

As usual, alecs rested his head on his pillow.

"Master, may I lie here with you?"

"Lancer, it's alright, I'll be fine!"

"But master, I'm worried, your health has been deteriorating rapidly" Lancer's faint almost whispering voice conveyed her feelings for Alecs.

Worry and sadness. She managed to climb into bed, even without alecs permission. For Lancer that she has started to like her master more and more since the day she was summoned.

At first as someone who had the past she had. Lancer felt uncomfortable with his master's presence and even tried to kill him once. The bed made an annoying little noise as she climbed onto the bed to stand in front of Alec's face to face with him.


"Alright, come here! Lancer, you can sleep with me, but I want you to do something for me" Lancer smiled happily as she was hugged by Alec and being brought to him, she returned the hug by clinging to Alec's body.

The two stood face to face, Lancer could feel Alecs breathing on her face. She leaned forward closer to his face, but her eyes were focused on his mouth.

She took a deep breath throwing her fear away and flashed one of her teasing smiles.

"Of course master, you can order whatever you want, and I'll do it~~" Lancer gave a sensual smile caressing Alecs face. Her eyes glistened giving the impression of being filled with lust, but in fact, it was the other way around, unfortunately, she wasn't feeling lust.

She was the classic case of a person who hides her sadness and fear with teasing and teasing

"I'm sorry Lancer, but I want you to promise me something" Alecs spoke seriously as he enjoyed lancer's affection

Although he wanted to spend more time cuddling with Lancer, he knew his time was running out and he would have to make a choice.

"What do you want me to promise, master? Eternal love? I don't know if I can do that, as I'm just a physical copy of my original self. so maybe when I disappear then my original self probably won't have the privilege of meeting you, but I can offer you, my present love!" Lancer spoke even more seriously. But, she still had a nice cute smile on her face.

A smile that turned her wild beauty into something more like a beautiful lavender flower with her purple hairs that made her even more beautiful

Alecs a tear fell from Alec's eyes. He hadn't shown anything like a feeling of acceptance or repulsion. he had only shown sadness. but, you couldn't tell if he was sad that he couldn't reciprocate Lancer's feelings or if he was sad that he couldn't spend more time with her.

"I'm sorry Lancer… I wish I'd met you before I was in this situation, I wish I could have lived a life with you! I wish I'd met you when I was in my most desperate moment… I love you, lancer, no! I love you! love jellyfish" Alecs sniffled hugging Lancer. he didn't have much strength to pull her doe against her chest so Lancer did it for herself "I don't want to have to say goodbye."

She leaned against Alecs. her eyes also glistened with tears running down her eyes. she wasn't showing anger or any other feelings.

it was something purer, a purity you don't see much these days. it was the purity of a wife who loves her husband watching him go to the next world

"Master, I understand you, I wish I had recognized it before, before I lost myself and became a Gorgon" Lancer also sniffed rubbing his face on Alecs' chest "I don't either, master, I don't want to lose you!"

The two stayed in that position for hours, neither one of them dared to let go. The two continued to cry and declare themselves telling fun stories and having fun like it was the last time they would see each other.

in a few hours, the tattoos on the body of alecs began to increase, taking over his entire body until all that was left was his face to be full of tattoos.

"Lancer, please promise me that if I go crazy, you will kill me!" Alec's words were strong.

Lancer shuddered, she knew she would come to this point, little by little Angra Mainyu was taking Alecs' body and he would die soon It was inevitable his death or madness

"Master, you are cruel" Lancer choked giving some punches in the chest of alecs "Asking the woman who loves you to kill you is pure cruelty"

"I know, but, I want to be able to fight one last battle with you, I'll take the Philosopher's Stone, the body of a dead Apostle, which will keep me alive for a while." Caressing Lancer's head, Alecs took one of the stones and held it out. to Lancer"This is the real complete stone"

"Master, are you sure about this?" Lancer touched Alecs' hand.

her concern was valid. She was a goddess turned monster. Seeing that her beloved would turn into a monster was cruel to her too.

"No, Lancer, It's my choice"