
Chapter 289 Whether He Was Going Or Leaving, It Was Up to Him

For some reason, Adele only felt that these words were a little ambiguous. She coughed twice unnaturally and said casually, "Let's talk about it later. I'll hang up first."

As she spoke, she hung up the phone in a panic, her heart pounding.

After lying down for the whole night, she only felt that her chest was aching, but she could not turn over. She could only turn around and lie down for a while to ease the pressure on her chest.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door. Grandma came in with a servant and brought breakfast.

"Adele, how is your rest?" Grandma asked as she stepped forward.

"Grandma, I feel much better," Adele said softly, forcing a smile on her face.

Even though her back hurt terribly, she still had a strong smile on her face in front of Grandma.