

[Unfortunately, there is no military/militaristic tag, but please keep that in mind.] A man is reincarnated into the world of Fate/Stay Night, taking up the mantle of a Nameless Chaos God. Of course, with these newfound powers, he gets up to interesting things.

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18 Chs

Chapter 2

They had in fact not heard the Tragedy, evident by the fact that both of the men were laid out on the floor, a pool of blood trickling out of their noses as Areth stepped over them.

Areth was a simple person, if he didn't like someone, he'd fuck with them, or eliminate them altogether. There was no compromises, no mercy. As Areth walked inside the Clock Tower, the temperature on Areth's skin decreased to a cool, but comfortable tempature, a result of basic magecraft at work inside the structure.

Various mages gave him strange looks as he walked confidently through the halls, bumping into anyone who didn't get out of his way. He continued on, before a group of well-dressed Mages appeared before him, all breaking out into a cold sweat as they stared at him. "A-Ah... Lord Vendencia. We weren't expecting you," a taller, more built man answered as the others remained stiff with fear.

"Yes, yes. I don't make it a common occurrence to announce myself, especially when it revolves around you cunts," he replied, seeing how the faked smiles on their faces twitched.

Mages were proud people who respected power, but even they had limits.

"If I may be so bold, what business do you have with the Clock Tower?" The head of the Democratic Faction, Trambelio asked. "I'm simply visiting my old friend, Zelretch. I have some things I am dying to discuss some things with him."

The Trambelio nodded, stepping aside. "Please feel free to continue. Pardon our interruption." The three faction heads all looked towards one another as Areth continued on his merry way, silently agreeing with one another about the fact that they may have avoided a catastrophe.


The sound of an explosion echoed through the halls, as the walls vibrated. The screams of mages soon followed after the explosion, leaving the Lorda of the Clock Tower to have to step in immediately.

Knock knock knock

The door to the Wizard Marshall's office received three knocks, surprising the old Magician quite a bit. "It's unusual for you to knock, old friend."

The doors to the office opened, as a well dressed Areth made his way inside. His medium-length red hair paired with his emerald green eyes gave off a supernatural appearance, yet it didn't faze the Wizard Marshall. "I see you're back to your Greek form," Zelretch said, as he withdrew a bottle of liquor from his cabinet, setting two glasses down on the table.

"What brings you here this time? I doubt you're here to simply catch up."

The God of Chaos sat down in a seat directly across from Zelretch. "I came here to discuss some things with you, mainly the upcoming war," he responded in an even tone, taking a drink of the freshly poured liquor. "I figured you would want to bring that up. What are your plans?"

"I have full intentions on getting involved in the war." There was no point in lying, or hiding his plan, especially when it came to Zelretch. "You're going to attract the attention of Humanity's consciousness if you do so," Zelretch warned, only to be waved off.

"I have no intention of sending monsters, and such to get involved in the war. I'll play by the rules, so Alaya will not be able to complain."

It wasn't like he hasn't already dealt with that thing before. When he first came into this world, Alaya had sent a plethora of its slaves to assassinate him, only to find that he was a 'True Immortal.'

"So... What are your plans then?"

"Play some Call of Duty. Really, I just want to stretch my legs a bit, and remind the world about Auroa," he replied matter-of-factly, before standing up. "Keep yourself safe. I have a war to prepare for." With those kind words spoken, Areth took his leave.