
Stinky Path

Silas - " This place stinks , I can't tolerate this place anymore. "

Callie - " Yes , but we can't do anything we have to keep moving remember . "

Silas - " Yes I remember but didn't knew that my nose have to smell this . "

Jacob - " I can't tolerate this , why are we here ? "

Silas - " We are here for Victor, Jacob . "

Callie - " But Silas where we go now ? "

Silas - " I also don't know. "

Callie - " But you talked to her about the path. What did she said to you ? "

Jacob - " Who she was and what did she tell you ? "

Silas - " I didn't know who she was ? As she refused to introduce herself , but still she told me to keeping moving until we reach a deep valley. "

Jacob - " But why only you could talk to her ? We even can't see her . "

Callie - " Yes Silas we only could see dark clouds encircling you . "

Silas - " What ? You two didn't see her then why didn't you tell me about this before ? "

Callie - " We were trying to tell you but you didn't respond to us . "

Silas - " But I didn't hear you both telling something . "

Jacob - " We both were shouting at the peak of our voices and you didn't listen to us . "

Silas - " No I didn't listen to your voices else I would have definitely responded. "

Jacob - " May be you were under her charm that is why you didn't hear to us ? "

Callie - " Hypnotism ? "

Jacob - " Or may be something else "

Callie - " Magic ? "

Jacob - " More appropriate "

Silas - " Then why didn't you two tell me anything when we started our journey. "

Jacob - " I tried but you only said that we have to keep going. "

Silas - " I was under her magic , but now I am fine . How ? "

Callie - " May be because you are now out of her range . "

Silas - " What range of her ? "

Callie - " The range under which her magic was effective and you were under her charm . "

Jacob - " May be she is right as there are many ranges in our daily life , like there is a range in which magnet attract metals and many other examples are also there in our day to day life like .... "

Silas - " Please don't start your science lecture here . Nobody is interested in studying science here in this lonely forest ."

Callie - " Yes this is not the right place and time to discuss scientific theories and theorems . "

Jacob - " I was just explaining the concept of range in detail to Silas . "

Silas - " I got it before you went to explain these thing . "

Jacob - " Then what we do now ? "

Silas - " How many times do I have to repeat the same thing . We can do only one thing ."

Jacob - " And what's that only thing we can do . "

Silas - " To keep moving until we reach that deep valley according to that girl . "

Callie - " But I need some rest . We should find a place where we can take some rest ."

Jacob - " But how can we stay here ? This is a dirty and a stinky part of a vast forest . This place is not even fit for standing for a second here and you are saying that we should take some rest here in this place and intake this foul smell . "

Silas - " I also don't want to stay here but we can't help it as it's getting dark and I can't this path ending to that valley so it's better that we stay here . "

Callie - " Yes we have to manage here and we can manage as it's about only one night that we have to spend here and tomorrow we can resume our journey with a new pace and enthusiasm. "

Jacob ( laughs ) - " New pace and enthusiasm , are you serious Callie . If we were to stay here in this place of an hour we will die and then all your New pace and enthusiasm will help you to leave this world and go towards heaven . "

Silas - " Don't lose hope , Jacob . Remember what Ben said ? We have to help a realm . Isn't it exciting . I am so excited that I wanted to travel to that valley in the night but it's not possible . "

Jacob - " Everything is possible good , pal . We only need to arrange for some torch or a lantern or a flambeau . "

Callie - " But I am tired and can't walk even a single step . "

Jacob - " But we can't stay here . It's dangerous we should on a open ground but you want to stay in this dense forest . "

Callie - " I want to stay in this dense forest because we will be fine here as nobody could easily see us while on the other hand if we all stay on a open ground then anyone can notice us easily and we cannot guard ourselves as we will be in our sleeps or unguarded . So I suggest and recommend to stay here only . "

Silas - " Agreed . I don't know about Jacob but I am convinced and I will stay here only ."

Jacob ( to himself ) - " Now what should I do ? Because of this Callie , Silas is also refusing to staying somewhere else . Should I leave them here and find a better place to stay . No , no no... Jacob , it is easy to break a wood stick alone but impossible to break the same wood sticks when it is in bundle. Unity is strength , I will have to stay here to stay alive else alone anyone can harm me and there will be nobody to help me out ."

Silas - " Jacob , where you went lost ? "

Jacob - " I am here only , I was just thinking that I should also stay here else who will guard you all when you will sleep ? "

Callie - " But we need to arrange for some necessary things for staying here . "

Silas - " Yes I will go and bring some stocks of firewoods which we will be needing at the night . "

Jacob - " Then I go and bring something to eat but I am clueless where I will be finding them from ? In this vast forest where will I find something eatable ? But still try my best to fetch some food and water . "

Callie - " You will easily find a water resource as we are in the middle of a forest and when you will find that water resource then there is a high probability of finding something eatable near it. Just try to find that water resource as fast as you can as it will be dark soon . Maybe you have only half an hour to go and come back to his point as at night it's hard to recognise paths . "

Silas - " Yes and you clean this place for setting up tents and gather some leaves and sticks . "

Callie - " Yes , and the you also try to come back before it's dark else you will get lost in this forest. "

Silas - " Then we all should leave to collect the necessary items without any delay . "

Callie - " Yes we should go now . "

[ Jacob , Silas and Callie parted ]

" What an golden opportunity it is for me ? They all are seperated from each other and now it's my turn to do my assigned to please my master else I will have to suffer a life long torments . I should start my work before they reunite again . I should go now . Hahahaha... , they will never forget this night and will definitely run away from this place. "