
Chapter 9 - Betrayed

Scott's POV

Today is the day we will make Daniel reunite with his parents. Unfortunately for him, it won't actually be a reunion. More like an information gathering. I don't know why Isaac is against the whole idea though, we are just trying to help Daniel.

Isaac's POV

I'm going to take Daniel to his parents and then I have a lacrosse game to get to. I was about to leave when someobd9y pulled me into a room and tied my hands with chains. My legs were tied to the wall. "What the hell?!" I yelled, struggling ain't the restraints. Scott came in with a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry Isaac, but we can't have you spilling our plan to Derek and Colette now can we?" I growled at Scott.

"You're taking advantage of an innocent boy! He had lived without his parents and he wants to reunite with them. You're taking away his right to be with his parents!" Scott just shrugged. "We are doing a good thing for him, he will never have a good childhood with them" Scott sneered. "You're wrong" a small voice said from the door before running off and out of the loft. Scott snarled at me before running after Dan. "Daniel!" He yelled, chasing after him.

Daniel's POV

I can't believe that Scott lied to me. They all lied to me, except Isaac, he never lied and now he is getting punished for it. I have to find Papa and Mama, I just have to, before everybody else does. I ran out of the loft and now I'm running around the streets. I turned my back to an alleyway that lead into darkness, the ext thing I know, I'm bring pulled away through the streets until my kidnapper suddenly stopped.

A loud growl came from behind me as the kidnapper was facing the other way. "Get the hell off my son" Papa!!!

The man was lifted off of me and I was dropped to he ground. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. The man was pinned to the ground before being knocked unconscious. Papa lifted me into his arms and hugged me really tightly. "I-i missed y-you!" I said, Papa smiled at me and he led me to an old train station. "W-where a-a-are w-we?" I stuttered, leaning against my father. "Well, this is where we are living for now"

I smiled at Papa. Mama is here! "Mama!" I called out, my voice echoing all over the place. "D-Dan?" I nodded and followed the noise and I was met with Mama. "Mama!!" I yelled, grabbing onto her and gripping her tightly. "I missed you so much Dan" I gripped onto her tighter. "What happened to her, Mama?" Her face fell and I immediately felt guilty. "I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry, p-please, I-I'm sorry" I begged now crying into her clothes.

"Shh Dan, its okay, I promise we can talk later alright?" I nodded and she wiped my tears with her thumb. "Come on, Papa will want to see you now" I nodded and she put me down. I ran over to Papa and hugged his legs. "Papa" I whispered, clinging onto him. He pulled me up into his arms and looked me in the eye. "What happened?" I let out a sniffle. "S-Scott and S-s-Stiles, they l-lied to m-me!" I broke down in tears infront of my Papa. "What did they say?" He smiled at me and it made me smile.

"T-they w-were t-t-trying t-to make m-me h-hate you!" I continued crying, not much of a werewolf huh. "Shh it's ok, we won't let them get to us. We will always stay strong okay?" I nodded. "Now, who fancies a hot chocolate and movie?" I cheered and Papa laughed at me. We had salted caramel hot chocolate with marshmallows and squirty cream. I got to choose the film, it was the jungle book. It's my favourite movie ever! I tried to sing along to all the songs but I kind of failed.

We finished the movie and Mama carried me to bed. I had fallen asleep towards the end of the film and Papa was going to have a shower. Mama pulled the covers up on my bed and kissed my forehead. "Love you" I grinned at her. "Love you" She smiled and was about to close the door. "No, Papa has to say goodnight" Mama nodded and left. Papa came in a couple of minutes later. He came over to me and sat next to me on my bed. "Goodnight Dan, love you" I replied to him smiling. "Love you too Papa" He smiled and close the door, leaving me in darkness.

But all I could think about was her, she had disappeared ages ago and I haven't seen her since. I want to see her again but she is nowhere. What if she died! That's why Mama didn't like it when I mentioned it to her! But what about Papa, he didn't know about her. No! I refuse to believe that Papa doesn't know her. Of course he does! Papa knows everything about us. I have to stay away from Scott and not tell him anything about her or anything that Papa and Mama tell me.

"She must stay a secret"