
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


"Huh?? Can you please repeat what you said Serafall??" Sirzechs asked his longtime friend in pure shock.

He wasn't the only one surprised by what Serafall just told them. Ajuka and Falbium both are surprised though not so much as the other two in Ajuka's case.

Serafall sighed, not surprised by their reactions in the slightest. "I said that for the next few days I'm going to be gone, Lux-chan invited me to take a small vacation on his farm along with giving me a tour."

"Lux…wait farm? You're talking about the guy who we talked about yesterday?" Falbium questioned.

Serafall nodded. "Mhm, his name is Lux Arcadia and he's not really a human. He said he is known as a True Immortal and the only one of his kind in the entire universe. I know this because after leaving here to go home yesterday, he was in my house taking a bath. What's even worse is that I had no idea he was in my home until I walked inside my bathroom to take a bath."

"And you didn't try to kill him?" Sirzechs asked.

Serafall scoffed. "The farthest I got was trying to pressure him with most of my demonic power, it didn't faze him at all."

"Well seeing that you don't seem injured, I'm guessing he didn't react violently?" Falbium wondered.

"Physically no, but he did threaten to erase me from existence and make sure everyone who ever knew me will forget I ever existed in the first place. And before you ask if he was bluffing, he allowed me to sense the depths of his power…." Serafall shuddered.

Her shuddering is from both Lux's power and remembering how just a couple hours ago she was violently being attacked by Lux.

Yeah, violently from how hard he was fucking her. Never in all of her long years of living has she ever experienced that many orgasms in one night from a single man. Serafall knew that she was forever ruined since Lux made sure to engrave it in her mind that he's the only man who can bring her to those uncharted territory heights of pleasure. The female Satan found herself not minding one bit, in fact it was confirmed to herself that she was absolutely hooked on him when she found herself giving him a morning blowjob to wake him up.

Unknown to Serafall, Lux had been awake before her. He only faked sleep to see what she would do and boy he wasn't disappointed. In return he gave his favorite Devil Satan 3 creampies in her pussy before she left for work.

Even now Serafall missed the sensation of feeling him cum inside of her.

"Judging by your reaction, I'm assuming he's either on the same level as myself and Sirzechs or stronger." Ajuka spoke up.

"….Less than 1% of his power is enough to completely destroy the entire Underworld Ajuka-chan, all four of us included." Serafall admitted.

Silence, her words caused the others to become silent in their pure shock. Although Ajuka is less shocked due to him knowing that Lux had been able to create protection wards strong enough to easily handle an attack from Sirzechs in his true form.

"You're kidding right?" Falbium hoped.

Serafall shook her head. "No, the look in his eyes told me that his words were true. Plus what reason does someone that powerful need to lie to someone they can kill by blinking?"

Sirzechs sighed, it's always something. "Great, not only do we potentially have a war coming within a year or so. But now we have to deal with a third party that we have no chance of surviving against if he chooses to be our enemy."

"Let's not jump to conclusions Sirzechs, considering he didn't kidnap Serafall it's a good chance he's not a potential enemy." Ajuka pointed out, while turning his attention back to Serafall.

Understanding her longtime friend's gaze, Serafall did smile. "Actually Lux-chan said he has no intention of being our enemy. He seems to want to have a positive relationship with our faction. From what he's told me, he's always been fond of Devils and Youkai. He plans on having a good relationship with the Youkai Faction as well. So that's good, however he also told me that it's an 85% chance that Heaven will declare him an enemy and might try to go to war with him…"

"Heaven? While they aren't perfect they are one of the most peaceful factions in the supernatural world. What reason could they have to see him as an enemy?" Falbium said in curiosity.

"Lux-chan said he wouldn't tell me the exact reason until he gives me the tour on his farm. But he said that the reason is because of the farm itself." Serafall answered.

"I see…" Ajuka, being as intelligent as he is, already contemplated several reasons why Heaven would declare Lux an enemy. "Well I must admit it will be interesting to see Heaven in conflict with someone else other than Devils or Fallen Angels. Dealing with a powerful entity such as this Lux person will be nothing short of horrifying for the Angels, especially with God no longer alive."

"This may also help us when it comes to the Fallen Angels since I'm sure Azazel isn't just going to sit by and not help his siblings if their faction is facing such a crisis." Sirzechs added.

"First before anything we have to make sure we are on good terms with this guy." Falbium reminded them.

"Exactly, which is why I'm taking a short break from work to go to his farm. I feel it deep within my soul that this is an opportunity we cannot afford to mess up under any circumstance. You guys don't understand how much more worried I would be if I didn't know that Lux-chan could easily deal with anybody on the side of the Old Satan Faction." Serafall grinned.

"Speaking of them, you do remember we have our meeting with them in 2 days right?" Sirzechs brought up.

The strongest female Satan rolled her eyes. "The hell with that meeting, none of them will have anything to say that we haven't already talked about. All they want to do is just complain or find some way to restrict us. Well all of them except for Zekram, he's the only one who doesn't try to antagonize us unnecessarily. You guys can deal with that, after all, I'm the only one out of us who hasn't ever skipped a meeting with them. All three of you have done so multiple times. Hell, it's been multiple times where all 3 of you literally left me as the only one at those stupid meetings to deal with them! You guys owe me." She crossed her arms while lightly glaring at her friends.

Sirzechs chuckled, looking a bit embarrassed. Falbium turned his head the other way, signifying his own embarrassment and Ajuka just nodded knowing she was right.

Deep down the crimson-haired Lucifer Satan felt bad, he's known Serafall since they were kids. Before he even met Ajuka and has always treated her as his sister in all but blood. Serafall treated him the same, as her brother in all but blood. So hearing her say this and remembering their discussion yesterday about him always pushing his work onto her. Sirzechs felt pretty bad and knew he had to start making up for it. Obviously he knows Serafall truly never minds helping him and will always be there for him. However Sirzechs knew that he owed a lot to his friend.

"You're right, so don't worry I'll cover your entire workload for however long you're gone. Just focus on what you need to do." He spoke up.

Serafall was a bit surprised but smiled. "As always you're the best Sirzechs-chan."

"Uh huh, I'm sure." Sirzechs is already dreading the amount of paperwork he has to deal with in his near future.

"I'll help out as well." Ajuka said. He can't even count how many times Serafall has covered for him.

Falbium sighed. "Sure I'll help out too, even though it's going to cut into my sleeping time." He complained.

"Thank you Ajuka-chan, Fabi-chan."

The meeting between the four Satans lasted another hour before Serafall teleported back to her home.

Lux, who had been sitting on her bed, saw her appear before him. "Oh? Back so soon?"

"Hehe yep! Did you miss me Lux-chan~." Serafall said in a seductive tone.

"Who wouldn't miss the company of a sexy woman such as yourself? I'm assuming you settled everything?" Lux chose to not spy on the Satans this time.

"Yeah, your Levia-tan is all cleared to take a much needed vacation." Serafall answered.

'Much needed indeed.' Serafall thought as she openly stared at Lux's erect manhood.

"Good, let's head there then. My wife Zenith is looking forward to meeting you." Lux said.

"Wait!" The female Satan suddenly exclaimed.

"Hmmmm?" The immortal farmer looked at her.

"Before we go…" Serafall lightly bit her bottom lip. "C-Can we have a quickie? I'm craving to have you fill me up again…"

Lux smirked, not minding her request at all. "Of course, I haven't nearly enough of you nor do I believe I ever will."

And that's how Serafall ended up naked on her bed in the missionary position as her new lover fucked her roughly just the way she asked him.

When he reached his orgasm, Serafall held him tightly against her as he filled up her womb. She thought to herself.

'Yeah…I'm definitely addicted….I have to do whatever it takes to remain by his side…oh Satans I'm so fucked aren't I?'