distinctions between friends and enemies.

In the fight with the huge magical beast, on the other hand, the boy managed to channel his feelings and harness them, maintaining a certain degree of control.

Simon has always been influenced by fear. A weak boy like him to survive had to fear anything. Even a pillow can be a deadly enemy when you do not have the strength to lift it up.

But now it is different. Now he has the strength of his mercenaries. Now he is the one that is scary.

Simon has understood that he must find ways to control his fear to avoid losing control, but above all to make the most of his new strength.

Just during these thoughts the young commander notes, looking out the window, something strange. The ports are completely empty. Having never seen these ports before, he does not understand whether it is normal due to the time of year or war.

A day of travel from the capital Simon decides to confide his doubts to General Gregor. During the break the boy comes down from the carriage to go in the front rows of the army.

General Drevor and King Colton IV himself are having lunch together sitting under a small tent. Simon announces himself by the guards, then with a little bow makes his entrance into the small dining room. "Good morning your majesty. I'm sorry to have interrupted your lunch but I would need to confer with the general about some doubts."

The indifferent king answers "Come on, sit down. Eat something with us while you talk to my friend Drevor."

The ruler of Olmaria and the general are two men of the same age, but while the general is very robust, the king is rather frail. Graying hair and glasses give it an area of solemnity with a touch of warmth thanks to the kind eyes.

Simon sits respectfully then carefully avoiding turning his head towards the general begins to speak "I do not think it is an important information and probably others will have already noticed but I have seen that every port encountered is completely empty."

Drevor after having finished chewing a big bite of meat "You're right. I have already sent the explorers. From what we understand, the king of Luberistan has financed this war and all the mercenary companies he has enlisted by raising taxes on trades. Some village chiefs told us that because of this initiative, they have not seen merchants for months."

The king joins the speech "For a kingdom like this, no merchant means no income and therefore no bread on the tables. We think this is why we have been welcomed by all the small nobles and villages encountered. "

Drevor pride continues "They understood that with our king our two territories will become rich."

The king refutes disappointed "He does not care who won, he only cares that the war is over. Nobody would have suspected in such a fast end. They hope that anyone who takes power will lower taxes and start trading as soon as possible. "

Simon disappointed comments "So you have already noticed these facts and you have already drawn the right conclusions. I have a lot to learn again. "

Amused Drevor winks at the king "Obviously you have to learn a lot more. You're less than half my age. You have battlefields and diplomatic dinners to grind before you can have our experience."

The two burst into a loud laugh.

Simon tries to get up to say goodbye when the king stops him "Finish eating with us. We must also speak of the fact that the king of Luberistan was really determined to conquer us by playing everything for everything. If it had not been for the strange plan you invented, this war would have continued for years, weakening both kingdoms."

Drevor satisfied "Thanks to our actions we have saved many families from famine. You should be proud young man! "

Simon involuntarily lowers his gaze.

King Colton IV hastens to close the speech "Now you do not think about the past but focus on the future. I want to flush out that fool from his castle as soon as possible. When we dealt with the royal family, Luberistan will officially be a province of Olmaria. At that point the soldiers can rest while we nobles and politicians will have to roll up our sleeves to make everything work properly."

He drinks a glass of wine and then resumes "Finished all this. I will appoint a viceroy for these lands. The latter will be assisted by a small enclave of three native nobles. I do not want them to see me with a tyrant. Drevor, you will obviously stay here to take care of any rebels or bandits, but you young Simon will come with me at home."

Simon surprised exclaims "Excuse me majesty? I do not understand. Do you need the services of the Force of Fate mercenary company?"

"Ahahaha, what are you talking about? I have other plans for you and your men. Also with the general on this side of the mountains and the war-weakened kingdom, we must prepare ourselves for some joke of the other neighboring kingdoms. "The king answered with amusement.

"At your orders majesty."


Towards lunchtime the next day, Olmaria's army sided in all its splendor with the purpose of instilling fear into the besieged king.

The city of Fellow, capital of Luberistan, is built on a large cliff connected to a huge natural bay. The castle positioned exactly on the highest peak of the area is surrounded by a series of houses of various sizes and colors. All the houses are built stuck to those nearby, so that from afar the effect is one big building in the shape of a snake rolled on the cliff starting from the port.

Everything is located on a vertical drop of a few hundred meters. It is also easy to note the difference in wealth of the inhabitants. The more you climb towards the castle, the houses are beautiful and large. Near the port and outside the city you can count hundreds of huts and tents. From each house a little bit of smoke rises, joining the others. On this day, the absence of wind allowed the smoke to accumulate in a large dark cloud over the city.

Starting from the sea and returning to the sea on the opposite side, the huge volcanic stone walls surround the city. With everyone's genuine surprise and unlike what the explorers reported the day before, the door is completely wide open. On the sides of the walls a crowd of people awaits the arrival of the conquering army.

Luc, the general's attendant, urging the horse to approach the crowd. After a few minutes to discuss with the small delegation he returns to the troops and begins to tell the king "Majesty, the northern merchant association is pleased to give you the city of Fellow."

The doubtful general asks "What happened?"

"Apparently the guild of merchants has bribe some key figures of the king's entourage allowing a reversal of power within the city. This night the people executed the king and all his faithful for treason."

The king with a mechanical smile "Well, the city is ours and also the kingdom. Let us remember not to make the merchants angry."

Simon a few dozen meters from them curses "Bastards, now that they killed the king, who can I ask for information."

Desmond tries to console him whispers "Don't worry, someone will know something. We just have to look good. They will have some register or similar. They must have paid those bastards with cat ears."

George unaware of the speech embraces the two shouting "Tonight we'll eat fish!"