
Chapter 2

Tonelico had made her choice. Caster simply wore the same thin smile as he gazed into the sky, "I won't sway your decisions but I will provide advice or consults if you need them." Tonelico nodded before she headed on one final journey.

Caster walked and observed her actions. He simply followed wherever Tonelico went. Caster found a new friend to joke and play with, Totrot or Totorot. Caster really didn't care as both were used interchangeably. Tonelico and Caster diverged their paths with Totorot as they walked the harsh winds.


Caster tilted his head. "Is anything wrong my lady?" Her mind was erratic and her voice was shaky. Tears threatened to spill.

"Everything is so loud, the voice and memories."

Caster raised his hand and it dropped with a poof onto Tonelico's head. "Take a deep breath. Nothing is wrong here. Those memories are most likely from a parallel you. There's no reason why you can't just filter the information."

"After all, every time you think or think in your mind. Who's voice is narrating your thoughts? We'll never know but those voices stop when you want them to right? Do the same here."

The harsh blowing wind as if realising that now was a bad time to be a pain in the ass slowly died down. A single star in the distant sky shone brightly as if to signify the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tonelico slowly calmed down as she whispered "How do you deal with these things? I know you perceive everything on a completely different scale. The gift of clairvoyance and truth."

Caster hummed as they continued their walk with Tonelico sticking to his arm. "If you think about it in your case. That voice I bet, was from Pan Human History Morgan sending her memories of PHH history to you."

"Now, just because you hear something and know something, doesn't mean that you have to think about it right?"

Tonelico hummed in agreement. "For example if I say something mind breaking to you. You may listen, understand, but you don't have to think about it. The more you think, the more your head hurts."

Her eyebrows raised as the smile on Caster widened with a predatory grin.

"For example dear lady, the past is any moment before the present and the future is every moment after the present. So, is there any real present other than the exact moment you are in now?"

"Even as we speak the present we were in before no longer exists. So wouldn't Merlin's clairvoyance be redundant considering Solomon can just view either one second in the future or past and still respond in time? Merlin's clairvoyance is simply a snapshot of every present moment that exists."

Tonelico broke "EH!?" Caster chuckled "Another question that has stumped people, Is the color orange first and the fruit was named after the color. Or, was the fruit named orange first and the color named after the fruit?"

Steam could be seen visibly rising from Tonelico's head. A snap from Caster brought her back to reality. "See? When I snapped you completely forgot about the others right? So why don't you just accept what PHH Morgan is sending you but not think about it? Or if any of it is useful then apply it."

Tonelico nodded as she continued to venture into the dusty deserts. Caster simply followed behind while arguing with seemingly no one. "I'm telling you, everything is made of everything! So what's not to say that I can't say that this sand is technically a bike?"

Tonelico's lips parted into a smile, her life had changed ever since she met him. He may not have been a knight in shining armour but he was the second person ever to make her feel that way.

The world rumbled as if to disagree with him. His irritated voice rang loudly throughout the sand storm, "Fine! But just know that if you don't then I'll expose it!"

The world rumbled again as lightning struck around. Caster simply placed down a few barriers around himself and Tonelico.

"Do it, I want to see that buggy within 10 meters of this storm!"

The world rumbled louder. "Keep going and it'll be a car next."

Soon the sand quickly emerged to show a perfectly working buggy as Caster got in front of the wheel and relaxed. "Much better. Mutual win for both of us right?" The world remained silent.

Tonelico giggled "What was the world trying to prevent you from revealing?"

Caster turned slowly with a grin and whispered into her ears. "Life is sexually transmitted and always fatal." Her giggle disappeared as her face flushed. Caster puffed a bit of air near here airs as she howled and slapped him back.

Despite having a hand mark on his face he continued to laugh. "Apologies my lady, I couldn't pass up the chance. Anyways it seems we have a guest."

Tonelico's heart was fragile as she realised that even after quelling the conflicts within the land. There was still the oppressed. A young child with dirty matted pink hair. Tonelico simply embraced the child. From there on she told Caster.

"I want to build a righteous kingdom so that no one will suffer from prosecution like her. I'm sure it'll turn out beautifull-"

Caster stopped her, "Hold it right there my lady. In all my life, I have lived by a rule for myself. Don't make plans, they'll always go wrong. But... Claim everything that happens as your plan and everything goes off the rails for everyone else."

Tonelico smiled "Thank you Lewis."

Caster nodded while the child simply stared at him, the same predatory grin came back as he whispered to the child.

"The brain named itself."

Tonelico shook her head as the child's head broke. The very thought was enlightening at the simple yet enlightening knowledge.

"Caster, what other fun facts have you got in that brain of yours?"

The grin spread wider as he hid his face behind his sleeve, "Love comes from the brain while boners and clitoral boners come from the heart."

It took a few full seconds for Tonelico to realise what he had said. Her face flushed red in an instant.


He grinned "Tomatolico."