

Present days boys are nothing in front of girls.

What boys were doing before the same thing girls are doing it.

It may be any thing you consider.

Consider study's, getting job,and many more.

It may be good or bad thing.

Not just girls are studying but they are attracted towards bad things like addiction to drug , alcohol and many more things.

Don't think I am blaming them or any thing but

I am telling present condition what is going.

Present days girls are faster then boy.

That is not just fast it is too fast .

It may be dangerous in feature .

It is a digital world where every thing is in our hand. Where the impossible word is absence in present days.

In the same speed boys are also there where it is dangerous.

Boys also get job , study's and he is also addicted to may more thing then girls.

If both get addicted to bad thing like drug, alcohol,then this world will be no more.

If at all world will be there will be no human beings present ,not only the human being no single life will be present on earth.

in 10 years we have developed lot.

If we compare the years of 1900 and 2020,

the difference is 120 years. In this 120 years if we take just last 20 years and then if we compare with the remaining 100 years we feel this 20 years has more changes and development.

The development is not in just in industry, invention, or whatever we are using things

but our development was in our life style,it cannot be called as development because it is not developing is but it is taking away from earth. Inventions are good to life because it make life easy.

As our life is going easy we are loosing our owe life. I think u did not get it.

The normal human living was 100 years when it was 1900 to 1975. From 1976 to 2020 the life span is just 55 to 65 years,it is maximum.

This is due to change in life style.

This change was started in 1980 but know one want to change or know one was addicted to such a comfort life because they know the value of money.

Small change was started in the year of 1983 which has become big network ,and which contains everyone's information in it .

That is INTERNET. When it was started it was not popular gradually it started to grow.

It become famous in 1991 that is after 8 years .

The web was created that is used in present days and it will be used in feature days the web was world wild web(www).

after that slowly it is connected to rich countries then Gmail, Facebook, YouTube, voice call , whatapp, Instagram,Snapchat,etc.

With this thing our life was completely damage.even we don't have peace in our mind just thinking what to next.

Present day children are faster the us ,they know how to use phone ,and they don't even eat food with there phone .In there hand mobile must be there then they will eat food.

1st standard students has all social media accounts,and they will be having a girlfriend or boyfriend. they are paired also.

They chart in this account.