

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 10: Great Holy Grail War(2)

Great is the war of the Holy Grail, the battle has begun. Mountains of corpses lay on the battlefield, the ground filled with blood. But there were those who only watched the battle. Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia watched the battle unfold.

His eyes were devoid of any emotion, only a deep thought. Only occasionally glancing at his hand, which held the command spells.

And yet now, incredible battles were being fought between servants on the battlefield. And one of them is, the battles between Atalanta and Ciel.

- How did you do that?

- How did you do what? - Ciel asked in a playful tone.

- Don't play dumb. You know very well how you took control of Spartacus.

- Oh, you mean that. I guess it's all right if I tell you. - He thought for a moment and decided to answer her question. - You see, my magic allows me to pacify anyone. Though it's not very powerful, it's enough to bring a berserker to his senses. And yet, I must confess, it does not last long, soon he will be mad again.

- Then why did you send him to your own ally-

- Enough... We're not here to chat. - Though Ciel spoke in a playful tone, his words sounded like an order.

Again the battle between them began. Archer was red, firing arrows at him, but Ciel managed to either dodge them or fight them off with his sword. He quickly shortened the distance between them, and forced her into a melee in which she was very weak. But even so, it was not as if he were trying to kill her.

Every blow was dangerous for her, but it was not as if he was eager to fight her, but rather waiting for something, and that was what made the archer feel angry. And once again, when Ciel had shortened the distance and was ready to slice her with her sword, Atalanta batted away his sword with her bow, and incredibly quickly regained her balance and fired several arrows at him. There was no time to dodge at this distance, but still he managed to fend off some arrows were still in her steel gauntlet, though two of them managed to plunge into his body.

Archer quickly increased the distance between them, and stood with a countenance that could only be described in one word... Fury.

- Are you mocking me?! - Atalanta questioned in anger. - You do not fight me to the death, you do not take me seriously.

Of course, Atalanta's words were true, from the outside it really did seem that Ciel was only playing with her.

- Huh? Are we trying to kill each other now? I thought you were just playing. - With a playful smile, Ciel said. - Or is that the best you can do?

From Ciel's smile, from his questions, Atalanta became incredibly angry. She knew that all these questions were just mockery, and that he wanted to make her lose her temper, and make her act thoughtlessly.

And yet, she could no longer stand it all, and she was furious. She took the arrow that shone like a bright light. And drew it on her bowstring.

"Phoebus Catastro-" She was just about ready to release her arrow, as the light went out, and no magical energy disappeared from the arrow.

- Ha... Ha-Ha! - The servant in black laughed heartily. - So, he had used a command spell. Lucky, lucky, that's for sure.

- ...Why? - There was a faintly audible voice from Atalanta.

- Why do you say... You seem to have forgotten, in your fit of anger, that your Wizard does not have an infinite amount of magical energy. - His smile grew wider and wider. - How many times have you used your noble phantasm?

Finally realizing what had happened, she calmed down. But resentment, from letting it get the better of her, crept into her heart. She took a deep breath, and already she was ready for battle again. Her mind became clear, and she resolved to fight without showing any emotion.

- Uh-oh, looks like it's going to get fun now. - The smile disappeared from Ciel's face, telling her that he was serious.

That moment of silence, caused just a tremendous amount of pressure on the soldiers that were fighting beside them. There was an aura coming from both of them, picture told us only one thing, that the battle to come between them would be fierce and bloody.

And just when each side was ready to fight...

- Looks like we'll have to call it a night. - Putting the smile back on his face, Ciel said.

- What do you mean? - Atalanta looked at him in confusion. - You're running away?

- Ha, very funny. - He raised his hands in dramatic fashion. - I'm not running away... It's just that I have other urgent things to do. So, until we meet Atalanta, next time, one of us will probably die.

- You think I'm going to let you go. - Releasing a few arrows, Archer said.

- No, you won't. - Dodging her arrows Ciel spoke up. - But why would I want your permission?

After his words, Ciel shifted into spirit form, and left the battlefield.

Atalanta stood looking at the spot where Ciel had stood before. You could tell from her eyes that she was thinking about something.

- Got it. - Receiving orders from the master, she quickly stepped out of her musings, and ran to the other side where the battle was taking place.


Stakes were emerging from the ground, trying to pierce all enemies, his master. There were tongues of flame left on the ground that burned like the sun itself. The battle between the Lancers of the two factions was now taking place in this place.

- You are very strong, Lancer of the reds. - With respect for his strength Vlad spoke. - Even though you know my name, let's introduce ourselves to each other as appropriate. My name is Vlad III Tepesh.

Without thinking long, the lancer of the reds nodded in agreement, and also decided to introduce himself to the servant whose powers he recognized.

- My name is Karna. - answered the lancer briefly.

- I will remember your name Karna, for you will die in this fight.

- I agree, only it is you, Vlad Tepesh, who will fall by my spear in this battle.

Karna's face seemed devoid of any emotion, but you could read it in his eyes. Just as they were about to engage in combat...

They both stopped, turning their gaze to the one who had interrupted their battle. It was a huge man, his muscles bulging, they were filled with tremendous magical energy.

Spartacus quickly went on the attack, his eyes returning to a state of, wild madness. But before he reached them, he was impaled by stakes.

- You seem to have gone quite mad, Spartacus. Then you must simply die, and not interfere with our battle.

Vlad, again, returned his gaze to Karna, as if to say that he was done with the berserker. But immediately he felt something approaching him from the side. Stakes quickly emerged from the ground, but they were swept away by Spartacus' huge steel sword.

Yet Vlad still managed to defend himself, getting away with only a cut on his arm. His gaze was cold, his eyes fixed on the servant before him... No, on the madman who had decided to attack the king.

- It seems we will have to, stop our battle for a while, lancer of reds.

- I think it would be the right choice for both of us.

Karna understood that Spartacus is now in a wild frenzy, and he no longer cares who is his ally or enemy. He will kill anyone he deems an oppressor. So it was better for him if they both got rid of the berserker first.

And so the battle between them began. Stakes grew out of the ground that pierced Spartacus, a spear slashed through his body. But, the berserker was quickly coming to his senses again, getting bigger and bigger.

The more damage the Lancers inflicted on him, the more they noticed that Spartacus, was building up magical energy in his body. Realizing this, they stopped attacking him to figure out how to get around his phantasm. But, it was too late.

- Ha ha! Die miserable oppressors! - After accumulating enough, magical energy, Spartacus swelled up, and exploded.

The explosion was visible even from the black faction's castle. The explosion was enormous, so much so that it not only hit the two servants, but also the soldiers who were fighting nearby. The destruction was so huge that it created a huge crater on the ground.

After a while, the smoke from the explosion cleared, and two figures became visible. Their clothes were disheveled and their bodies were bleeding, but you could see that their bodies were slowly recovering. They both managed to protect themselves from the blast, but even so they took some of the damage.

And when all the smoke had settled, they noticed that behind them both stood one young man whose golden eyes were filled with a soul-piercing coldness. He stood there, as if waiting for something.

- Why have you come, Assassin? - Vlad asked with a look of incomprehension.

- I have come to tell you about the situation on the battlefield. - Again returning the smile to his face answered Ciel. - At the moment our archer is fighting against the rider, and it's not clear which one will win, also our rider faced the red saber, their archer couldn't hold back the berserker, so he came to you, and soon she will join the saber. And their assassin, as well as the caster is not visible, most likely they, are in the gardens.

- I see, then you should go to the aid of our rider. I can manage on my own here.

After Vlad's words, Ciel didn't move. He just stood there, staring at the black lancer.

- I told you to go help the rider. - Vlad's eyes grew cold that Ciel didn't follow his order.

- Yes, you're right, I should have gone to help the rider. - With an unwavering smile Ciel replied. - But I think it would be better if we take care of their Lancer first, and then go to the rider's aid. Don't you think so?

Ciel spoke with a smile, but his aura and voice were cold. Causing a kind of apprehension in all who would hear him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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