
Chapter 1

Here he was, contemplating and observing the worlds. Welp that one is a goner, the spider woke up too early. That one is a bit screwed. His job? Grand Caster candidate. Well technically no one's a Grand Caster until they are summoned as a Grand. Until then, he's just here to contemplate and watch over the many truths and boundaries.

At least until he heard a cry. A cry among the many, a cry that was filled with sorrow. A cry that seemed to render the soul apart. A desperate one. One that called for help. Magical energy so potent and desperate that someone like him could be summoned. It was a cry that belonged to an interesting individual.

He needed to stretch either way. One Grand Caster candidate coming right up!


Tonelico was at her wits end. Each time she warded off calamities, each time they berated her. Those fairies were cruel and showed only animosity. She was at her wits end. Memories of a parallel her eventually made their way into her mind. It was horrible, silence. She wanted silence.


Centuries had gone by and she was no further from saving the fairies despite ringing the bells many times on many journeys. The cup of murky liquid fell as her despair grew. Her magical energy flared and went wild as the crowd shouted "There she is!" and "Crush her limbs!"

"No you got the wrong person," she cried. Nothing would help her. Her comrades couldn't help her as she did not want them getting into any pointless scuffles. They grabbed her hair and assaulted her. The ground lit up with a flare of magical energy as a sear of pain brought Tonelico back to her senses. Her body laid on the ground in fear and hate. Her panic seized as the magical power coming from the circle was enough to confuse her as a young man appeared. His black hair had a purple tint sheening through. His robes and attire clearly gave off a scholarly approach. The patterns on his haori demanded respect as they were woven with immense magical energy that was concealed. Only someone like her would be able to tell.

"Servant, Caster. Are you my master?"

The man stared at the girl on the ground surrounded by people. "Your command spells are there so that seals the pact."

"Now I'm sure there's no reason for a bunch of fairies to be ganging up on a poor girl that saved you oh so many times right?"

Tonelico hitched as the man snapped his fingers. She had swapped space with whatever the man had done. The fairies glared at him all the while he simply wore a thin smile. They growled, "What did you do?"

He smiled "You see, technically everywhere is also nowhere. Two sides of the same coin. What's to say that she can't technically be here if she is also nowhere?"

Tonelico gazed up in amazement at what he had just said. The stupid fairies may not realise but what that man had just done was give her a designation as nowhere before using that same designation to simply pick one place out of everywhere. A conceptual magecraft that uses technicalities of truth.

Tonelico broke out of her trance as a soft hand placed itself on her head. "Don't worry I'll be finished in no time."

The group growled "So you are a mage." He smirked for the first time. "No I am a philosopher. I debate with the world itself."

One of them charged at him as he simply spoke out, "Everyone is waiting death, anyone could be next in line. I could die the very next moment from you. Maybe even my master here."

The man simply kept dodging as every strike and spell missed by mere hair breadths.

"However did you know some people like to push in front of the line?"

"I'll volunteer to die next."

The man simply stood still before dodging the next attack. The instant the fairy crossed his body length, he collapsed like a puppet with his string cut.

"Huh, he really did cut in line. I did say that I would volunteer to die next." Tonelico simply stared in awe. The rest of the group became wary as he chuckled "So anyone else wants to have a go at weak old me?"

"Did you know that you can't predict your next thought? Because if you did you'd be thinking it."

The fairies stopped their aggression only to realise that they couldn't do it no matter what. "Puny human mage. How dare you toy with us?"

The man quickly responded "Are you sure I'm toying with you? I'm giving you a challenge. A challenge I bet you'll never complete."

The fairies all took a vow. The world itself witnessed it. With that, the fairies were subjected to thinking in an endless cycle for the rest of their lives.

Tonelico grasped the hand that helped her up. To her, this was her lifeline. Someone that she had summoned, Caster.

"So, my lady. I heard your pleas for help. I am here if you need any advise or any consultations."

Tonelico pondered a bit before spilling everything. Her purpose, her journey even her own emotions.

"I just can't seem to do it anymore. I don't want to save those fairies anymore."

Caster smirked "Then don't."

Tonelico perked up. This was the first time anyone had ever told her that. This was the first time that someone had ever agreed with her desires. "My lady, you have to understand that a goal or dream is like a door."

"You, yourself are the key."

Tonelico nodded as Caster continued, "Now let me ask you? Have you done everything you possibly can within your moral grounds to accomplish your goal?" Tonelico nodded as she replied, "I've told you. Every time I'm met with animosity and cruelty."

Caster nodded "Right, so what is the problem if you are doing your bit?"

Tonelico responded, "The fairies just won't change their ways."

Caster took her hand as he soothed her wounds from before. Tonelico had long forgotten about the pains in the span of the events happening.

"So if the key is not broken and is working in perfect order. But the door refuses to open because it is jammed. What use is trying to open a broken door?"

If this was called an epiphany, then Tonelico wanted more of these. The man was wise beyond anything she had ever seen.

"So what do you think I should do?"

She was desperate, she didn't think she could ever forgive the fairies. Caster smiled "Well, if the door isn't working. You could replace it. But that's impossible in our case therefore we have to ram it open."

Tonelico was dazed "Ram it open?"

Caster nodded "Ram it open. But make sure to forgive them, or at least make it look like you are forgiving them."

"Before setting out on revenge or a grudge. You should dig two graves. But you shouldn't want revenge. No. Simply take out the trash."

"The door isn't working but the key works? Forget the key, bust it open with a spell or something or you could pry it open."

Tonelico knew this was the choice that would affect her life.

To bust down the door?


To pry it open gently?