
Class A, B, C

I stood up and looked around me. The land wore fields of lava, volcanoes were erupting all around me and storm clouds huddled together ruling the skies. "Where are we?" I asked. I felt a boiling feeling below me and lava came shooting up and burnt my ankles. "Ow!"

"We are in the demon world and we better get moving because we're in Char's territory," he said. I didn't stop to ask I just followed him through another hole and hoped that soon he would finally tell me what is going on.

I'm not sure but I think we're safe now because he seems more relaxed. "My name is Adam," he stated. I nodded and leaned back on a nearby rock.

"I suppose I should tell you," he said.

I nodded again and Adam started to speak. "In this world there are demons ranked by power; class A is the strongest, can use multiple powers and are very rare. Class B are still strong and have powers but aren't as skilled as class A. Class B can't use anything like that but are very intelligent and have an IQ of 200!" He explained. To me it sounded like nonsense but he looked so serious I wasn't sure. It was weird enough to know that we were in another world but the fact that ranked demons of class A, B and C roamed around was mind boggling. Apparently B and C had been trying to take over the A's powers for centuries but had failed each time. Then a new leader was crowned: Char. He lead his army to discover a solution to take them down. They're jealous of their powers and want them for themselves. "But what do I have anything to do with this?" I asked. "You, Anastasia Havelock are a class A demon and you need to help me kill Char and end this," he replied.