
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
340 Chs

Chapter 237

Eight bowls!

Eight whole bowls!

Saber had eaten eight bowls of what could hardly be called ramen!

Illya's mouth twitched in disbelief.

Just how hungry was Saber?

Clap, clap, clap!

"Congratulations, you've set a new record for the most bowls of our signature ramen eaten in one sitting," said the man behind the counter.

"So what was the previous record?" Illya asked.

"One bowl."

"I figured as much…" Illya sighed, then sat up straight and got to the point, "As a reward for setting the highest record, can you answer a few questions for us, Father?"


There was a hint of amusement in Kirei's voice. It seemed he hadn't expected someone to recognize his other identity.

"You have a similar scent to someone I know (Caren), and it just so happens that she has the same duties and job as you."

Hearing this, Kirei cast a disinterested glance at the silent Archer and the resting Saber, whose stomach was burning from the spicy ramen, and then chuckled softly.

"Well, it does look like the beginning of a new war. As an overseer and witness, I should indeed provide the participants with some information."

In just this short sentence, Archer and Illya realized he was referring to the Holy Grail War, which undoubtedly meant the Holy Grail itself…

"But before that…" Kirei said while removing his apron and turning to Illya, "Let's settle the bill first. Seven large bowls of spicy ramen, one small bowl, and the seating fee for two non-eating companions, including tax, comes to 15,600 yen."

"Uh… am I considered a companion?" Illya pointed at herself, "But I did order something…"

"Anyone who doesn't eat is considered a companion!"

"No choice…"

Illya sighed. She was about to take out her black card but then remembered that it wouldn't work in this world.

Not only that, but money from the other world might also be useless here...

Seeing the two resting customers and the indifferent Archer who acted like the bill had nothing to do with him, Kirei sensed something.

"Don't tell me… you're all broke?"

Kirei's expression darkened, and a strange black aura began to emanate from him.

Feeling the rising chill from him, no one showed fear or panic, but eating without paying was indeed embarrassing if word got out.

"That's too expensive," Archer frowned, trying to buy time, "The normal price for this many bowls should be one-fifth of what you quoted!"

"That's the normal price during regular times, but now it's the price for special circumstances."

As Kirei said this, he had already sharpened his knife and ripped off his headscarf, the black aura around him reaching its peak.

"If you plan to dine and dash, don't blame me for being rude! I'm just out of pork bones for the broth!"

"I'll pay…"

Bazett, having slightly recovered, struggled to raise her head and slapped two ten-thousand-yen bills on the table. Judging by her complexion, it would still take a few hours to fully recover from the spicy ramen's effects.

Seeing Kirei meticulously examining the bills for authenticity, Illya's heart tightened. If they didn't work, they'd have to force him to talk!

"Here's your change."

They weren't detected!

Illya breathed a sigh of relief seeing Kirei hand back the change. It seemed the currency-making technology was the same in both parallel worlds!

"But next time, pay early. Don't joke about dining and dashing."

With that, Kirei put away his apron and headscarf neatly. "Alright, let's switch to priest mode and find a better place to talk."

Seeing him pick up a Bible and switch to priest mode, Archer stood up first, carrying Saber and Bazett, who were still suffering from the spicy ramen.

"I've been tricked by this man three times now…"

Bazett clenched her change, full of resentment.

"Bazett, this time doesn't count as a trick…" Illya said with a hint of exasperation.


At Fuyuki Church, in the dim chapel.

Seeing Kirei in a familiar priest outfit with a cross necklace, Bazett struggled to contain herself.

He was just like that man!

"Welcome to Fuyuki Church. As a priest, I'm here to witness the end of this world. I warmly welcome lost lambs."

Even his tone and words were similar!

"Can we get to the point? What's the Holy Grail War, what is Enzworth, and what's with the crater in the city center? And the Holy Grail itself…"

Illya didn't waste any time, getting straight to the questions.

Kirei clasped his hands behind his back and began to explain, "It seems you know more than I expected. Let me tell you then. The Enzworth family, though a thousand-year-old mage family, specializes only in basic displacement magic and nothing else."

"For a thousand years, they've had one unchanging wish—too grand and naive, yet noble. Do you know what it is?"

Hearing this, Illya had a suspicion. In this world, there might not be an Einzbern, but there was an Enzworth in its place!

"…The salvation of the world."

Kirei's face showed a fleeting surprise at Illya's answer, but he quickly continued, "Not far off. But I prefer to call it the continuation of human history. No matter the means, they aim to save humanity from extinction. That's Enzworth's unwavering wish."

"What does the continuation of human history mean? What happened to this world?" Bazett asked, suppressing her urge for revenge.

"Literally. As for what happened to this world, you'll have to investigate yourselves."

After answering Bazett, Kirei turned back to Illya, "Next question, the crater was left five years ago. Officially, it was caused by the explosion of underground natural gas. But the real reason was the aftermath of the fourth Holy Grail War five years ago. As for what the Holy Grail is, you already know, so I won't answer."


Night, the crater.

Having learned from Kirei that Enzworth's workshop was in the crater's center, Illya and the others arrived under the cover of night.

However, despite their efforts until dawn, they couldn't find a way in. Enzworth's workshop was protected by a barrier using displacement magic, making entry impossible without a special method.

As a magical genius, Illya analyzed, "It seems stepping into the crater alerts them. Without a special method, entry is impossible. The only way to enter undetected is to become unobservable by both the barrier and the enemy."

"That's impossible," Bazett shook her head, frowning, "Even Assassin, who excels in hiding, can't achieve that. It requires becoming unobservable by both magical and optical means, something only a legendary Noble Phantasm can do."

"Archer, can you project the cloth wrapped around Shinji's arm?"

"What do you mean?" Bazett looked shocked, "Are you saying Shinji… no, Matou Shinji has…"

"Yes, Matou Shinji's black cloth is the legendary Noble Phantasm, the invisibility cloth!"

Archer shook his head, "Impossible. Such a complex Noble Phantasm can't be projected."

"Then, there's only the second method. Although it will alert them…"

"What method?" Saber asked.

"A direct breakthrough, using a concept surpassing their magic's strength."


"Only your Excalibur can do that, or…"

Illya looked at Archer, thinking his Reality Marble might also surpass the enemy's magic.

"Rin isn't here, and my mana is insufficient."

Archer's brief response sounded both factual and evasive, his true intentions known only to those watching from the space between worlds.

"Me too. My mana…"

Saber clenched her fists, unable to look up. She was nearly out of mana and couldn't use Excalibur.

"With Bazett's and my mana, we could manage. We must rescue Shirou if he's imprisoned there!"

"Illya-chan! Let me help too!"

Illya was surprised by the pink magic wand flying towards her.

"Ruby can provide lots and lots of mana! So much it'll overflow!"

Seeing the shameless wand, Archer suspected it was a perverted being turned into a wand!

"Who will transform?" Illya asked the key question.

"I will!"

As an adult, Bazett stepped forward, determined to lead.


Ruby was silent for a while, imagining the scene and feeling discouraged.



Hearing the roar from the mountain and feeling her connection with Berserker, Illya was delighted.

"I sense Lancer too!" Bazett added.

"Let's postpone the plan and reunite with Berserker and Lancer. We might not need Saber's Noble Phantasm. Lancer's might work!"

With that, Illya hurried towards the hillside. Meanwhile, Berserker, holding the nearly dead Cu Chulainn by the leg, sensed Illya's direction.

The two pairs were about to reunite!


In the space between worlds, after days of watching the live broadcast, Shinji yawned, hugging a pillow. His half-closed eyes were fixed on Archer.

This guy is about to make his move!

"Big brother, you really don't dream, do you?"

Young Gilgamesh, eyes narrowed, smiled at Shinji. In their days together, he and Gilgamesh had discovered this secret.

"Like a high-precision, high-freedom robot, you have all human functions but lack certain things…"

"Don't overthink it. I just don't like dreaming."

Shinji waved dismissively, lying down with his pillow, unfazed by Young Gilgamesh's words.

Gilgamesh glanced at Shinji thoughtfully.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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