

A weekend away with her boy friend to attend a wedding turns into a nightmare when the bride is murdered before the wedding. Johanna is yet to learn a big secret about the man he loves that might change her life forever. What if all she thought she knew had been a lie? There is another world beneath the one she knew. Can love prevail through betrayal and lies? Who murdered the bride?

Jojo_Ryna · Urbano
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7 Chs

7. Johanna

"Please call me Johanna or Jo." I say kindly to Mr. Hammond.

"I will if you call me Arnold. Deal?" Arnold raises a brow. I nod in approval.

"So how does it feel to be a high school teacher?" Arnold asks curiously.

"Better than I hoped."

"Really? It sounds exhausting to have to deal with fifteen, sixteen year olds. I was a fifteen year old myself I mean."

I smile. "It is exhausting honestly though I wouldn't trade it for any other job in the world. I love teaching those kids and having to listen to their opinions of the world. It is fascinating how teenage brains work."

"Aren't we all a little too ambitious then?" Arnold laughs. I follow along.

"Your family, are you close with them?" He asks. My face falls because he immediately revokes his question.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to be invasive." he apologizes.

"It is fine Arnold. I am still close with my father. My mother passed away eight months back."

"I am so sorry Johanna."

"I was broken after her death. I was helpless even but then I met your son. I can assure you that he brought back that light into my life."

"Enzo is a little golden retriever. It reminds me of the time I first laid hands on him. I was so happy to welcome yet another boy in this world."

"I remember how he smiled when I held him in my arms. I knew then that he is the sunshine our family needed."

"You are good for him Johanna." Arnold stares.

"I do..."

"You are and don't ever doubt that." He convices. I nod. I have no doubt in my heart that Enzo is good for me.

Arnold smiles at the end of the dance before he walks away. I walk over to Emma and Arma.

"Do you want a drink Jo?" Emma asks.

"Yeah. Sure." Emma hands me a glass.

"Will you stop looking at him?" Arma teases.

"You are so out of it Arma." Emma snorts. I stare between them confused. I need someone to fill me on what I have missed.

"He will probably think you are a stalker." Arma continues.

"Who is stalking who?" Kate joins.

"Emma. She has this little crush on Silver Hudson." Arma replies with a smirk. Emma rolls her eyes wildly.

"Silver? I thought you hated the son of a bitch, your words not mine." Kate giggles.

"How much have you had to drink Kate?" Emma asks in attempt to change the subject.

Meanwhile I take in Silver Hudson. I would see why anyone would have a crush on him. Brown curly hair, dark skin and a pretty boy face. He literally looks like a Calvin Klein model in the most effortless way.

"Enough. I am a big girl Emma, I can handle my liquor." Kate answers.

"There is only a thin line between love and hate." Arma taunts with a leer face.

"I swear if something stupid comes out of your mouth again, I will punch you square in the face."

"Oooh violence. I love this part of you." Arma wiggles his brow. Emma glares harder. I laugh at the stare down.

"Perhaps we should invite him over to say hey." Kate suggests.

"Silver." Kate calls before Emma can protest.

"Fucking idiot." Emma mumbles or I think she does under her breath before she walks away just in time Silver makes it to where we stand.

"What was that?" Arma smirks knowingly. Silver peers at the direction Emma just disappeared before he returns his gaze to us.

"Hey Silver." Kate greets.

"Congratulations Kate." Silver smiles. He has also got that toothy panty dropping smile, I would be smitten too if I was Emma. Which says a lot since I am not and I have the most handsome man in the world.

"I thought you said you were in China and you couldn't make it."

"I finished early. How could I miss your wedding. Max is one of my best mates remember?"

"I am glad you could make it." Kate grins.

"Me too. You must be the Johanna." Silver acknowledges me with a warm smile.

"My reputation proceeds me I guess." I joke.

"You could say that. Lorenzo's girlfriend  right?" He asks curiously.

"Yes." I shrug.

"It is nice to finally meet you." He says before he acknowledges Arma and then excuses himself.

"And tell me that I am wrong. Emma has a crush on that man." Arma confirms. We all erupt into a laugh.

"You should really slow down on the drinks tonight." Arma warns cautiously

"I mean it is your rehearsal dinner and stuff but I don't want a hungover bride tomorrow." He adds.

"Relax Arma. I have only had like three glasses. Four, five maybe." Kate shrugs when Arma peers at her.

"And that is my cue." Arma takes away her glass.

"Yiu are as uptight as Emma." Kate rolls her eyes.

"Never mind, I have thought of something else." She walks away.

"Don't worry about her. She has gone to smoke." Arma informs. I guess it is a habit of the family.

"Arma." Some two girls scream excited.

"Shit. You'll be fine if I leave you, right?" Arma whispers to me. I nod with a tight lipped smile. When the girls pull him away, it is my cue to look for Enzo.

"There you are." I smile at the voice.

"Where you looking for something?" Enzo questions from behind.

"Actually, I was looking for you." I turn to face him.

"Tired of the party already?"

"No, I was all alone and I don't know a lot of people."

"We need to change that." Enzo pecks my lips.

"Have you guys seen Kate?" Max interrupts.

"Jesus Max, we are not your fiance's keeper." Enzo scoffs.

"Babe." I elbow him in the ribs hard making him wince.

"I can help you find her." I volunteer.

"That will be great Jo. At least he hasn't turned you in a dumbass."

I excuse myself from the boys and walk into the direction where I last saw Kate disappear to. If she went for a smoke, I am sure it would be a place not as near to the venue but also not as far. I walk past a few couples and I notice Emma.

"Have you seen Kate?" I ask.

"She's probably by the woods taking a smoke."


I head for the woods which are also part of the property of the Hammonds.

"Kate." I call out when I reach nearer to the woods. They are dark and even the light illuminating them isn't as bright as I would want it to be. Who the hell would come for a smoke here?"

"Kate." I call out again heading nearer and that's when I hear it, a faint yelp.

"Kate, is that you?" I take out my phone and turn on the torch.

"This isn't funny, you know." I call out. I walk further and notice a discarded cigarette. It seemed the person was in a hurry so as not to bother putting it off. That is when I lift my torch at the scene that probably wouldn't ever leave my mind for the rest of my life.

A loud cry escapes my lips before I rush to Kate's limp body. I try to torch around me while a cry for help still leaves my lips. The phone slips out of my hands and I lift my head and see them, they look like stars but I am sure stars burn from the sky. Then when I scramble for my phone from the ground to torch it, I find nothing.

Immediately I am pulled away from the scene and a blur of noises and people surround me.


I search for Enzo's voice. When I notice him in the crowd, I rush towards him and hug him right. He hugs me back pulling away from the terror.

"Max." I cry.

"It is okay."

"No, Kate." I point to the scene with a shaky finger.

"Enzo get her to her room." Emma orders. Enzo carries me away. I am not sure I could walk on my legs. I can't stop thinking about Kate nor can I stop thinking about the burning stars in the woods.

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